Yeah this is historically the worst matchup for many Rengar players in the top lane, because he will never let you fight on your own terms, you fight on his. This is my go to banned champion in every game. If you do face him, buy seekers, and never fight him without your jungler's help, and even then, still probably don't fight him
So This matchup is pretty annoying. It all comes down to 1 factor. If you dodge his hook thing, you can fight him. if you do not dodge his hook thing, you should immediately start walking away and try not to die. once he loses skarl, go for an ignite burst when he misses his shotgun
Yeah this is another Seekers match, he will burst you down much easier than you can burst him down, and his sustain is better. Look to Roam and farm, you can fight him until level 5 if you are careful. HE WILL DIVE YOU IF YOU FALL BEHIND, SO JUST FARM (11.18 his W stun was nerfed by 0.5 seconds, we will see how it goes) - Edit: Turns out the changes made this matchup way easier, so changing this from a 5 to a 3
You can kill him in lane early, but save Ult for when he Ults. Ap Rengar loses sustained fights, So if you jump on him and do not kill him by the time he starts healing, that is your cue to leave that interaction. Be aware that he will run at you until you are under your tower if he Ults, so be prepared to deal with that.
So yeah, riot thinks this champ is balanced, and that is beyond my comprehension. You never win sustained fights, and by the time you burst her, she will just heal on the next wave. If she hits you with her bind, she will all in you 100% of the time, and you never win that. Look for bursts when the Jungler is nearby and bait her into engaging into an unfavorable 2v1. Note 11.14 she was changed, so we will see how bad this matchup is after a few games vs it - Hi future Tony here, no this matchup is still unplayable
Jax is not a big deal, early game you win, and you just keep taking small trades while escaping with empowered W until he is low enough to kill. Again, he likes sustained fights, so if you deny him that, he will struggle to fight you
This matchup is way harder in lower elo than higher elo. You can fight her if you dodge her soul grab. If she grabs you with it, just run away and wait it out. If she misses, you can fight. Most people in lower ranks try to fight her despite getting caught by it, and that is how Illaoi gets a Penta. in lane, you can use her tentacles as positioning tools against her. and if your jungler is coming to gank while her grab is up, spam ping them away or get double killed
Another balanced champion that riot games decided to add. This one is not as bad though because you can outplay her. Jump on her and use Q > E > W combo, save empowered W. Start walking away and when she tries to wall jump to you, cleanse the stun. Congratulations, you just won the trade. Don't get baited into comboing the air if she gets low, her Ult makes her untargetable for a second. 1000 true damage on a 4 second CD btw, GJ Riot
So early game this matchup is easy, but at some point in the game, he just becomes too tanky to kill. So fight him early and power farm late and you should be fine. Don't get too excited about kills in lane or you will get silenced and nommed for half your HP
This matchup is ONLY hard if you do not buy seekers. All riven players play the same, so you can bait them easily. Buy seekers, jump to a nearby minion, and watch as they immediately Ult and try to all in you. Because you saved your combo, you will W - W heal the burst she just did to you and walk away. Then when her ult is down, you fight her. If you do not get seekers, it is likely that her burst will 1 shot you before you can heal, so I can not stress getting it enough. If you do these things, this matchup is no sweat.
You never really lose lane to a Nasus. Deny his farm, at level 6, he is going to try to Ult + whither you. Just W + W away and he will have wasted his ult. You can force him into taking trades with you while denying his farm, and you can heal up all the damage he deals to you with W + W. He also never really gets healing reduction. If he gets bramble, jump on a nearby minion instead of on top of him, and do the same W + W combo
Not a big deal, but if she goes into shroud, you can't fight what you can't see, so just walk away. when she goes for her burst, make sure you have your healing up, or you die. Don't get overconfident, she's an assassin like you, so she can burst you down the same way you can burst her
Pretty much a farm lane, Watch for all in and you should be fine, this is another seekers lane if you want to take trades. bait out his shield by jumping on him without using any skills, and condition him into not using it, then start instant bursting him. Mind games
Another champion who if you play your cards wrong, she will run at you until tower. Save Ult for when She Ults, and run whenever she uses it unless she is low. If you combo her parry, you just die, unlucky :/. Always try to bait it out first, and get bramble in this lane if she is healing too much
Shen is not a fast pusher, but he won't really die to you either. The best way I've found to fight against him is to Perma push him to tower and roam. Remember, he will Ult to where you are roaming, so make sure you aren't over committing. but because you are perma pushing him under tower, he will lose minions for trying to follow if his Ult is down.
