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Recommended Items
Runes: The Go-to!
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
With the current patch (14.14) She outtrades your entire W AA AA Q E with 3 autoattacks, I recommend bannin if nothin better pops up. But you scale and if you manage to prolong the game you can snap her like other squishies!
Something Something.. Paid advert here.. something something.. Thresh CC stronk.. glory to- what?
Something Something.. Paid advert here.. something something.. Thresh CC stronk.. glory to- what?
Champion Build Guide
Ever since the rework to Skarner I've dropped him, and I suppose am to focus on this now- I don' recall playing more than 10 games of Pantheon toplane before waddling to midlane and refusing to go back!
I don think mastery justifies anythin, but I've got 12 levels if that helps!
Pantheon is fun for me because of the flexibility from lockdown to assassin!
This guide will focus on my absolutely favourite Pantheon playstyle- the assassin!This guide will focus on my absolutely favourite Pantheon playstyle- the assassin!
Strong 1v1
Easy to understand
Rewards opportunistic gameplay
Strong against squishy midlaners
Very strong fullmap roams!
Risk and reward
Squishier than a bruiser Pantheon
Teamfights are harder
Struggles against zoning!
You excel in singletarget takedown and turn into the reason why facechecking bushes is scary!
[*]If you are behind
Be the initiator, you are behind and worth less than maybe a well doing teammate!
Your W is still strong as lockdown and E as timewaster and shielding for your team!
Just the presence of your R can deterr opponents from taking on duels or leaving inhibitors alone!
[*] If you are ahead
Get a tent an sit pritty with a scanner or red ward- catch people off guard and make them second guess where you are at times!
Your R when ahead is like a hitman line- teammate asks for help on target? Get goin!
You rely on snowballing a lot- getting kills or a good CS lead early on is the key to your scaling! This means you need to take risks, and prepare for the consequences of a lost gamble! Do not let a failed 1v1 ruin your mood- its far from over!
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