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Ashe Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Ashe guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Ashe guide by misterfirstblood

Updated on December 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 166 27 998,980 Views 4 Comments
166 27 998,980 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Ashe Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on December 4, 2024
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Runes: Standard

Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

[14.23] Ashe guide by misterfirstblood

By misterfirstblood
Hello guys, I'm MisterFirstBlood from EUW and today I'm gonna show you how to play Ashe. To be honest, shes my favourite ADC at the moment and a great choice when blind picking!
Pro's and con's
+ Very nice auto attack animation (in my opinion)
+ A lot of CC.
+ High Range abilities.
+ Global Ult that can either save or enable your teammates
+ You will be useful even when falling behind because of that R ability
+ A Vision Tool.

- No Mobility makes her very easy to gank.
- E doesn't deal any damage
- R scales with AP
- Needs some items to deal a lot of damage. there is no 1 item powerspike imo
- You need 4 stacks to activate Q, until then you only really have your W in a fight until level 6. That can be pretty weak compared to champions like ezreal with 3 damaging abilities. Try to avoid all ins if possible if you cant manage to stack your Q before level 6
Passive: Frost Shot

Ashe's attacks slow their target, causing her to deal increased damage to these targets. Ashe's critical strikes deal no bonus damage but apply an empowered slow to the target.

Q: Ranger's Focus
Ashe builds up Focus by attacking. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger's Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration.

W: Volley
Ashe fires arrows in a cone for increased damage. Also applies Frost Shot.

E: Hawkshot
Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map.

R: Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it deals damage and stuns the Champion, stunning for longer the farther arrow has traveled. In addition, surrounding enemy units take damage and are slowed.
A combination of Kraken Slayer Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer will give you a solid Damage core, well rounded stats (balanced AD, crit, and attack speed]] and Powerspikes whenever you have gold to spend. Blade of the Ruined King and Trinity Force result a different build which is more focussed on kiting enemies and play around movement.

Berserker's Greaves are your go to when it comes to boots.

Afterwards you can finish your build with items that fit in your current situation either if its more AoE with Runaan's Hurricane, situational items like Bloodthirster Terminus or utility like Mercurial Scimitar or Wit's End.
The most relevant Keystones in Precision tree is Press the Attack.
Press the Attack will apply a debuff to a enemy you attacked 3 times in a row, which increases every incoming damage for some seconds. Since you can kite enemies for a decent while until they may be able to hit you this is a super good synergy.

The other runes are pretty common and generic choices since they are outstandingly the best ones since a good while now. Presence of Mind Coup de Grace and Legend: Bloodline to name them. The Sustain granted by Presence and Legend is very valuable and makes your laning phase way easier.

My Personal preference for the second tree to go in is Inspiration.
Biscuit Delivery is especially good when you spam your W (it has pretty high mana cost) and Approach Velocity has by far the best synergy with ashes ult so that is definetely a must have!
- Attacking towers lets you keep your Q stacks ready.
- If you are in a 1v1 situation try to slow your enemy before using ult so it's easier to land. Also try to shoot it in close range so your enemy has less time to react.
- When laning try to combine lasthitting and poke with your W. Use that 1200 Range as your advantage.
- E has a reaaaally high range so when you use it aim for the maximal range to get more vision.
- After you got your essence reaver + first crit item your ult has not that much cooldown anymore so feel free to use it whenever a situation is given. That's the biggest advantage from having an ashe in your team and you should really make a use of it.
- Red buff additionally slows your enemies. When you get a lead your enemies will be in big trouble trying to escape from you.
- Lategame is yours. Don't expect to win a lane hard until minute 15-20. Ashe is very easy to kill and really needs time, so try to play safe, freeze and farm up.
- Do not forget to use your E. If you are part of a kill because your Vision you may get assists for that
Well as you can see there are a lot of good and bad things about ashe. If you want to learn ADC ashe might be not that bad because everything she really does is auto attacking and you can improve things like kiting, orbwalking and attack move with her. But when it comes to competitive play or high elo rankeds (diamond +) I wouldn't really recommend you to play her at the moment unless she receives a buff.
Thank You!
Thanks for paying attention to my guide. My English is not the best so if you find mistakes feel free to correct me.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood
misterfirstblood Ashe Guide
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[14.23] Ashe guide by misterfirstblood

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