Not a big deal if you are aware that he will try to all in you at level 6. Deny him this by saving your heal, and Ulting away. You can kill him when his ult is down through smart usage of your skills.
Smart timing can win you this lane. This is a skill matchup for sure, both of you will heal after trades, so its just a matter of who takes better trades. Prioritize jumping on his barrels instead of him if he is standing close to them. If he catches onto this and starts shooting them early, jump on a minion instead to bait him into triggering it, then jump on him. Use W -W while retreating to create some distance for after the trade
This is one of the most anti fun matchups in the top lane that exists. If you jump on him, he will body slam you every time, so avoid doing that unless its on CD. Your best bet here is to jump to the minions around him and take ranged trades with W - W at 3 stacks while retreating. If he starts to get too tanky, just farm, he will heal all the damage you deal in the small trades you take because riot games is a good company.
Jayce has been popping up more and more recently, but luckily you kind of have an easy time unless he plays in a very specific way. Jump on him and just use Q and auto him until he retaliates. Once he does, and uses his full burst combo, use W - E - W while retreating, he will be slowed and you can safetly retreat from the successful trade in your favor. Keep doing this until you can all in and kill him
This is actually way easier for AP Rengar than AD, and his early game laning is not a threat actually. bait him into buying armor by getting sheen first back, then buy hextech alternator and the AP components to lichbane once he starts buying armor items. If he maxes Q, just double heal it with W - W and retreat, he will take quite a bit of damage since he is not expecting you to be AP. Eventually, he will be too tanky to deal with, and that's just how any tank is really.
This is a tough matchup, but you can do a few things to make it significantly better. First, you need to keep your lane pushed if you can, because being under tower vs ranged is just asking for free poke. The hardest thing about this matchup is that when you jump on her, she will vault off of you and create space while slowing you down, making it a completely 1 sided trade in her favor. There are 2 options vs this, bait jump, and start moving back to the bush so you can leap again after she vaults, or do the fast combo before she has a chance to create space. If you Emp W as soon as she vaults (Which is honestly hard to time, but very possible) she will take the full trade damage, while you will remove the slow and retreat. She will be out of range after that because she just jumped off you, making this a free trade. Late game always fast combo her, even if she vaults, you can usually 1 shot her before she gets away.
You never beat him in a duel, take short trades and avoid fighting on his terms. The biggest advantage this lane provides is that you can cleanse his ult, which sounds like a hard counter on paper, and it is if he lets it be, but most good morde players know this, and they will save their ult and run you down until tower while you hold your empowered ability. short trades are king here, and try to avoid being pulled back into him as you will have nothing to deal with that once you use your full combo. Ganks are great here if your jungler is healthy/tanky enough to survive the duration of a morde ult.
This one can be tricky. If you have great reaction time, you can cleanse his flip before it goes off, and run away, but messing this up usually leads to a very very bad position, where you have no abilities up and are slowed by a machine gunning urgot, so be very careful when doing this. To win this matchup, you just need to watch for his flip, after he uses that or misses that, he really can't do anything if you jump and do a full combo on him while retreating, because he has no engage pressure left. One great play you can consistently make vs Urgot is using his own ultimate against him. take a short trade with him and save your empowered W. when he ults you, wait until it gets close and cleanse it to get a free combo on him. potentially turning the fight around. If you need to escape, you can cleanse it when it is at max range, and just run away. of course, it goes without saying that making these cleanse plays only really works if both players are low.
Stack ap early, every ap component you can find. this match becomes the easiest thing in the world when you can just double W his turrets and have all his damage potential disappear, while also hitting him for 60% of his hp. keep clearing his turrets this way once you stack enough Ap and the matchup is very easy
while her kit does naturally counter you, which can be incredibly annoying, the matchup itself it not a big deal. bait her into building armor, take trades with W - W while building Ap components early. Later in the game, if shes looking to only counter your leap, get banshees and this problem will be solved
Squishy range without the benefits that quinn gets when it comes to disengage. build Doran's shield first, and you will have a huge amount of lane pressure. Play this lane like AD Rengar until you get Hextech Alternator. After that, 2 short trades and ignite is usually enough to secure a kill in lane. Don't jump into his ult if you have nothing up, that's just int.
The only reason I'm putting Yorick here is because riot games still has not fixed the bug where you can't auto reset on his cage, leading to Rengar having a seizure while trying to attack it and taking free damage while you fight against basic game mechanics. if this does not happen to you, this matchup is probably closer to a 3 - 4 until late game, if you are taking smart trades and avoiding getting caged outside bushes. if he cages you while you are in a bush, simply leap to something else that is around and run away until the mark wears off. If the bug happens to you resulting in death, try not to break your monitor.
