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Evelynn Build Guide by mcasterix123

[7.22] New Evelynn: A first look, basic guide (Updated runes

[7.22] New Evelynn: A first look, basic guide (Updated runes

Updated on November 8, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mcasterix123 Build Guide By mcasterix123 12 5 237,521 Views 4 Comments
12 5 237,521 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mcasterix123 Evelynn Build Guide By mcasterix123 Updated on November 8, 2017
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Ahoy folks, this is a quick barebones guide to the new Evelynn. While I'm sure her true strengths will be determined in the runes reforged update, currently I feel that she's a well balanced champion with a decent damage, powerful CC, but at the same time having conditions to achieve said damage and CC. In my opinion, her 1 v 1 isn't as strong, but her ganks and skirmishing with teammates has been improved considerably.

To say I'm an expert on the new Evelynn would be extremely arrogant, foolish and frankly incorrect. This is more of a basic run through on each ability, phases of the game, and builds that seem to be effective.
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My perspective on builds

At an initial glance, I don't think Evelynn should be building full burst unless snowballed ridiculously. I think she's become more of a conditional assassin with fighter qualities. Through her W her damage becomes very consistent and basically gives you periods of time where you have the passive of a void staff. As such you can afford to build more bruisery items with high flat pen. While building flat out damage when snowballed is fair enough. What I'm surprised at though is how rarely people are building Rylai's. While it offers less all out damage, I partially attribute her low initial win rate to people trying to build her too much like an Assassin.
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Passive: Demon shade

Pre-level 6, all it does is let you heal to set amount of hp, scaling further with AP. Note, the rate of healing doesn't seem to be affected. It activates after 4 seconds after being out of combat. Post 6 though, hoo-boy. You permanently camouflage preventing you from being spotted by normal wards, and will only appear within 700 units (7 teemos) of an opponent. You're still spotted by vision wards and turrets though. This allows for some very sneaky gank paths and creates a false sense of security when the enemy team doesn't know you're 6.

On a side note, I think not letting it activate until post 6 has allowed her new kit to be less cheese reliant, more room for scaling and more effective ganking. Props to you Rito.
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Ability 1: Hate Spike AKA Do you get the point?

Long story short, you throw out a skill shot, then can recast it to shoot a line of damage towards the target you're attacking. If the skill shot hits, the recipient will gain three charges which are procced by abilities and autos to inflict extra damage. When clearing, you aim to use this ability to apply the charges to the largest monsters. The hate spikes then proc the charges whilst hitting nearby enemies to proc your talisman further. CDR is reduced dramatically when a monster is hit making clearing a lot easier.

With Rylai's, this allows you to consistently slow your opponent and help drag them down for your teammates if you can't burst them down yourself. It's also very important for proccing your W if you can't use your E. Speaking of which.

One thing to note is that if you land the skill shot and proc it with your 3 lashes, this ability has an AP ratio of 195%. Without landing the first lash, it's only 90% minus all the extra base damage. If don't land the first lash, your damage will be pretty damn pitiful.
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Ability 2: Allure

This is your bread and butter, offering CC and setting up your burst damage. You apply a mark onto your target. If you attack the target or land an ability on the target within 2.5 seconds, you apply a slow. If allowed to brew for 2.5+ seconds, the target will instead be charmed. If a champion, they lose 25-35% mr based on rank. If a monster, they get charmed for longer and take a burst of bonus magic damage.

This ability is fantastic follow up CC, but also sends a signal to oblivious teammates that you're coming to gank. A sneaky charm can be a potential game changer, but don't feel obliged to wait the whole 2.5 seconds if the slow is enough. While it is tempting to only apply this to carries the MR shred lets you threaten tanks who are frontlining during a siege, so don't be afraid to tag them. Oh, and it activates the Rift scuttlers resistance reduction letting you grab it early easily.
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Ability 3: Whiplash

Your E is fantastic, especially when an opponent walks into with a fully charged W on them.
When used repeatedly, your tails reach out and inflict pitiful damage with the max hp damage inflicted scaling with AP, plus you get a small speed boost for 2 seconds.
However, if used after demon shade activate then it becomes empowered upping it to half decent base damage plus even more max HP damage. Here's the kicker though, when empowered it drags you to the enemy. This ability can proc your W allowing you to get an unpunished point-blank Q onto them, letting you dish out a silly amount of damage.

