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Recommended Items
Runes: Game Domination!!!
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Pyromania (PASSIVE)
Annie Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello I am SIGMABALLSSS, a Diamond Annie OTP!
Annie's Kit
1. Disintegrate (Q - "Q: Disintegrate"):
Description: Annie hurls a fireball at her target, dealing magic damage. Notably, if this ability delivers the finishing blow to an enemy, the mana cost is refunded. Maximize your last-hitting potential and harass enemies in the laning phase with this efficient poke.
Tip: Use Disintegrate to secure last hits on minions and keep an eye on your opponent's health – a well-timed cast can turn the tide in your favor.
2. Incinerate (W - "W: Incinerate"):
Description: Unleash a burst of fire in a cone in front of Annie, damaging all enemies caught in the flames. Ideal for wave-clearing and dealing damage in team fights, Incinerate ensures you hit multiple foes at once.
Tip: Position yourself strategically in team fights to maximize the impact of Incinerate on multiple enemies. It's a potent tool for turning the tide in engagements.
3. Molten Shield (E - "E: Molten Shield"):
Description: Annie enhances her defensive capabilities with Molten Shield, now providing herself or a target allied champion with a shield. This added utility allows Annie to support her allies or bolster her own defenses, making strategic plays and engagements more dynamic.
Tip: Use Molten Shield judiciously to either protect yourself during trades or empower a teammate in critical moments. The bonus Movement Speed adds an extra layer of versatility, allowing for strategic positioning or rapid engagement. The reflective magic damage can catch opponents off guard, punishing those who attempt to break through Annie's protective barrier. Mastering Molten Shield's dual-purpose nature will elevate your survivability and contribute to turning skirmishes and team fights in your favor.
4. Summon: Tibbers (R - "R: Summon: Tibbers"):
Description: Annie summons Tibbers, a powerful bear, to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Tibbers deals area-of-effect magic damage to enemies in his vicinity, and his presence is a game-changer. Tibbers follows Annie, attacking her targets and adding a considerable threat to your arsenal.
Tip: Coordinate Tibbers' attacks with your team's engages. His persistent damage aura and basic attacks charge Annie's passive, setting the stage for impactful stuns and turning the tide of team fights.
Passive: Pyromania (Passive - "Passive: Pyromania"):
Description: Pyromania is Annie's passive ability that charges up as she casts spells. When fully charged, her next offensive spell stuns the target. This adds a layer of strategic depth to Annie's gameplay, allowing her to control engagements and catch opponents off guard.
Tip: Keep an eye on your passive stacks – stunning key targets with a well-timed ability can secure kills or turn the tables in skirmishes and team fights.
Mastering Annie's spell kit involves efficient resource management, strategic positioning, and capitalizing on opportunities created by her stun mechanic. With careful planning and execution, Annie can dominate the battlefield and lead her team to victory.
Description: Annie hurls a fireball at her target, dealing magic damage. Notably, if this ability delivers the finishing blow to an enemy, the mana cost is refunded. Maximize your last-hitting potential and harass enemies in the laning phase with this efficient poke.
Tip: Use Disintegrate to secure last hits on minions and keep an eye on your opponent's health – a well-timed cast can turn the tide in your favor.
2. Incinerate (W - "W: Incinerate"):
Description: Unleash a burst of fire in a cone in front of Annie, damaging all enemies caught in the flames. Ideal for wave-clearing and dealing damage in team fights, Incinerate ensures you hit multiple foes at once.
Tip: Position yourself strategically in team fights to maximize the impact of Incinerate on multiple enemies. It's a potent tool for turning the tide in engagements.
3. Molten Shield (E - "E: Molten Shield"):
Description: Annie enhances her defensive capabilities with Molten Shield, now providing herself or a target allied champion with a shield. This added utility allows Annie to support her allies or bolster her own defenses, making strategic plays and engagements more dynamic.
Tip: Use Molten Shield judiciously to either protect yourself during trades or empower a teammate in critical moments. The bonus Movement Speed adds an extra layer of versatility, allowing for strategic positioning or rapid engagement. The reflective magic damage can catch opponents off guard, punishing those who attempt to break through Annie's protective barrier. Mastering Molten Shield's dual-purpose nature will elevate your survivability and contribute to turning skirmishes and team fights in your favor.
4. Summon: Tibbers (R - "R: Summon: Tibbers"):
Description: Annie summons Tibbers, a powerful bear, to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Tibbers deals area-of-effect magic damage to enemies in his vicinity, and his presence is a game-changer. Tibbers follows Annie, attacking her targets and adding a considerable threat to your arsenal.
Tip: Coordinate Tibbers' attacks with your team's engages. His persistent damage aura and basic attacks charge Annie's passive, setting the stage for impactful stuns and turning the tide of team fights.
Passive: Pyromania (Passive - "Passive: Pyromania"):
Description: Pyromania is Annie's passive ability that charges up as she casts spells. When fully charged, her next offensive spell stuns the target. This adds a layer of strategic depth to Annie's gameplay, allowing her to control engagements and catch opponents off guard.
Tip: Keep an eye on your passive stacks – stunning key targets with a well-timed ability can secure kills or turn the tables in skirmishes and team fights.
Mastering Annie's spell kit involves efficient resource management, strategic positioning, and capitalizing on opportunities created by her stun mechanic. With careful planning and execution, Annie can dominate the battlefield and lead her team to victory.
Luden's Companion, Rod of Ages, Seraph's Embrace:

Annie only needs one mana item and Malignance is too good of a competition. With Ultimate Haste and Tibbers constantly proccing Malignance's Magic Resist Shred Passive, Malignance is the default item.
Shadowflame, Stormsurge:

These items are damage overloads that are unnecessary for Annie to one-shot during the Early-Mid stages of the game. Later on in the game, magic pen progressively becomes worse as enemies obtain more Magic Resist. There is also the tradeoff of Defensive Stats or other kinds of utility that other the other AP items offer.

Annie only needs one mana item and Malignance is too good of a competition. With Ultimate Haste and Tibbers constantly proccing Malignance's Magic Resist Shred Passive, Malignance is the default item.
Shadowflame, Stormsurge:

These items are damage overloads that are unnecessary for Annie to one-shot during the Early-Mid stages of the game. Later on in the game, magic pen progressively becomes worse as enemies obtain more Magic Resist. There is also the tradeoff of Defensive Stats or other kinds of utility that other the other AP items offer.
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