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Runes: BEST
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Daredevil Impulse (PASSIVE)
Samira Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
**Samira: The Desert Rose**
- Incredibly fun to play
- Exceptional snowball potential
- Dominates in teamfights
- Can easily carry games if ahead
- Scales well into the late game
- Very vulnerable to crowd control (CC)
- Extremely high risk; games often result in either many kills or many deaths
- Struggles against long-range champions in bot lane
- Dependent on a strong support
- Falls off hard when weak-sided
- Low base damage until items are built
**Daredevil Impulse (Passive)**
Samira’s passive gives her a dash toward immobilized enemies, with the dash range increasing as she levels up (lvl 1/4/8/12/16). Early on, staying close to your support is essential to capitalize on your engage opportunities. The movement speed boost from higher Style-grades (B+ and above) isn’t huge, but at higher levels (lvl 1/6/11/16), it helps you chase down opponents with no extra mobility.
**Flair (Q)**
Flair is your go-to tool for poking, trading, and farming. While its base damage is quite low in the early game, it scales well as you level up. One small trick is that your auto-attacks come out quicker after casting Flair, so timing it right can improve your damage output.
**Blade Whirl (W)**
Known as "Samira's Wind Wall," this ability is crucial for blocking key spells like Renata Glasc's Hostile Takeover or Ornn's Call of the Forge God. Given its long cooldown, it’s important not to waste it on minor abilities. Blade Whirl is also a vital part of Samira’s fast combo sequences, as both slashes increase your Style-grade.
**Wild Rush (E)**
A basic dash that resets after takedowns (if you’ve damaged the target within the last 3 seconds). Use Wild Rush with Flair for quick burst damage when diving onto an enemy. During Inferno Trigger, always be aware of your next target to dash toward to get a reset, especially when repositioning mid-fight.
**Inferno Trigger (R)**
Samira’s ultimate is her primary source of massive AoE damage. However, it requires vision on an enemy to cast, so you can’t use it on invisible champions like Akali in her Twilight Shroud unless there's another visible enemy nearby. Be mindful that during the ultimate, Samira moves slower by 30%, and all of her Style-grades are consumed instantly. You can combine Galeforce and Wild Rush with Inferno Trigger for extra dashes during the ult. Sometimes there’s a glitch that lets you auto-attack or use Flair during the ultimate, but this isn’t intended.
**Tips & Strategies:**
- You can dash through walls by using Wild Rush at the right angle if there’s an enemy or minion close to the wall.
- Don’t panic and spam abilities in hectic fights. You need to time them properly to build up your Style-grade and trigger your ultimate. Missing a Q isn’t disastrous since it has a low cooldown, but be sure to weave in auto-attacks between abilities and avoid using everything all at once.
- During Inferno Trigger, flashing forward to secure a kill can be life-saving. Triumph and lifesteal, along with Conqueror, can heal you for a significant amount, keeping you alive even when it seems like you’re about to die.
- Hold off on using Blade Whirl until the last possible moment. Even if it seems like an enemy’s projectile has already hit you, a perfectly timed Blade Whirl can still block multiple projectiles.
- If you know you’ll secure a kill, use Wild Rush beforehand to reset its cooldown, giving you more mobility and better positioning options.
- Stay aware of when your teammates land hard CC so you can quickly dash in using your passive. Supports like Alistar, Nautilus, Thresh, and Rakan are great to follow up with.
- Engage melee with minions to hit multiple enemies at once with your Q. You’ll deal extra damage in melee stance, so take advantage of this when trading with close-range opponents.
Mastering Samira requires quick decision-making, sharp mechanics, and precise combos. Once you’ve perfected her playstyle, she becomes a deadly threat in any teamfight, capable of turning battles in your favor with her explosive ultimate!
- Incredibly fun to play
- Exceptional snowball potential
- Dominates in teamfights
- Can easily carry games if ahead
- Scales well into the late game
- Very vulnerable to crowd control (CC)
- Extremely high risk; games often result in either many kills or many deaths
- Struggles against long-range champions in bot lane
- Dependent on a strong support
- Falls off hard when weak-sided
- Low base damage until items are built
**Daredevil Impulse (Passive)**
Samira’s passive gives her a dash toward immobilized enemies, with the dash range increasing as she levels up (lvl 1/4/8/12/16). Early on, staying close to your support is essential to capitalize on your engage opportunities. The movement speed boost from higher Style-grades (B+ and above) isn’t huge, but at higher levels (lvl 1/6/11/16), it helps you chase down opponents with no extra mobility.
**Flair (Q)**
Flair is your go-to tool for poking, trading, and farming. While its base damage is quite low in the early game, it scales well as you level up. One small trick is that your auto-attacks come out quicker after casting Flair, so timing it right can improve your damage output.
**Blade Whirl (W)**
Known as "Samira's Wind Wall," this ability is crucial for blocking key spells like Renata Glasc's Hostile Takeover or Ornn's Call of the Forge God. Given its long cooldown, it’s important not to waste it on minor abilities. Blade Whirl is also a vital part of Samira’s fast combo sequences, as both slashes increase your Style-grade.
**Wild Rush (E)**
A basic dash that resets after takedowns (if you’ve damaged the target within the last 3 seconds). Use Wild Rush with Flair for quick burst damage when diving onto an enemy. During Inferno Trigger, always be aware of your next target to dash toward to get a reset, especially when repositioning mid-fight.
**Inferno Trigger (R)**
Samira’s ultimate is her primary source of massive AoE damage. However, it requires vision on an enemy to cast, so you can’t use it on invisible champions like Akali in her Twilight Shroud unless there's another visible enemy nearby. Be mindful that during the ultimate, Samira moves slower by 30%, and all of her Style-grades are consumed instantly. You can combine Galeforce and Wild Rush with Inferno Trigger for extra dashes during the ult. Sometimes there’s a glitch that lets you auto-attack or use Flair during the ultimate, but this isn’t intended.
**Tips & Strategies:**
- You can dash through walls by using Wild Rush at the right angle if there’s an enemy or minion close to the wall.
- Don’t panic and spam abilities in hectic fights. You need to time them properly to build up your Style-grade and trigger your ultimate. Missing a Q isn’t disastrous since it has a low cooldown, but be sure to weave in auto-attacks between abilities and avoid using everything all at once.
- During Inferno Trigger, flashing forward to secure a kill can be life-saving. Triumph and lifesteal, along with Conqueror, can heal you for a significant amount, keeping you alive even when it seems like you’re about to die.
- Hold off on using Blade Whirl until the last possible moment. Even if it seems like an enemy’s projectile has already hit you, a perfectly timed Blade Whirl can still block multiple projectiles.
- If you know you’ll secure a kill, use Wild Rush beforehand to reset its cooldown, giving you more mobility and better positioning options.
- Stay aware of when your teammates land hard CC so you can quickly dash in using your passive. Supports like Alistar, Nautilus, Thresh, and Rakan are great to follow up with.
- Engage melee with minions to hit multiple enemies at once with your Q. You’ll deal extra damage in melee stance, so take advantage of this when trading with close-range opponents.
Mastering Samira requires quick decision-making, sharp mechanics, and precise combos. Once you’ve perfected her playstyle, she becomes a deadly threat in any teamfight, capable of turning battles in your favor with her explosive ultimate!
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