(Start W) Walk at him lvl 1 and trade or zone him off the first wave and you will 100% win if take your W. You can use your E to pull him into you and make him miss his Q1 or Q2. Your W blocks most of his Q3 damage if you manage to time it right. If he only uses Q1 and Q2 he is essentially a ranged champ if you can't punish him. Anti-heal will be very much needed if you want to have a chance to kill him post 6. You need to rush Botrk or he will statcheck you if the player knows how to space you well.
(Start W/E) Rush Botrk. Try to bait her W by aggressively walking close to her or delay your W when you get to low HP. If she has PTA instead of Conquerer as her keystone you will lose. You win early but you get outscaled like crazy. Even if she is behind she will keep trying to stay sidelane and kill your base.
(Start W) Rush Plated Steel Caps, try to contest his Barrels if you want to trade with him. He will eventually outscale you if you don't punish him early. Expect his Ult to be thrown when you are doing objectives or in teamfights. Randuin's Omen or Dead Man's Plate are recommended.
(Start W) Insanely anti-fun matchup, rush Plated Steel Caps. He will out trade you in almost any way if he plays correctly. If you survive the lane and manage to purchase Stridebraker, you will run him down.
(Start W/E) You kinda beat him early lvl 1 but he will out trade and out heal most of your damage. He can break your W shield with his W point and click stun you and dash away. Hob as keystone is also an option if you REALLY want to win early because you get outscaled hard early - mid game.
(Start W) Worthy Perma ban, Take D Shield, Fleet and Second Wind, chose between Tp/ghost. You can kill her if you let the wave crash and flash Ult her into tower. Take Oracles lens and you will spot her invis position. She can kill you even if you are objectively better so don't even try to trade in this matchup if the player is using 1% of their brain.
IF you are actually trying to kill her you should rush Edge of Night to counter her E. Even if you are ahead and she has 2 items she WILL run you down with no counterplay because her Q will probably be maxed at that point with 2 sec CD.
(Start E). Dodge her Q and don't stay close to walls. Very important to not let her get grasp + shield AAs. Use your ult to block her ult. She will outscale you if you don't use your early agency. She also has a very obnoxious trading pattern with virtually no counterplay (E + Q + W).
(Start W/E) Use you E if she uses her W. Your E or Ult can be used to cancel her E dash. She can dodge your W with her Ult. She will eventually outscale you if you don't get Botrk. Don't short trade when her passive is up, otherwise you are going to lose the trade.
(Start E/W) At lvl 1 use your E to stun him in the minion wave if he engages with his E. You need to play around your minion wave and predict his moves. He is useless without his E so bait it if you have Stridebreaker because you can walk around him if you activate it. He will outscale you eventually.
(Start W) You can kill him lvls 1-3, but you didn't mange to do that, you've just lost the lane because he get's really tanky by leveling up and he doesn't need any ap items in order to kill you. He can also block your W damage with his W. He will stack a lot of armor and make your AAs useless against him. He beats you even if you are ahead due to his stat check nature with is Ult. He also outscales you insanely hard. Use early agency and try to keep up the cs up at all times.
(Start W/E) You can beat her early but it's very hard due to her W spam and tentacles. Always dodge her Q by walking in a 90° angle and stand behind your minions to avoid her E. She will probably get her first item before you since her Q one shots the caster minions around lvl 5 and she has prio in this matchup. and she also outscales you hard.
"I ain't never lost. You know that, right?."
(start W/E) You can use his turrets to stun him. Second wind + Doran's Shield needed. It's also very hard to dodge his stun grenade. He has potential to burst you but not enough to kill you early. Later he becomes impossible to approach do to his insane damage and slow from Rylai's. Cancer champ.
(Start E) You beat him early but you won't be able to find any opportunities to punish him because of his W or if he plays correctly. Try to freeze the wave close to your tower so he can't stack up. He can space you out and spam you with his W until you are in kill range and he will just run you down. Rush Antiheal and Plated Steelcaps so you don't get bonked to death by his Q. He also out sustains you if he has Fleet.
(Start E/W) Take advantage if he is your melee range and just AA him. Good Singed players will play around their towers and will kill if if you don't position well. He will proxy all game.
(Start W/E) He can out trade you if he hits his W + Q + E combo. You can rush botrk if you feel like your AA's don't do damage. You can also block his R with your W shield. You win every teamfight if you Ult him into the enemy team.
(Start E/W) Rush Strikebreaker for MS and try to bait his Q, he can also block most of your W damage with his W. He does outscale you but don't itemize for you W damage. Botrk and BC are very good into him.