This ability also procs Lichbane and other on-hit effects automatically allowing for some potentially massive burst damage. This is balanced though by making it most max hp damage. The base damage isn't much though, hence why I recommend W max second over E.
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Ultimate abilty: Last Caress

This is Caitlyn's E on steroids. You sweep in front of yourself and inflict massive AOE damage in a decent size area, then zip a short distance in the opposite direction. The blink makes you untargetable thus making her arguably one of the best level 6 tower divers. This sweetened further by the damage inflicted against champions below 30% being DOUBLED. A tank below 30% after being hit by a W is basically guaranteed to die regardless, and is one of the strongest executes that doesn't utilize missing health damage.
This ability functions as both an execute and get out of jail free card. The blink can let you avoid a lot of dangerous abilities without burning a flash. Even though it's quite new, I think it's one of the best ults we've had in a long time.
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How to play Early game

Early game ganking is difficult but not impossible. Top lane is the ideal lane to gank first as it's a longer, isolated lane but if you don't think it can work you can always do 5-6 camp clear. Remember, tag the monster you want to kill first with your skillshot Q first, then line it up to hit as many mobs as possible.
Please note, you are very vulnerable to early invades. Your early game dueling if you don't proc your mark or get attacked mid-camp is pretty damn awful. Evelynn is no longer about early cheese, but in fact avoiding it at all costs. It's better to give up two camps to steal one if you get invaded. Play cautiously, and ward a lot (hence the tracker's knife).
Once you have 6 though, that's when you can gank easily. Lane ganks are significantly easier to accomplish plus counter jungling if snowballed is a doddle. Let me stress though, you don't have to wait until 6 to gank. If you see an easy gank, go for it.
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How to play Mid and late game

Your mid and late game is significantly better than pre-rework Eve, though by far still not . Though it's still dependent on you landing skillshots, your teamfight isn't too awfull. You can help peel with Rylai's to help your more fed carries, or you can take advantage of enemy engages to pick off carries. Your E also helps chunk tanks, but be wary that your empowered E will drag you into them.
Personally, I think Evelynn is a very mid-late game centric champion now. She has a lot of resistance shred, works well with pen, very high scaling, and an ultimate which makes her untargetable. Many have pointed out that the W is somewhat of a beacon that you're aiming for someone, but that's why you need to a) path well and b) work with teammates to lockdown priority target as is the case with most Assassins.
The W isn't just a beacon for their team though, it's a signal to your team that if they can stop them moving for one second, you can charm them.
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Post further testing: Power spikes and the non-early carry mindset needed n

So I've been looking around on forums and the Eve reddit page and it seems to me that a lot of players dislike her new kit. Personally, I think it's because her damage is a lot more conditional and can no longer be used for early cheese tactics. No, you use her for late game cheese tactics.
As mentioned earlier, her early game is very vulnerable. Pretty much the opposite of pre-rework Eve, so a lot of Eve mains are struggling to get to grips with her new kit. My advice is don't focus on making schneaky beaky plays early game. You no longer have stealth until 6, your damage isn't amazing until you get a few ranks in Q, and pretty much every jungler can out-duel you before level 3.

If you think this is unfair, think of the rework like this. Evelynn pre-rework had to fall off really hard to balance the stealth early. Now her stealth comes online later, she now scales a lot better. This means that you can provide a lot more during ganks late game teamfights compared to other assassins. In lane, you can now gank both lanes with CC and no CC pretty well if you path correctly. This all depends on changing from a 1 v 1 mindset to looking for more 2 v 1s. You're no longer an early game carry, you're a late game investment and need to consider feeding more gold into lanes to get you to that late game.

