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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Fury of the Xer'Sai (PASSIVE)
Rek'Sai Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Rek'Sai is a unique and versatile jungle champion in League of Legends. Known for her mobility and strong early game, she can dominate the map through ganks and objective control. Here's an in-depth guide to playing Rek'Sai effectively.
Strengths and Weaknesses
High Mobility: With her Burrow (W) and tunnels, Rek'Sai can traverse the map quickly, enabling swift ganks and escapes.
Strong Early Game: Rek'Sai excels in early skirmishes due to her high base damage and ability to surprise enemies.
Tremor Sense (Passive): Provides vision of enemy movements, allowing for better tracking and ambush setups.
Versatile Engage and Disengage: Unburrow (W) offers a knock-up, and her ultimate, Void Rush (R), enables her to engage or reposition quickly.
Falls Off Late Game: Rek'Sai's impact diminishes in the late game, especially if she can't secure a strong lead early.
Skillshot Reliant: Missing key abilities like Prey Seeker (Q) and Unburrow (W) can greatly reduce her effectiveness.
Vulnerable to Crowd Control: Being melee and reliant on engages, Rek'Sai can be easily controlled by CC-heavy teams.
Gameplay Tips
Early Game:
Farm Efficiently: Rek'Sai's strong early game allows her to clear camps quickly. Focus on maximizing your farm while keeping an eye on potential gank opportunities.
Gank Proactively: Use your Tremor Sense to track enemies and set up ganks. Your Unburrow (W) knock-up is a great initiation tool.
Invade the Enemy Jungle: With your strong dueling ability, you can invade the enemy jungler and contest their camps. Just be cautious of overextending.
Mid Game:
Objective Control: Utilize your mobility and pressure to secure objectives like Dragons and Rift Heralds. Your ability to traverse the map quickly gives you an edge in securing these.
Tunnel Network: Set up a network of tunnels to enable quick rotations and escapes. This also allows you to respond to plays across the map more effectively.
Pickoffs and Skirmishes: Look for isolated targets or small skirmishes. Use Void Rush (R) to finish off low-health enemies or engage from unexpected angles.
Late Game:
Peel and Engage: While Rek'Sai can struggle in late-game team fights, she can still play a vital role by engaging on priority targets or peeling for her carries.
Split Pushing: With good wave clear and mobility, Rek'Sai can apply pressure in side lanes, forcing the enemy team to respond and potentially creating openings for your team.
Vision Control: Use your tunnels and Tremor Sense to maintain vision and control over key areas, helping your team avoid ambushes and plan engages.
Strengths and Weaknesses
High Mobility: With her Burrow (W) and tunnels, Rek'Sai can traverse the map quickly, enabling swift ganks and escapes.
Strong Early Game: Rek'Sai excels in early skirmishes due to her high base damage and ability to surprise enemies.
Tremor Sense (Passive): Provides vision of enemy movements, allowing for better tracking and ambush setups.
Versatile Engage and Disengage: Unburrow (W) offers a knock-up, and her ultimate, Void Rush (R), enables her to engage or reposition quickly.
Falls Off Late Game: Rek'Sai's impact diminishes in the late game, especially if she can't secure a strong lead early.
Skillshot Reliant: Missing key abilities like Prey Seeker (Q) and Unburrow (W) can greatly reduce her effectiveness.
Vulnerable to Crowd Control: Being melee and reliant on engages, Rek'Sai can be easily controlled by CC-heavy teams.
Gameplay Tips
Early Game:
Farm Efficiently: Rek'Sai's strong early game allows her to clear camps quickly. Focus on maximizing your farm while keeping an eye on potential gank opportunities.
Gank Proactively: Use your Tremor Sense to track enemies and set up ganks. Your Unburrow (W) knock-up is a great initiation tool.
Invade the Enemy Jungle: With your strong dueling ability, you can invade the enemy jungler and contest their camps. Just be cautious of overextending.
Mid Game:
Objective Control: Utilize your mobility and pressure to secure objectives like Dragons and Rift Heralds. Your ability to traverse the map quickly gives you an edge in securing these.
Tunnel Network: Set up a network of tunnels to enable quick rotations and escapes. This also allows you to respond to plays across the map more effectively.
Pickoffs and Skirmishes: Look for isolated targets or small skirmishes. Use Void Rush (R) to finish off low-health enemies or engage from unexpected angles.
Late Game:
Peel and Engage: While Rek'Sai can struggle in late-game team fights, she can still play a vital role by engaging on priority targets or peeling for her carries.
Split Pushing: With good wave clear and mobility, Rek'Sai can apply pressure in side lanes, forcing the enemy team to respond and potentially creating openings for your team.
Vision Control: Use your tunnels and Tremor Sense to maintain vision and control over key areas, helping your team avoid ambushes and plan engages.
Great early game
always able to oneshot a squishy
good tunnel management leads to great efficiency
Your midlaners love you
Can build Bruiser or Assassin
Able to 1v9 played correctly
Strong ganks
Able to disrupt divers from your carries.
Weak if behind
easy to counter by Zhonyas/guardians
Takes skill to teamfight with
Great early game
always able to oneshot a squishy
good tunnel management leads to great efficiency
Your midlaners love you
Can build Bruiser or Assassin
Able to 1v9 played correctly
Strong ganks
Able to disrupt divers from your carries.
Weak if behind
easy to counter by Zhonyas/guardians
Takes skill to teamfight with
Live gameplay: Www.Twitch.tv/Zehmox
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