(Start W) Try to bait/dodge her Q, then use your Q MS to catch up to her. She has a ton of mobility but you can still deal with her if you position well. Grasp or Fleet may be needed but you will be weaker if she all ins you. Her W shroud makes this matchup unplayable if the player knows how to space well.
(Start W/E) Decent matchup even after lvl 6 if you managed your early game well. You can pull him if he tries to go through walls. He can out trade you with Q + W combo. His Ult dodges you W.
(Start E/W) Take ghost. You can cheese her early and win lane. Try to use the top brushes to avoid poke damage. After Strikebreaker she can't abuse you that easily but she can still kite you. Mid to late game you get hard outscaled by her no matter what.
(Start E/W) Try to get prio at lvl 1 by zoning her off the first wave. She has a ton of dashes so try to secure your W with E. Back off if she has max stacks on her passive and if she engages you should be able to trade equal health. You can run her down if she doesn't respect your early agency.
(Start W) Take Grasp. He will out damage you if he uses his E in the trade first. He can go with no runes and still kill you after 6. Abuse him early for lane prio. Black Cleaver is good but it's irrelevant against him early.
(Start W) Dodge his Q's. You can easily kill him by AA and using E + W combo after tanking his damage. After 6 try to use W + Flash because you can't CC him and he will most likely kill you depending on his runes. He outscales you.
(Start W/E) You beat her early but you will be forced to buy Botrk or BC, she has potential to kill you or CC chain you for her team. Abuse your early lane strength and disengage from her E when her stacks are almost up on you.
(Start W/E) Disengage in or out of her W and always try to dodge her Q even tho it's very hard. If she uses her Ult instantly use ignite to mitigate her healing. You get outscaled at 3 items or more.
(Start W) Rush Executioner's Calling. He can push you out with his Q if you try to engage onto him and he can dodge you W with his root W. he will win short trades and long while out sustaining you.
(Start W) He can out trade you if he plays correctly, always try to take him out of his Spirit Blade with your E so he can't block your AA. Don't use your W poorly because he will taunt into you and win the 1v1.
(Start W) Take Ghost and wait for lvl 3 to all in him if you are heathy enough. His blind early is on a 7 sec cooldown, so try to trade with him if he uses it randomly. His W MS is absurd and it's the only thing carrying his kit.
(Start W) He can harass you almost infinitely with his Q and he will try to keep you behind your wave at all times. You can engage right after his Q goes on cooldown but you still need to respect his overheat damage. Only way that he can outplay you is if he spaces you better. After Stridebreaker you can fist him to death.
(Start W) OK. He can kill you if you don't respect his W + E. Rush Black Clever and Mercury Threads. He's playstyle is similar to Malphite but slightly easier to outplay. He will proxy all game and you can't do anything to make him stop. Just play for objectives and take TP.
(Start W/E) You beat her early but she can outscale you very quickly. Try to bait her E by aggressively running to her and avoid her Q2, If she uses W on you before she did any significant damage she will lose the trade. When she uses R don't trade and insta ignite if she decides to all in you.
Tahm Kench
(Start W/E) Kinda hard matchup. Utilize your early lvls because you will get outscaled and If he Ults you under his tower use your Ult to get out. His Q's are almost impossible to dodge but you can play around your minion wave, which is his main counter, although he can contest you in the wave and out dps you with his AAs. Your E and Ult can grab him out of his W. He can be a pain because he controls the lane but early you can get prio at least.
(Start W/E) You can destroy him in lane before 6. It will be very hard to kill him due to his Q sustain and he can gamble trades or all in you with very minimal counterplay. Recent buffs made him extremely annoying to deal with him because of his AA range and his Passive Crit. Randuin's Omen is very valuable into him, especially the "active" slow. You will need to itemize Anti-heal and Tabi in order to mitigate most of his strength but they will be useless if the match goes to lategame.
(Start W) Take Fleet, Second Wind. You can easily grab him with your E when he tries to get away with his E or you can simply walk into it or flash into him. You can run him down if he misplays. He can't kill you with his Ult if your W is up.
(Start E/W) Even if she is ranged you can still beat her up if she tries to walk too close to the wave. She can stop your W + Flash combo if you step into her W. She can be very hard to deal with if she buys Rylai.
(Start E/W) Impossible matchup if the player has 2 hands. He can out sustain you, poke you, all in you and CC you to death. HoB rune can help but just as a last resort.
He will play around his tower if you push into him and he will BOMBA you under it. Worthy permaban
(Start E/W) You beat him early but he will outscale you insanely hard. It's also very hard to dodge his Q's later into the game because of his health scaling. He will try to play around his tower/insec ult or just statcheck you if you miss W or E.
