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"Let us begin"
About me
Hey, my name is "Teachsy" and i play on the EUNE server. I am Platinum 2 at the moment and i have played since the beginning of Season 5. The reason for me being Plat 2 is cause i have been inactive a couple of times. I mained adc at first but since season 6, Master Yi has been one of my favorite and most played champions. I hope you will enjoy my guide to Master Yi. I currently have 70% win rate with Master yi on my main account. I will try to keep it as simple as possible since it can be a bit boring to read a lot of text.
About Master yi
Master Yi is a Skirmisher (duelist). He is very strong in 1v1 matchups and will in a lot of cases handle 1v2's aswell. Many people consider Master Yi to be an easy champion with almost no skill required. His abilities are pretty simple and he is a popular pick in low elo and for beginners. But he can be very strong in high elo aswell. It takes skill to play him in this meta with tons of cc and heavy damage against you. When the tanks got nerfed, Master Yi had to pick a new playstyle with less attack speed and more damage.
About me
Hey, my name is "Teachsy" and i play on the EUNE server. I am Platinum 2 at the moment and i have played since the beginning of Season 5. The reason for me being Plat 2 is cause i have been inactive a couple of times. I mained adc at first but since season 6, Master Yi has been one of my favorite and most played champions. I hope you will enjoy my guide to Master Yi. I currently have 70% win rate with Master yi on my main account. I will try to keep it as simple as possible since it can be a bit boring to read a lot of text.
About Master yi
Master Yi is a Skirmisher (duelist). He is very strong in 1v1 matchups and will in a lot of cases handle 1v2's aswell. Many people consider Master Yi to be an easy champion with almost no skill required. His abilities are pretty simple and he is a popular pick in low elo and for beginners. But he can be very strong in high elo aswell. It takes skill to play him in this meta with tons of cc and heavy damage against you. When the tanks got nerfed, Master Yi had to pick a new playstyle with less attack speed and more damage.
+ Taking objectives + Good in 1v1's + Learn him quickly + Insane when fed + Hard to outrun + Alpha strike reset |
Master Yi is a great pick for Solo Q because his solo carry potential. He is also very strong with champions like Lulu and Taric so Duo Q and flex is also a very good option. He is easy to learn but recommend playing him for a while before you hop into ranked games. Like evey other champion it takes time to know how to play him/her. |
- Very hard against a lot of cc - Not very tanky - Weak early clear - Weaker early game |
Master Yi is hard to play against hard cc and if he can't dodge it with his Alpha Strike he won't do much more that fight since he isn't that tanky. |
There are many runes that works with master yi. Many people use Lethal Tempo and that is a rune that works well with master yi aswell but i prefer Conqueror for the true damage. It makes Master Yi much more deadly. If you want, you could go with Warrior and Lethal Tempo
Triumph is almost the only used rune in the first row of the Precisiontree. With the restored health when killing champions it works perfectly with Master Yi. I take Legend: Bloodline since you don't need more attack speed ( Legend: Alacrity). Last Stand can be useful in 1v2's and also when fighting early on in the jungle.
Magical Footwear is a really good option for Master Yi since it gives you the free boots but also extra movement speed. Cosmic Insight is also one of the best runes for Master Yi since it helps his Q reset and also his item cdr. ( Blade of the Ruined King)
There are many runes that works with master yi. Many people use Lethal Tempo and that is a rune that works well with master yi aswell but i prefer Conqueror for the true damage. It makes Master Yi much more deadly. If you want, you could go with Warrior and Lethal Tempo
Triumph is almost the only used rune in the first row of the Precisiontree. With the restored health when killing champions it works perfectly with Master Yi. I take Legend: Bloodline since you don't need more attack speed ( Legend: Alacrity). Last Stand can be useful in 1v2's and also when fighting early on in the jungle.
Magical Footwear is a really good option for Master Yi since it gives you the free boots but also extra movement speed. Cosmic Insight is also one of the best runes for Master Yi since it helps his Q reset and also his item cdr. ( Blade of the Ruined King)
Core items
The core items in this build is the items that you always want to build and these to items are Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor and Guinsoo's Rageblade. (As i said, if you go Lethal Tempo, warrior works). These 2 items is almost enough attackspeed for Master Yi but a good option is to build Blade of the Ruined King after.
Good Items
As i said the Blade of the Ruined King is core almost every game but after those items, you might want to think about what you are building. Essence Reaver is a good option but ONLY if you are fairly ahead and you feel like you can stay alive for some time in fights. Otherwise Dead Man's Plate or Randuin's Omen are 2 good items for sustain. Titanic Hydra works aswell. The last item could be Essence Reaver or Guardian Angel and even Spirit Visage. It depends on how much offense or defence you want to build. If you have like a Lulu or Kayle in your team, concider going the full damage build.
The core items in this build is the items that you always want to build and these to items are Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor and Guinsoo's Rageblade. (As i said, if you go Lethal Tempo, warrior works). These 2 items is almost enough attackspeed for Master Yi but a good option is to build Blade of the Ruined King after.
Good Items
As i said the Blade of the Ruined King is core almost every game but after those items, you might want to think about what you are building. Essence Reaver is a good option but ONLY if you are fairly ahead and you feel like you can stay alive for some time in fights. Otherwise Dead Man's Plate or Randuin's Omen are 2 good items for sustain. Titanic Hydra works aswell. The last item could be Essence Reaver or Guardian Angel and even Spirit Visage. It depends on how much offense or defence you want to build. If you have like a Lulu or Kayle in your team, concider going the full damage build.
Thank you so much for reading my guide. If you want to leave some feedback, feel free to comment. I also want to thank you for helping my Jax guide reach over 130k views. That is just insane. I hope you liked it and that you find it useful. Cowsep (a Master tier master yi streamer) also uses these runes.
But again, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote :)
~Never await victory
But again, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote :)
~Never await victory
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