Aphelios needs time to fight you and you will not give him this time. All in him as fast as possible is recommended or he could kite you to death.
Ashe is a boring champ for Samira, that's a fact. Perma slow, potential stun and high dps but as long as you get to melee range, then you're fine. She's too squishy.
Lot of range, can poke you from very far away, will be a nightmare early on and even worse late when she'll get stuff.
Not a very hard matchup. Use your W when he's about to throw an axe at you so he can't get i back, care for his potential exhaust and you're good.
Very easy, it's Ezreal, squishy and skill shot dependant. Use your E on minnions to surprise him and force him to dash out.
Jhin is not a hard matchup for Samira. You can W his crit bullet wich is an amazing thing cause it prevent you or your ally to take a big hit before he has to reload. KEEP IN MIND THAT YOUR W DON'T CANCEL JHINS W !!
Don't die early. Jinx is not that hard but facing her later in the game. She outscales you and you can't do shit about that. Care.
I would say it's skill dependant. Kai'Sa needs time to apply her damage and you can stack your passiv pretty fast cause she needs to come to your dash range to auto attacks you. AP build is hard in late cause of the heavy poke.
I don't even know if this champion is still played. Anyway it's a hard matchup for Samira cause if she has an aggro support she can put so many spears that you will die instantly from an E.
Has a better range than you. That's pretty much it. Nothing more to add, he's just boring if he has a Yuumi/Lulu with him.
If he has a Nami along side with him, he will be a bit of a threat, but apart from that, it's an easy matchup. You can counter everything from him, even Q, remeber it !
Miss Fortune
A lot of damage early, poke with E. You should have the advantage on her cause if she uses R you can just use W to counter it and go to her melee range to destroy her.
Senna is THE biggest counter to Samira. Perma scale with range and damage, outpoke you, heal and shield, does a lot of damage, loves little trade to get souls. Ban her if you play Samira, that's my advice.
Sivir is very easy for Samira. She Qs you ? Press W. She come to put some autos ? E on her or a minnion to get to melee range and harras her. She presses R ? Dive her.
Very skill dependant. If she's stupid, she will press W and then E to drop her bomb, so you just have to press W too to just block her bomb and take no burst at all. She will be fucked but carefull cause with a great support it should be harder.
Easy. Same as Kog'Maw. Really easy to face.
Boring with the lethality build cause of the poke but if you manage to block his R or charged Q, you're super fine. His E is also annoying for you because of the slow and the anti healing. It's the hidden Samira counter.
Vaaaaaayyyne. Here is an interesting one. Vayne will destroy you after she has items, cause of the invisibility and her constant kitting. You need to make a gap early on. All in her as much as you can and W her condemn.
One of the hardest matchup for Samira. Poke. Stun. Scalling. If you manage to W his R then you should be good but it's really hard if you are melee range. His cage is big threat. Cleanse is higly recommended.
Easy. Block her feathers when she presses E and it's good.
Zeri ! The little new one. Early on Samira is one of the biggest counter to Zeri but latter on, when she gets item, you will just be outscaled and outranged so carefull with that.
Every big tanks with silence, stuns, bumps or taunts are super annoying for Samira. Avoid them as much as you can. Let your team fight them will you're stacking your passiv and then go to the middle of the fight to press R. (if you are able too)
Her W blocks most of your autos and combos + she has higher damage and sustain. Really annoying champ to play against as Samira.
It really is one of the best support for Samira. Dive potential. Bump for your passiv. Big frontlane. This big guy is perfect for you. DISCLAIMER : DON'T AUTO SOMEONE THAT ALISTAR WILL W, CAUSE IT WILL STOP HIM FROM BEING PUSHED !! CARE WITH THIS !!
Ideal support. I mean, she gives you tankiness, stuns, bump, heal. She is the best for Samira ! Hard to take in this meta but if you find an OTP Rell to play along side with you, you're the GOD of solo queue.
Renata Glasc
Renata is not even released but i'm convinced that she will have an awesome synergie with Samira ! Her Q is a stun for you passiv, attack speed and movement speed toward ennemies + revive and her R is gonna be a playground for your ult. Really a support to consider with Samira !