(Start E/W) Play very reactive and don't be afraid if he engages. Use your E or Ult to cancel his Q stack. Your W eats most of his Ult damage. If he starts the fight with his E, you can't avoid 3 of his stacks. Matchup greatly favors good spacing but it's very Darius sided due to his overturned passive damage and his privilege to make your AAs useless by buying armor.
Dr. Mundo
(Start E) You counter his spell shield with you E and Ult. Use your Ult to gap close even if he has his passive shield up which will guarantee your E + W damage. After a few items he will outscale you insanely hard even with anti-heal. Try to get an early Botrk if you really want to kill him. Even if he's ahead it's still good for you because you can Ult him into the enemy team for the "nitrogen 3k damage bomb"
(Start E/W) He is just annoying but you can out trade him if he wants to fight. You can stun him using his boxes or his clone. Make sure you go PTA as your keystone and buy oracles lends or ignite in order to identify his clone. Mostly free lane but he still can kill you and outsmart you.
(Start E/W) He can mitigate most of your damage with his passive shield. Always try to E him if he get's to cocky and dashes around too much. Your Ult cancels his Q3 tornado. Randuins Omen Shuts him down for a bit before he get's more items.
(Start E/W) Try to position yourself in front of the minion wave so that he can't get prio easily. Maximize your W damage with E and hold your ground when he uses E. Your Ult hard counters his Ult. He will outscale you eventually. Randuins Omen shuts him down for a bit before he get's more items. Also don't buy Tabis because they don't work against Yone due to his mixed damage.
(Start W) Avoid his E and try to get away when he Q's towards you. Trade with E + W behind your minions and back off. Play around his W and never let him touch you for free. Expect him to dive you with his jungler if you are 1/2 Hp. He will Hard outscale you.
(Start E/W) Rush Executioner's Calling. Try to cancel is E with your E. You must contest his blobs or he will get more HP then he had before. You must try to disengage from his ult or else he will kill you.
He can also setup ganks very easily so be sure to play more on the "weak side". He outscales you at all levels and has item very huge spikes.
(Start E/W) Insanely hard matchup if the player knows how to space you. It's way easier early but nothing much you can do except cheese him with your E in the minion wave. You can sometimes bait out his W if you walk aggressively with your Q. It's also very hard to continue to chase him due to his W and E slow.
(Start E/W) He can infinitely harass you by hopping from top the bushes. Try to stun him in the minion wave with your E and use your W very sparingly. Use your W at the last possible second because he will expect you to use it early in the trade. He can chip you down and out sustain you AND he can cleanse your E while also healing 1/3 of his HP. Get Executioners or Bramble on first back.
(Start E/W) Try to fight him before lvl 6. Even if he is behind, he will have way too much presence on the map. Try to get split pushing items and outpace him. Nobody can get in range of him if he has maiden up. Prey for your team to have minimal macro and map knowlage in order to kill him with number advantage. Try to end the game fast since he will be a pain to deal with in late.
(Start W) Don't trade early because of his E. You can't CC him if he casted his E, only the second part of it. You need to buy Wardens mail or Plated to reduce his damage heavely. Your W will still go off if you casted it before his Ult execute animation. You can kill him early if your run ignite but he will outscale you at lvl 9.
(Start W) Braindead Champion. Run Conquerer and you will be able to You him before 6 but he can win short and long trades if he plays really well with his pillar. His passive can out sustain your passive healing early-midgame. His E pillar is very hard to walk around and he will catch up to you with his W MS, not to mention that it increases his AA speed and his Healing. You will need to invest into a lot in order to make him not statcheck you to death ex: Bramble/Executioners, Plated, Botrk, etc...
(Start E/W) You can stat check him early but he can poke you down if you don't respect his Q range. Try to chip him down in trades and use your W to block his Ult damage. He can outscale you at 3-4 items.
(Start W) He can burst you insanely quick and out sustain you. Save your E if he tries to run away to secure your W. You can't have prio in this matchup due to his insane early lvl wave clear. He has a ton of builds so you can't itemize on the moment. He will outscale you if you let him push the wave repeatedly for free into your tower, punish him if he does so.
(Start E/W) He will always want to be on top of you and he will out trade you very easily. Try to dodge his Q and dismount him with AA + Q before using your E + W,
He will outscale you at 30+ minutes no matter what.
