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Recommended Items
Runes: Aggressive
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Like Sona said, "I'll play any stage once. Some, just the once". I permaban Pyke. He is squishy but too mobile. He kills all your wards and gives your mid a miserable time.
Movement advantages, vision, poke, map control. Can play both defensive and aggressive. Don't overpush!
Movement advantages, vision, poke, map control. Can play both defensive and aggressive. Don't overpush!
Champion Build Guide
- Sona champion rank #244
- 46 games 67.5% winrate in emerald 1
- 72.3% teamfights winrate
- KDA 1.9 / 4.2 / 17.4
However, Sona is very squishy, mana hungry and scales slowly. You're vulnerable to early dives and at your weakest before getting your first few items. You have to play around your enemies CD's to position well. If you get caught, you have no way of escaping without burning flash.
In this regard, Sona is undeniably weak. Arguably even a poor pick. But she has to be that way because if they were to buff her, she would be outrageously broken.
Power Chord: Every 3 ability casts, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage (20−240 + 20% AP) and applies an effect based on her last used ability:
- Hymn of Valor (Staccato): Deals 30−360 (based on level) (+30% AP) magic damage.
- Aria of Perseverance (Diminuendo): Shrinks target by 8% and reduces damage by 25% (+4% per 100 AP) for 3 seconds.
- Song of Celerity (Tempo): Slows target by 50% (+4% per 100 AP) for 2 seconds (max 99%).
- You are ideally looking to hit both the enemy ADC and support with Q, but most of the time only the other is in range which means your second bolt of Q will target the closest minion. Do not use Q when the minion closest to you is low HP. You'll mess up your ADC's farm.
- Look to hit Q's when enemy ADC walks up to farm a minion.
- When you're playing passively against e.g. Blitzcrank, prioritize securing your ADC's cannon or picking cs for them. Complete your support item the safest way. Sometimes this means not walking up to poke.
Aria of Perseverance
- High mana cost early so aim to only use W right before damage is about to land on you or your ADC, so that you both shield the upcoming damage and heal any previously taken damage.
- Use empowered W in 2v2 on the enemy ADC for a 3 second exhaust. This is your priority power chord.
- The W projectile reveals your stealthed ally position on cast. So if you're baiting enemies to walk by a bush, don't use W next to your hiding allies.
- You can also heal clones like Wukong's, Neeko's, LeBlanc's and Shaco's.
Song of Celerity
- I always store an empowered E when moving on the map, use it for the slow, then rapidly Q, W and E again for another empowered E. You're giving the enemy a 4 second 50% slow. Every game I get a pick by doing this. It's your OP sleeper combo.
- I take E at level 4 if we have pressure since the start. Otherwise level 3.
- Does your team have health/mana? Does your team have ultimates? Can they follow up if you flash R? Do enemies have spells? You have a game deciding ultimate at hand. Learn to observe when's the best time to use it in your games.
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