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Recommended Items
Runes: 100% of the time
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Flash + smite 100%
Ability Order EWQ then W > E > Q
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Counters your E+Q. Avoid hitting when he uses his E. Try to guarantee W during his E or try to R his engage if to push him back (only if you haven't challenged him yet).
Jungling mindset
Feel free to leave your suggetions and comments! This is a flexible guide.
Check the comments at each section of the guide for the detailed explanation.
Xin zhao's has a relatively simple building path and the gameplay is all about not going all in at all costs. If you pick your fights well, it is a good champion for snowballing and mantaining a plain playstyle.
Clearing + Farming:
Look for full clear at 3:25 at the most. Use W+E behind the walls to jump through walls.
You have a fast clearing for the whole game if you use W+E well. Look to always farm when possible and find plays in between respawn time.
Early game skirmishing:
You have a very strong early game, ask your laners to push and look for fights at 3:30 and neutral objetives spawn.
Mid game:
Dont forget the first topic about farming, this is when some junglers forgets about what is most important in this game. Keep looking for skirmishes. Your can use W for vision and luring jungle minions and dragon out of their pit.
Late game:
Sterak + R allows you to engage without being bursted, but dont think you are a fed lvl 18 tank. Allow yourself to engage and come back, it gives your team time to deal damage and reposition.
These are basic tips that fit Xin zhao's playstyle well, hope it helps.
General note to players below diamond:
1) Dont blame your teammates - try to understand the principles and how you can drive your team to a victory, understand your win condition.
2) This game is not 0 sum. Which means creating little advantages without conceding any, is better than being fed with a fed enemy.
Feel free to leave your suggetions and comments! This is a flexible guide.
Check the comments at each section of the guide for the detailed explanation.
Xin zhao's has a relatively simple building path and the gameplay is all about not going all in at all costs. If you pick your fights well, it is a good champion for snowballing and mantaining a plain playstyle.
Clearing + Farming:
Look for full clear at 3:25 at the most. Use W+E behind the walls to jump through walls.
You have a fast clearing for the whole game if you use W+E well. Look to always farm when possible and find plays in between respawn time.
Early game skirmishing:
You have a very strong early game, ask your laners to push and look for fights at 3:30 and neutral objetives spawn.
Mid game:
Dont forget the first topic about farming, this is when some junglers forgets about what is most important in this game. Keep looking for skirmishes. Your can use W for vision and luring jungle minions and dragon out of their pit.
Late game:
Sterak + R allows you to engage without being bursted, but dont think you are a fed lvl 18 tank. Allow yourself to engage and come back, it gives your team time to deal damage and reposition.
These are basic tips that fit Xin zhao's playstyle well, hope it helps.
General note to players below diamond:
1) Dont blame your teammates - try to understand the principles and how you can drive your team to a victory, understand your win condition.
2) This game is not 0 sum. Which means creating little advantages without conceding any, is better than being fed with a fed enemy.
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