Thresh is a little bit lower than the others cause of his difficulty and his "slow" playstyle. Still a viable option but less than ther others.
Enchanters sucks with Samira but Nami can give you some advantage. The movement speed from her passiv is one of them especially combine with the heal and damage boost from E. So yeah, she is the best enchanter for Samira.
Great hook support, you will nuke botlanes easily if your Pyke is good enough to hit a hook and follow up with his E. You'll have enough time to put the damage that Pyke needs to use his R. It really is a great synergie.
Bard is OK cause of his "bait and catch" playstyle. The catch possibility is infinite and as long as you play safe while he is roaming you are supe fine.
Braum is a fine support for Samira but not so much. Samira can't prock Braum's passiv her Q so keep this in mind.
It's SHIT. Yuumi is the worst with Samira, she keeps you alive but that's all. Worst enchanter.
Same as Yuumi, just an enchanter, she is bad.
Once again, same as Yuumi, enchanter = bad.
Meh, Poke and burst, ok, why not, but he will take most of the kill most of the time soooo. No thx.
Interesting one ! Galio is really great with Samira cause of he's damage and CC chain + bump on R that can allow you to put a perfect R in teamfights ! Really good.
He is "ok" cause if he misses Q, you lose every preasure you had in lane.
I don't like Seraphine. That's all xD
Good enchanter cause of the movement speed and shield + the poke. But that's basically all.
Ideal support for Samira, bump on R, point and click root, grab, heavy frontlane, lane control, dive potential, it really is one of the best champ to play with Samira ! Amazing !
Awesome synergie, less than Naut or Rell but still viable as hell, she can stun 3 times wich allows you to put a lot of damage and stack your passiv easily and has a huge dive potential. It is a really great support to play allong side Samira !
It really is one of the best support for Samira. Dive potential. Bump for your passiv. Big frontlane. This big guy is perfect for you. DISCLAIMER : DON'T AUTO SOMEONE THAT ALISTAR WILL W, CAUSE IT WILL STOP HIM FROM BEING PUSHED !! CARE WITH THIS !!
Ideal support. I mean, she gives you tankiness, stuns, bump, heal. She is the best for Samira ! Hard to take in this meta but if you find an OTP Rell to play along side with you, you're the GOD of solo queue.
Renata Glasc
Renata is not even released but i'm convinced that she will have an awesome synergie with Samira ! Her Q is a stun for you passiv, attack speed and movement speed toward ennemies + revive and her R is gonna be a playground for your ult. Really a support to consider with Samira !
Thresh is a little bit lower than the others cause of his difficulty and his "slow" playstyle. Still a viable option but less than ther others.
Enchanters sucks with Samira but Nami can give you some advantage. The movement speed from her passiv is one of them especially combine with the heal and damage boost from E. So yeah, she is the best enchanter for Samira.
Great hook support, you will nuke botlanes easily if your Pyke is good enough to hit a hook and follow up with his E. You'll have enough time to put the damage that Pyke needs to use his R. It really is a great synergie.
Bard is OK cause of his "bait and catch" playstyle. The catch possibility is infinite and as long as you play safe while he is roaming you are supe fine.
Braum is a fine support for Samira but not so much. Samira can't prock Braum's passiv her Q so keep this in mind.
It's SHIT. Yuumi is the worst with Samira, she keeps you alive but that's all. Worst enchanter.
Same as Yuumi, just an enchanter, she is bad.
Once again, same as Yuumi, enchanter = bad.
Meh, Poke and burst, ok, why not, but he will take most of the kill most of the time soooo. No thx.
Interesting one ! Galio is really great with Samira cause of he's damage and CC chain + bump on R that can allow you to put a perfect R in teamfights ! Really good.
He is "ok" cause if he misses Q, you lose every preasure you had in lane.
I don't like Seraphine. That's all xD
Good enchanter cause of the movement speed and shield + the poke. But that's basically all.
Ideal support for Samira, bump on R, point and click root, grab, heavy frontlane, lane control, dive potential, it really is one of the best champ to play with Samira ! Amazing !
Awesome synergie, less than Naut or Rell but still viable as hell, she can stun 3 times wich allows you to put a lot of damage and stack your passiv easily and has a huge dive potential. It is a really great support to play allong side Samira !
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