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Katarina Build Guide by 13 yr old korean

Middle 13 yr old korean's Katarina Guide uwu

Middle 13 yr old korean's Katarina Guide uwu

Updated on March 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 13 yr old korean Build Guide By 13 yr old korean 3,104 Views 0 Comments
3,104 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 13 yr old korean Katarina Build Guide By 13 yr old korean Updated on March 17, 2021
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Runes: Conqueror

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

13 yr old korean's Katarina Guide uwu

By 13 yr old korean
Hi! I'm 13 yr old korean, I started playing in Season 10. I was a Jungle OTP during Season 10, during preseason I felt like I had no interest in jungle anymore, so I tried out mid lane and found it very fun. After playing mid lane for the past 3 months I have played mostly Katarina. Currently I have 67% WR with Katarina in Silver elo. Please don't me.. :(
Q - Katarina's Q is a dagger that is similar to Jhin's Q in a way because it bounces 3 times and hits 3 times. Her Q drops a dagger, if you pick up the dagger Katarina does a quick slice in a very small circle around her, that is her passive. The dagger always drops right in front of where she first launched the Q.

W - Katarina drops a dagger right on her and gets a speed boost that decays.

E - She dashes to any targetable, except for turrets and wards. (applies on-hit effects)

R - She damages 3 people around her in a huge circle that applies on-hit effects and can be cancelled by moving.
Katarina's standard all in combo is usually, E>W>Q>R>E Or you can do Q>E>W>R>E. With Katarina you need to remember that you can cancel auto attacks with your E. For instance you could do Q>AA>E>AA>Passive>AA>E>AA>W>AA>AA>Passive>E>AA. I do this trying to get first bloods very early game, people who haven't played against Katarina will try to fight her then die to the combo. To chase, I normally do E>W>Q>AA>Passive>E
what will happen here is, you will E to the enemy place and dagger right on you with W then you will E to the dagger you placed with Q then do your thing.
Early - Mid - Late
Early game, you want to press Q to last hit the first minion wave. You want to play save because you aren't a very good lvl 1 champion, I usually keep playing safe until I have lvl 6. After I reach lvl 6 I look for opportunities to get a solo kill, I try to shove and roam bot if possible, if katarina gets fed from roaming bot it is a GG for you. (If enemy is AD like Yasuo, you should get seeker's because you are going to get Zhonya's anyways.)

Mid game, it depends if you roamed bot and got fed. If you got fed then you can continue to go for kills, you can towerdive low enemies then E out with the kill passive ability reset. In teamfights you want to E>W>Q>Zhonya's, Zhonya's is a very good item because you can become the engage, but be careful because your team might not follow up.

Late game, you want to E and E and eliminate all the damage carries prioing the ADC and MID. By late game you might be able to get a easy penta kill by doing Q>E>W engage then pressing R right after. You should remember that you get all your normal abilities reset when you assist or kill someone. Utilize your E reset when picking up a dagger.
Credits to: 13 yr old korean
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 13 yr old korean
13 yr old korean Katarina Guide
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13 yr old korean's Katarina Guide uwu

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