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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Ability Upgrade
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Viego has every tool to counter you. His W allows him to interupt your E. His R can interupt your E. He does insane amount of dmg to you because this champ is a tank slayer since he usually builds kraken slayer and sometimes even bork. This champ is usually my go to ban whenever I play Skarner.
This champs allows you to go really deep with your engages since he can follow up on it with his R. And If you manage to land a good R he can simply just R you and help with insane CC.
This champs allows you to go really deep with your engages since he can follow up on it with his R. And If you manage to land a good R he can simply just R you and help with insane CC.
Champion Build Guide
If you have any questions regarding anything either drop a comment here on the guide or visit my stream and I will try to answer :D.
Also keep in mind that Skarner has a bleed passive which activates after he have hit a target 3 times. Which can allow you to move from a camp faster since you can let it bleed to death.
Skarner have really good jungle clear, and he has insane gank potential due to his E. He is also really great diver because he can drag people out of the tower, which is what you should focus on trying to do if you can.
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