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Poppy Build Guide by TMS Sugar

Top [8.12] Just a Yordle with a Hammer

Top [8.12] Just a Yordle with a Hammer

Updated on June 16, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TMS Sugar Build Guide By TMS Sugar 5,667 Views 0 Comments
5,667 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TMS Sugar Poppy Build Guide By TMS Sugar Updated on June 16, 2018
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Hello! My name is Sugar and today I'm going to show you how to play Poppy. I'm Poppy lvl 6 90k maestry and after 20 games I have 80% win-ratio. Poppy is a little bit out of meta, but still so good on soloq. She does have damage and she is very tanky and also have much CC.
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As i usually say proper runes are very important thing to win the game. They give you many buffs and special skills. Aftershock is a very good rune for Poppy. Some people play with Grasp or Electrocute. I prefer Aftershock because in 1v1 fights when you engage with E into the wall, use Q and R you can even finish your enemy with Aftershock damage and your Passive. Secondary runes are less important but still they are. These runes give you Tenacity and restore some health wich means you can last longer in fights.
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Passive: You throw a shield with an autoattack and deal some damage. When it hits your opponent it lies on the ground for 4 seconds. When you pick it up you get from 15 to 20% of your maximum health for 3 seconds. When you kill a target by using your passive you will pick it up automatically. Remember to use it when last hitting. It's very helpful. It's your strong side in duels especially when you and your enemy are on low health.

Q: Hits the ground dealing physical damage to struck heroes and slows them. The area blows up after 1 second and deals another amount of damage.

W: Gives movement speed for 2,5 seconds and makes you a shield that blocks engages of your enemy.

E: Poppy jumps into enemy and deals damage. Enemy that got hit by Poppy's E is airboned. When Poppy pushes enemy into a wall enemy got stunned.

R: Pushes enemies out for a huge distance and airbones them. The distance of pushing out depends on how long you charge your R. You can charge it for max. 4 seconds.
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Normal tank items plus some dmg for duels. HP, Damage, Armor, Resistance.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TMS Sugar
TMS Sugar Poppy Guide
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[8.12] Just a Yordle with a Hammer

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