(Start E/W) Try to avoid his Q poke, He will also try to all in if you are 1/2 hp. Use your Ult to cancel his Ult if he tries to ram it into you. If you don't kill him before he recalls or teleports to lane, you lost the matchup hard due to his W doing literally more damage then your whole kit and him being able to get tanky really early .
(Start W) Take Ignite. He wins in short and long trades. You need to abuse your early levels and not mess up. Your Ult will extend his E fear duration. His bonus MS is absurd and he can easily get lane priority. Worthy permaban cringe cheese pick. He also outscales you if he plays correctly with is Q and E.
(Start W) Abuse him Lvl 1 and stack grit while punching him until he Flashes or leaves the fight completely. His E counters your W. He can poke you out of lane and if you try to walk up he will stun you. Run ignite and and use your E + W efficiently. He will run ignite every time because his Ult can allow him to roam or get back to lane extremely fast. He is also very durable and can tank most of your AA even with his E down if he has Ninja Tabi. You outscale him but he will have WAY shorter CD than you.
(Start E/W) You can't win lvl 1 even if you cancel her Q3 with your E, she can also wiggle your hp down and break your boneplating very easily. Play safe until lvl 2-3 and try to predict her W stun and use your Q Ms to catch up after she uses her Qs. Cancel her Q3 as mentioned and be very mobile with your AAs. Even if you're ahead, she will have around 40 AH and you will never be able to catch up to her. Late game is very hard to win against her so try to expand your lead as much as possible. She will outscale you.
(Start W) Impossible Matchup. He can poke you to oblivion and he can point and click CC you. If you try to engage onto him he will E out. Not to mention that his Ult is literally just op burst machine and you will be forced to use your Flash in order to say alive. Recommend dodging or praying that your team carries the game. He's way better in teamfights if his flash is up.
(Start E/W) Ranged bully that transform into an unkillable tank that can 1 shot you with his combo. You can't out sustain him due to his Ult bonus HP-healing. Try to dodge his Q and you can also grab him out of his E but it's extremely hard.
He can can you very easily even if you are ahead.
(Start E) Try to walk around his Q with your Q or use your E if your are in his Q hitbox to cancel his damage. If you kill him withough Ult after 6 in lane, use it on his passive to clear the wave. In teamfights he is the main target you want to Ult. This matchup is very forgettable for Sion if he follows the proxy strat.
(Start W/E) She will win short trade almost all the time if you don't use your W wisely. After 6 you need to not fight because you will get bursted into the ground. She also has a lot of Ms from her W and you can't throw your W without your E. Hard matchup if she is spacing you well. It's also very hard to itemize depending on what build she is going.
(Start E) He statchecks you early and throughout the game, your E counters his W if you can predict his movement. His Q range can be very oppressing and after 6 he will all in you. You can get Oracles lens and counter his invis. He outscales you if you don't buy Botrk but even then he just kites you like crazy and his buffed passive and Q range are making this matchup unplayable.
(Start E) You beat her early if you start W. You must run ignite due to her low HP healing and you also can't dodge her Q point and click stun. Make sure you secure your E + W, otherwise you will lose. At lvl 6 use your Ult to cancel her E and you win 100%.
(Start W/E) He can point and click root you and run away with his ms. He has an immense spike in damage early with Tear (mana) and he will out damage you in melee range if he hits his spells. Impossible matchup if the player is using is brain.
Twisted Fate
(Start W) Take fleet and don't try to trade. You can't itemize boots against him because he does mixed damage and can point and click stun you + Tabi got nerfed. You have no way of reaching him if he plays safe and he will punish you with his Yellow card if you overstep. Call your jungler and keep your HP as high as possible. Later in the game it becomes impossible to play if his team is not behind because it he has lower cooldown and that leads to a way higher change of winning the game then you. Perma ban.
I'm a Master OTP Sett Player with 1M+ Mastery points. This Guide has everyting ranging from items, matchup infos and runes that will make you win more games.
If you did enjoy this guide be sure to give any sort of feedback and recommend me more builds or matchups.
Sett's basic attacks alternate between left and right punch. Right punch is slightly stronger and faster. Sett also hates losing, gaining additional health regeneration based off of his missing health.
Sett's next two attacks deal additional damage based off of the target's max health. Sett also gains Move Speed while moving towards enemy champions.
Sett passively stores damage he takes as Grit. On cast, Sett expends all stored Grit to gain a shield and punch an area, dealing true damage in the center and physical damage on the sides.
Sett pulls in all enemies on opposite sides of him, dealing damage and stunning them. If enemies were only on one side, they are slowed instead of stunned.
Sett carries an enemy champion through the air and slams them into the ground, dealing damage and slowing all enemies near where they land.
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