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Hecarim Build Guide by muukooooo

Jungle [14.2] Muko Master Hecarim Guide & Build

Jungle [14.2] Muko Master Hecarim Guide & Build

Updated on January 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author muukooooo Build Guide By muukooooo 4,879 Views 2 Comments
4,879 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author muukooooo Hecarim Build Guide By muukooooo Updated on January 26, 2024
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1 2 3
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.2] Muko Master Hecarim Guide & Build

By muukooooo
About Me
Sup Guys!
Im Muko and since one year an Hecarim OTP

I managed to climb from Platin till Master within 2 Splits.
The way i climbed so fast is that i recognized you NEED to go 1v9! - Thats why Hecarim is the best Champion to do.

I will try to help you as much as i can to improve and hit your dream rank.
If you want to aks something, you can reach me out on Twitter or Twitch.


First of all
Hecarim isnĀ“t a Champ that needs much effort to learn his kit.
There are just some thing you need to know for go 1v9

Important thing is
You need to check the enemie team comp and their jgl pick.
If you can see that they are low on cc or not a big danger to invade you, ask yourself what you want to do in the next 4 minutes.
YES, the game starts at 00:00!! dont stay afk in base or on camp
think about it at champ selection/loading screen.
Can i invade him? Can i gank level 3? Where should i put my early ward for info? Can i ward at all?
Be proactive ! Do things and dont let them just happen!!!

And one thing i saw on so much Hecarim players ... USE YOUR AA!! Yes your QĀ“s are low cd but still, you can use your autoattacks, especially early!

Go play much normal games and just do limit testings, how much damange you are able to deal or recieve.

Hecarim 101

Your Q has a passive and stacks up 3x, so if you hit a target (Champion or jgl camp) it will stack up and increases your DMG on your Q AND lowers the cooldown of . So try to get atleast 2 stacks before you join a fight or go for a gank.

Your E is a perfect tool in combination with your Ultimate to set up a perfect gank.
If you are a Beginner with Hecarim and not sure how to do a good gank if the enemie is in a unfortunat position where you canĀ“t reach him with your E well, try to use your ULTIMATE in combination with your E (MORE SPEED) and ult right behind your target to let the FEAR of your push the target to your laner and on top you can hit him with your E to push him more into the lane (for e.g the enemie was under his turret).
You can also dash with your E over some tight walls to hit the enemie (you need vision to click on him)

Your R in General:
The further your cast your Ultimate the longer will get your FEAR, try to play with it if possible (Baron/Drake Fights)
I pref to ban for my midlaner champs that are annoying - for e.g if i have an Katarina i ban for her Fizz

but if you are insecure early
Get rid of one of these:
Sylas - i hate him
full guide is coming soon...
if you have untill then questions, ask me on twitch or twitter!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author muukooooo
muukooooo Hecarim Guide
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[14.2] Muko Master Hecarim Guide & Build

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