Your highest chance of killing him is in the early game. Take Doran's Blade and go for early trades, bait out his Q and then all in. If he gets armor on his first back, buy the AP components and switch your playstyle to W - W poke instead.
This matchup can be easy if you apply correct pressure on him in the early game. Play this lane as aggressively as the enemy jungler allows you to be. Your full combo + ignite should chunk mini gnar for a large portion of his HP in the early game, so pre level 7, use empowered Q instead of W where you can. bait him into using his jump to get away from you, and then apply heavy pressure to deny CS. if he walks to close without mega Gnar coming up soon, and has no jump, all in and ignite, and run him down. As he gets tankier, this becomes harder, but you can abuse his early game pretty easily, and also out roam him.
Vlad is not really known to be a lane bully, or even really much of a lane presence at all. Leap on him when he doesn't have red bar Q up, and bait him into using pool, which also costs a portion of his current HP. In theory, you can make him trade with himself if you play it correctly. After level 6, don't all in without being aware of his ult, the only time you really die here is by getting ganked, or by getting baited by him into diving. Not a hard matchup, but play smart.
Im going to copy paste this for both Yasuo and Yone because the matchup actually plays the same for both champions. Be aware of his third Q, because this is usually when he will follow up on the trade with either ult/ dash engage. If he misses third Q, you can take this as a chance to trade with him. In Yasuo's case specifically, you can cleanse the airborne status by using empowered W, making him unable to ult, so keep this in mind for when he tries to ult you.
Im going to copy paste this for both Yasuo and Yone because the matchup actually plays the same for both champions. Be aware of his third Q, because this is usually when he will follow up on the trade with either ult/ dash engage. If he misses third Q, you can take this as a chance to trade with him. In Yasuo's case specifically, you can cleanse the airborne status by using empowered W, making him unable to ult, so keep this in mind for when he tries to ult you.
Honestly, just clear waves vs him, he will always do more damage than you in a close range trade, and his Q serves as an anti burst tool. Save empowered W for when he pulls you in if you can time it properly, farm and roam, mobility is not his strong suite
Lee Sin
A New Addition to top lane, will need more matchup experience before I can write something detailed about this one. Be careful about how much damage he has, it can and will be underestimated. It seems that riot has nerfed this pick in the top lane, so we will see how much he gets picked in the future meta
Dr. Mundo
Does not seem like a big deal as of right now, I will update this if my opinion changes as I get more matchup experience. Pre 6 you should be able to win trades with the standard trade pattern. after level 6 watch for his ult > all in on a cleaver hit. if he hits you and ults, immediately cleanse and ult away, and reset the situation once his ult expires.
Will add more info to this later
So If the Ivern places down bushes in a fight for you, you will pop off. You may need to ask them though because I personally have found that many Ivern players don't seem to do this for you automatically
If you can get an Ori to ball you as you jump in, and ult as you are comboing, you just get a free penta, the burst of this duo is so insanely high
Extra Ap, personal attached Soraka heals, a very good support to steal from your ADC in the late game if you are fed
So If the Ivern places down bushes in a fight for you, you will pop off. You may need to ask them though because I personally have found that many Ivern players don't seem to do this for you automatically
If you can get an Ori to ball you as you jump in, and ult as you are comboing, you just get a free penta, the burst of this duo is so insanely high
Extra Ap, personal attached Soraka heals, a very good support to steal from your ADC in the late game if you are fed
Hey guys, my name is Tony, and I'm a Masters Ap Rengar 1 Trick. I started playing Ap Rengar in Season 3, after an Instalok song "How Ap Rengar Got Fed" was released. At the time I thought it would be funny to try, as I was already playing AD Rengar. And here we are, 8 Seasons and 4 Million Mastery later, still playing it. I Started Streaming on Twitch recently after 7 years of not having good enough Internet. So if you would like to see the build in action, you can find me there!
So I get asked quite often why I play Ap Rengar instead of Ad, and the answer is simply, I prefer the playstyle. They do different things. I believe that Ap Rengar is far better than just a meme build that people play for fun. Its something I have consistently hit diamond with every single season, and in Season 11, have hit Masters with. I continue playing it because I want to share that with people who are curious about the playstyle, and besides, I personally think it is way more fun.
What Can Ap Rengar Do?