True, late game is difficult as a melee assassin. Landing damage without getting blown up yourself is hard, but you have several advantages over other assassins.
1. You have CC in your kit
2. Dealing damage or escaping isn't a choice (Fizz E, Zed W), both are easily accomplished at the same time with your ult
And the third point... is so big it needs a whole chapter dedicated to it.
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You do tons of damage even when building as a bruiser

Ironically, the greatest complaint many Eve players have had with the rework is actually one of the reasons I think she has a decent late game now. Quick recap, old Evelynn was Hybrid IE she had both AP and AD scaling, along with an AS steroid to make her autos more effective. They removed this for long term game health, but limited new Eve's potential builds. However, looking at her kit this has also left room for her to reliably burst down ADCs with no issue in the late game.
This is achieved on 3 levels
1. Extremely high AP ratio on Q.
2. MR shred on W with a charm that allows Q to burst
3. Even going bruisery with 350 AP, Her Q alone will do 350 base + 600 damage from scaling, not taking into account all of the M pen and MR shred in her kit.
The last point is very important. By going bruisery she increases her survivability yet still has decent damage. Going full AP does offer glorious instagibs, but it makes her damage a lot more conditional.

Again, this is based on my experiences with her and some number crunching. If you've honestly felt better and more effective building full AP, more power to you.
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With the new rune update, a lot of theory crafting is going on at the moment so this may not necessarily be the most optimum build. However, I do feel that certain runes are the best option for its slot.


Major Keystone: Electrocute
While the other keystones could have use (more Dark Harvest than Predator), this offers a bit more much needed burst in the early game.

Sudden impact: With MR runes removed, magic pen should be even more valuable than before. This combined with Evelynn's passive camo makes this rune tailor-made for her.

Ghost Poro: While Eve should still help out removing wards, they're less of a concern when ganking since only vision wards will reveal her. This combined with her not relying on bushes for schneaky beaky moves allows her to use it a lot more selectively.

Relentless hunter OR Ravenous hunter:
Both options are viable since Eve's damage is almost entirely ability damage + farming seems to be a little harder making sustain more tempting. However, the out of combat MS gain could make ganking and positioning a lot easier later on, so really it's a matter of preference.

The secondary tree seems to cater a lot more to personal preference, so I invite everyone reading this guide to experiment with the new runes (for your primary tree also!). However, I personally think that sorcery seems to offer a bit more utility in areas Eve is lacking. Rather than specifying slots, I will refer to which I think is best in its row when selecting, then you can decide which you'd pefer.

Row 1: Ultimate hat

You don't really have too high mana costs on individual abilty casts bar your W for manaflow, and Orb seems very limited to lane magic match ups. Your ult however is an extremely powerful tool, so getting up to 15 % CDR on it is invaluable.

Row 2: All 3 have their uses. Transcendence gives more CDR making low CDR bruiser builds a bit more viable, Celerity could function well with other runes depending on your choice, but is a wee bit more situational, and Absolute Focus makes you ganking fresh even more scary. However, given the slightly hard clears (at least early on), unless you go full AP to regen your HP making use of this rune could be difficult.

Row 3: Again, all of them do have a place depending on playstyle. Scorch offers a bit more damage for ganks, but only does 30-60 damage based on level. Waterwalking is good for a more defensive patrolly game where you need to counter gank as much as possible + objective control. Gathering Storm is super late game, but it could be worth it given Eve's scaling. However, it's pretty risky to use a slot on this.
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Hopefully, this guide helped give a little insight into new Evelynn. Again, this is a barebones guide and I'm sure will be outdone soon when previous Eve mains have adjusted to the new kit.
Thank you for reading, and good luck getting to Challenger!
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