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Samira Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [15.02] Samira ADC guide by Misterfirstblood v2

ADC [15.02] Samira ADC guide by Misterfirstblood v2

Updated on February 4, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 12 7 93,168 Views 0 Comments
12 7 93,168 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Samira Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on February 4, 2025
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Runes: Standard Conq

Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[15.02] Samira ADC guide by Misterfirstblood v2

By misterfirstblood
Hello guys, it's MisterFirstBlood from EUW, and after taking a long break from League, I am finally back with some ADC guides for you!

Today, we will be discussing Samira, one of the ADCs that requires a more aggressive playstyle. The pick itself is super risky, but her kit offers lifesteal, projectile protection, and mobility, allowing you to snowball once you get ahead. If you're looking to dominate the Rift with an exciting and high-risk, high-reward champion, Samira might be the perfect choice for you. Let's dive into her abilities, item builds, and strategies to help you master this thrilling champion!
Pros and Cons

+ Massive AoE damage

+ Game-changing ultimate with almost no cooldown

+ Lifesteal built into the regular build

+ A utility tool to spell shield some skill shots

+ A gap closer with cooldown reset on shutdown

+ Can snowball and have a huge impact on the game


- Not the best laning phase

- Struggles when falling behind

- Needs to go melee to be effective, which can be risky against champions like Rammus

- Aggressive and risky playstyle may not suit everyone, and it might not be the best champion for playing a very defensive lane
P: Daredevil Impulse
Samira builds a combo by hitting attacks or abilities unique from the previous hit. Samira's attacks in melee range deal additional magic damage. Samira's attacks against enemies affected by Immobilizing effects will dash her to her attack range. If the enemy is Knocked Up, she also keeps them Knocked Up briefly.

Q: Flair
Samira fires a shot or swings her sword, dealing damage. If cast during Wild Rush, strike all enemies in her path upon completion.

W: Blade Whirl

Samira slashes around her, damaging enemies and destroying enemy missiles.

E: Wild Rush

Samira dashes through an enemy (including structures), slashing enemies she passes through and gaining Attack Speed. Killing an enemy champion refreshes this ability's cooldown.

R: Inferno Trigger
Samira unleashes a torrent of shots from her weapons, wildly shooting all enemies surrounding her.
Skill Order & Explaination
Since your Q Flair ability has a super short base cooldown of 2 seconds at the highest level, it's highly recommended to max it out first.

Deciding whether to spend points in Blade Whirl or Wild Rush second depends on your opponent's team. For example, if you're against Morgana and Caitlyn, you can deny many of their bindings and improve your survivability by maxing out Blade Whirl.

If you are against a melee tank and you feel confident in your matchup, needing to engage more often, Wild Rush is more recommended. Its cooldown gets reset after you receive a kill, so you won't worry about the cooldown in either scenario. If maxing out Blade Whirl doesn't make sense in a specific matchup, just go for Wild Rush.
Your core DPS items are The Collector and Infinity Edge. After purchasing these, you should prioritize survivability.

If you can afford to buy Lord Dominik's Regards without risking death, you can go for maximum damage output. Otherwise, defensive options like Bloodthirster and Immortal Shieldbow, paired with defensive boots like Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps, are often enough to keep you alive.
Samira is one of the exceptions where Conqueror is still best in slot. You want longer fights and full engages, and really need the lifesteal and attack damage from a fully stacked rune, more than what Fleet Footwork or Press the Attack could ever offer. Triumph is a no-brainer for all-in champions with risky gameplay like hers, and Legend: Bloodline and Last Stand further support your lifesteal and damage dealt when low on health.

Taste of Blood provides even more lifesteal and helps during laning, while Treasure Hunter makes it easier to snowball by granting extra gold after defeating opponents. You could theoretically go for Inspiration as the second tree and take Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery for the same purpose, but I feel that Domination fits Samira more.
Tips & Tricks
If an opponent stands close to a wall, you can dash through it by using your dash at the right angle.

Don't panic and just click buttons in hectic situations. You have to sequence your abilities correctly to get an S grade and activate your ultimate ability. If you fail a Q, it doesn't matter too much because of the low cooldowns, but keep in mind to auto-attack after each ability and don't use all abilities in a row immediately.

If you are in your ultimate, flashing offensively to secure a kill can save your life. Not only does Triumph restore a lot of health, but your lifesteal and Conqueror can heal an unexpected amount, potentially saving your life even if it looks like you're just dying.

Use Blade Whirl as late as possible. Even if some skill shots look like they have already reached your hitbox, if you press it as late as possible, the chances are higher that you "cleanse" multiple projectiles away at the same time.

If you are sure you will get a kill, use Wild Rush before shutting your opponent down. It will reset its cooldown anyway, offering more damage and more options to position yourself correctly.

Always pay attention to when your teammates are applying hard CC so you can dash into your passive range and apply its effect. Sometimes the reaction window is very short, so try to move your mouse over potential targets and coordinate with your supports, especially if you're around champions like Alistar, Nautilus, Thresh, or Rakan.

Going melee against minions allows you to hit multiple enemies at the same time by using your Q ability, enabling you to farm and trade simultaneously. Your melee stance also deals additional damage, so if you can afford it and an opponent's melee champion comes close, give it a try.
Summary and other guides
Samira might be one of the riskiest ADCs in the game, and it can be really frustrating to fall behind with her. However, when it works, she is also one of the most rewarding ADCs in the game. Her aggressive playstyle can lead to incredible plays and game-changing moments.

I've had games where I was so overfed, I could literally fight the jungler and toplaner 1v2 and still be full health after the battle. Blade Whirl is a unique ability that's super fun to use, and timing it correctly really matters.

Overall, Samira offers a high-risk, high-reward experience. If you're willing to take the risk and master her aggressive kit, she can be incredibly fun and impactful. Try her out—you can do really amazing things with her!

If you enjoyed my guide, I would appreciate a vote. Also, if you want to see more of my content, check out my other ADC guides.

Here are links to my other guides:

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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood
misterfirstblood Samira Guide
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[15.02] Samira ADC guide by Misterfirstblood v2

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