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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
- Barrier instead of heal is also viable, but usually only if your support is taking heal themselves.
- Usually as MF, you start with lots of poking. Try to set up a low minion in front of your opponent to kill with your Q for the guaranteed crit. If you can't set up a low minion, merely hitting your Q with aery, whether via a minion or not will still do significant damage.
- Remember her passive means she deals more auto damage to new targets, meaning if you go for an auto trade against your opponent adc, it will proc and so will aery, meaning 9 times of out 10 you will win that auto trade.
- When coming up against supports or ADCs that poke using arcane comet, priotise boot purchases. For instance, if on your first back you have only around 1100 gold, take boots, 2 long swords and some health pots over caufield's Warhammer.
- When fighting, if low minions are present, don't be afraid to take a risk and use one to proc the guaranteed crit on your Q. It can wipe nearly half your opponents health in one shot, and will give you a huge advantage in the rest of the fight.
- Watch your W's passive to see whether or not you need to use your W to escape possible ganks and other problematic situations.
- Remember her passive means she deals more auto damage to new targets, meaning if you go for an auto trade against your opponent adc, it will proc and so will aery, meaning 9 times of out 10 you will win that auto trade.
- When coming up against supports or ADCs that poke using arcane comet, priotise boot purchases. For instance, if on your first back you have only around 1100 gold, take boots, 2 long swords and some health pots over caufield's Warhammer.
- When fighting, if low minions are present, don't be afraid to take a risk and use one to proc the guaranteed crit on your Q. It can wipe nearly half your opponents health in one shot, and will give you a huge advantage in the rest of the fight.
- Watch your W's passive to see whether or not you need to use your W to escape possible ganks and other problematic situations.
MF is a lane bully who can change the course of any team fight using her ultimate. Try to synergize with your support. Communicate with your team ask for a support with a stun or root, as that will help maximize your chance of hitting most of your R's waves. I find that supports like blitz, thresh, etc. that soak up high damage and initiate are good to use with Miss Fortune, as they can set up her ult and protect her well.
This build will be likely more useful in lower elo's, especially Bronze and Silver if you're looking to climb, as many low level players ignore the dangner of sitting behind minions against MF. Happy climbing.
This build will be likely more useful in lower elo's, especially Bronze and Silver if you're looking to climb, as many low level players ignore the dangner of sitting behind minions against MF. Happy climbing.
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