If you slowed down the gif to move frame by frame, you would see that Trist goes from 100% health to death in just a single frame
Ap Rengar's combo is actually faster than AD Rengar's Combo. This is because Empowered W does not have a locking animation, and the cast time is instant. This will allow you to do a much faster and safer 1 shot than AD can do in many situations, and gives access to some really cool techs that I will show down below.
Ap Rengar Penta Clip
Why E max over Q?
So people who know me before making this guide, know that I used to max Q second after W. This was mainly because prior to its removal, I used to build Hextech Gunblade (Rest in peace) which would give me some sort of AD ratio to play off of. With that item removed from the game, maxing E second makes more sense now, as it has a higher base damage scaling of 45 damage per level vs Q's 30 damage per level. Also, the 90% slow is actually very strong at level 13, something AD Rengar usually doesn't see until level 18, if he even uses it for anything outside 1 shot comboing.
TLDR; E base damage scales higher + 90% slow
Sorcerer's Shoes - These are the go to boots, 18 flat pen is really not replaceable by any other boot options. The only other boots that I could see being worth anything with this build would be Lucidity boots, but again, Sorcerer's are just better for what we are trying to accomplish.
Hextech Rocketbelt - The staple mythic in this build. This mythic not only gives you the ability to do the extended leap tech, but it also gives 5 extra flat magic pen for each mythic you have. Not to mention in patch 11.8, Riot is planning to give this item an extra 6 pen flat on the item itself. If you add Together all the flat pen from your first core 3 items, you get 18 from boots, 6 from sudden impact, 6 more from Rocketbelt, and 5 extra for the mythic passive. 18 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 35 Magic Pen flat, at 3 items, which is true damage to most squishy targets at that stage in the game without MR. I think this is the best mythic that you can get for Ap Rengar right now.
Lich Bane - Lich Bane not only gives you empowered auto attacks that scale with Ap, but it also gives 10% movement speed. You could rush this as a first item without getting boots, and you would still be at 380 Movement speed. Combine this with Tier 2 boots, and you are at 426 movement speed. Mobility aside, Lich bane is and was a great item for Ap Rengar even when it had mana, So when they revamped the item and took out the mana for other tradeoffs, who wouldn't want this item? This gives your Q purpose even in the Ap build.
Lich Bane is getting buffed in 12.2 which will make it even better than it is now for this build, giving ability haste and lowering the cooldown.
Rabadon's Deathcap - A very great power spike item to get as a third legendary. Rabadon's Deathcap will boost your Ap into the 500+ range, letting you 1 shot faster, and potentially even multi-kill groups with the burst. This is a great buy if you do not need to buy the other survivability/engage items, or if you have someone else engaging for you. Nothing much more to say on this one, this item is just raw power.
Void Staff - Void Staff is either bought right before deathcap, or right after if needed. This item works great when you add it together with the flat pen you have. 40% Pen is really huge, if you consider all the pen you are already getting. Lets say the enemy adc has 90 MR, and you have 5 items into the late game. You will have 18 (boots) + 26 (4 mythic Rocketbelt) + 6 (sudden impact) which = 50 flat pen, which can go to 55 at full build, but lets just use 50, 5 items.
So what does this mean exactly? Well in League, % pen is calculated before flat pen, which means 40% of 90 is 36, + 50 flat pen, giving you a total of 86 flat pen vs their 90 MR. That's a full Maw + Mercs worth of MR btw.
So anyway, yeah, great purchase, get it if they stack MR, if they don't, you probably wont even need the % pen with all the flat pen you have.
Banshee's - Banshees is a great item to get into champions who can deny your engage, like Alistar, Lulu, Poppy in some cases, Janna, etc. Since your combo is so fast, they are very unlikely to get off 2 CC abilities in the short time it takes for you to do your full combo, making killing an ADC much easier vs heavy peel/anti-engage. Also a great buy into Ap heavy/high Ap threat comps.
Zhonya's Hourglass - A great item that will allow you to jump into 5 players and stop them from doing anything about it. While I don't actually buy this item very often, because I usually use the retreating combo in the same scenarios I would end up using Hourglass, it is a great item to get in the late game. I find it much more common to get Banshees so I can engage without getting instantly CCed than getting hourglass though, and in some cases, you can even get both if you are looking to be heavy AOE damage for your team.
The Combo
The combo for Ap Rengar is Q during ult before leap > E mid air > W on landing > Rocketbelt > Empowered W. This can all be done within 0.1 Seconds
Advanced Leap Techs
Since Rocketbelt is the staple mythic for this build, these are some of the jumps you can make. This can be used to increase leap range when ganking mid, stealing objectives, or used in the mid/late game to increase catch potential
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