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Zyra Build Guide by ShoDesu

Support 🔴 [14.24] Challenger Zyra Guide 🎥HIGHEST WINRATE BUILD

Support 🔴 [14.24] Challenger Zyra Guide 🎥HIGHEST WINRATE BUILD

Updated on December 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu Build Guide By ShoDesu 5,921 Views 0 Comments
5,921 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu Zyra Build Guide By ShoDesu Updated on December 15, 2024
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

🔴 [14.24] Challenger Zyra Guide 🎥HIGHEST WINRATE BUILD

By ShoDesu
Introduction & Credentials
Hi, my name is ShoDesu AKA J4NNA. I am a challenger support main that plays on the NA server and have been playing Janna for about 2 years now. I play other supports but Janna is easily my most played support. I have been meaning to write this guide for a while now, as many people have asked me to so here it is! If you have any questions that his guide does not cover, feel free to come to my stream and ask them! My twitch is !
Pros & Cons
+ High CC
+ Can solo carry
+ Punishes dive comps
+ Zone Control
+ Strong Poke
+ Lots of Damage
Zyra is a powerful champion offering exceptional utility and burst damage through her plant-based abilities. As a mage-support hybrid, she excels in zoning enemies with her seeds and punishing missteps with high-damage combos. Her crowd control capabilities, including her Grasping Roots and Stranglethorns, can turn the tide of team fights by locking down multiple opponents. Zyra's ability to control areas of the map and provide consistent poke damage makes her a valuable asset in both the laning phase and late-game team fights. Her versatility and impact make her a strong choice for players who enjoy controlling the battlefield.
- Bad when behind
- Squishy
- Needs items
- No mobility
- Slow Abilities
Zyra can struggle as a champion due to her fragility and lack of mobility, making her an easy target for assassins and engage-heavy supports. Her reliance on landing skill shots, such as Grasping Roots, means she can be inconsistent if her abilities are dodged or misused. In the late game, poor positioning or the inability to survive burst damage often leaves her unable to contribute meaningfully to team fights. Against highly mobile champions, Zyra's damage can feel underwhelming.
Passive - Garden of Thorns
Seeds spawn around Zyra periodically, becoming faster with level. Zyra can cast Deadly Spines or Grasping Roots near seeds to grow plants, who fight for Zyra.
Q - Deadly Spines
Thick vines spread through the ground and explode into spines, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. If cast near a seed, Deadly Spines grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar.
W - Rampant Growth
Zyra plants a seed, lasting up to 60 seconds. Deadly Spines and Grasping Roots cast near seeds will turn them into plants who fight for Zyra. Zyra can store multiple seeds at once, and killing enemies reduces Rampant Growth's recharge time.
E - Grasping Roots
Zyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her target, dealing damage and rooting enemies they come across. If cast near a seed, Grasping Roots grows a Vine Lasher, whose short range attacks reduce enemy Move Speed.
R - Stranglethorns
Zyra summons a twisted thicket at her target location, dealing damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne as it contracts. Plants within the thicket are enraged.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShoDesu
ShoDesu Zyra Guide
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🔴 [14.24] Challenger Zyra Guide 🎥HIGHEST WINRATE BUILD

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