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Sivir Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Sivir Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Sivir Guide by misterfirstblood

Updated on December 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 46 9 374,567 Views 2 Comments
46 9 374,567 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Sivir Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on December 4, 2024
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Runes: standard

Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[14.23] Sivir Guide by misterfirstblood

By misterfirstblood
Hello guys, I'm MisterFirstBlood from EUW and today I'm gonna show you how to play the reworked version of Sivir.
Pro's and con's
+ The arguably best Spellshield in the game.
+ Very nice Ultimate to enable your team
+ Solid waveclear
+ High range ability and solid auto attack range.
+ Strong lategame.

- 2 of your abilities doesnt really deal damage
- No outplay potential in 1v1 situations since all you can do is right clicking
Passive: Fleet of Foot

Sivir gains a short burst of Move Speed when she attacks an enemy champion.

Q: Boomerang Blade
Sivir hurls her crossblade like a boomerang, dealing damage each way.

W: Ricochet
Sivir's next few basic attacks will bounce to nearby targets, dealing reduced damage to secondary targets. Ricochets can now bounce back to targets that have already been hit, but only one additional time. Ricochets will prioritize new targets first.
Activating Ricochet grants Sivir bonus attack speed

E: Spell Shield
Creates a magical barrier that blocks a single enemy ability cast on Sivir. She receives Health back if a spell is blocked and procs Sivir’s Passive - Fleet of Foot.

R: On The Hunt
Sivir leads her allies in battle, granting them a surge Move Speed for a period of time. If Sivir assists with a recent takedown while her R - On the Hunt buff is active, its aura will now refresh its duration. Sivir’s basic attacks during R - On the Hunt now reduce her basic ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds per attack
There are a couple of valid item builds for Sivir currently.
Some like to rush Statikk Shiv, some build Essence Reaver and Navori Flickerblade and others embed Kraken Slayer into their builds.

All of these items have strenghts and weaknesses but genereally its never a bad idea to stack critical strike chance on sivir and build Infinity Edge second or third.

the last items should be any form of tank shred so the best options are Mortal Reminder and Lord Dominik's Regards and survivability is granted by items like Bloodthirster or Mercurial Scimitar
Since lethal tempo is no more, the next best option is Fleet Footwork. And it synergies well with sivirs movement speed. Presence of Mind solves sustain issues and Legend: Alacrity boosts your damage by a bit. Cut Down helps out dealing with tanks, which is not one of sivirs strenghts.

for your secondary tree i recommend Sorcery because there is Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm that you can choose to optimize your late game DPS.
- W does reset your auto attack animation.
- If you play against something like caitlyn who puts traps on the ground, you can restore health by using your spell shield and walking over them.
- Rather block CC with your spellshield than damage. I mean of course it depends on your enemies champ. Blitzcrank hook is deadly and you should always shield it but Caitlyn Q may be not be the best decision when a morgana is able to hit a Q after.
- People completely underrate the damage of your W.
You don't need to attack the carries always. Feel free to activate W into a near minion wave or attack their frontline and your ricochets will do the rest, especially after the update.
- When you are running away from your enemies, keep auto attacking them. The movement speed increase will make it easier for you to escape, and you damage them while they cant really fight back.
Sivir is a pretty strong and solid pick. You have a lot of defensive tools, a pretty simple kit and the possibility to enable your team with your ultimate while doing massive area of effect damage. All in all its a super great choice not only for beginners.
Thank You!
Thanks for paying attention to my guide. My English is not the best so if you find mistakes feel free to correct me.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood
misterfirstblood Sivir Guide
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[14.23] Sivir Guide by misterfirstblood

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