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Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Reasoning behind Iceborn Guantlet and Lucian Top
This build as Lucian Top is very useful against team comps with a lot of AD. Early Game, you can poke out your laner and play very aggressive. With the standard Bork + BC start, you can easily kill tanks and bruisers.
By building Iceborn Gauntlet and PD next, you'll be very slippery. Iceborn gives you good peel by adding a slow to your autos and allows you to push lanes a lot faster. It also gives you 40% cdr with Black Cleaver, allowing you to be able to dash around often in fights. PD gives you extra tankiness.
With this build, you can play aggressive all game because you'll be slippery.
By building Iceborn Gauntlet and PD next, you'll be very slippery. Iceborn gives you good peel by adding a slow to your autos and allows you to push lanes a lot faster. It also gives you 40% cdr with Black Cleaver, allowing you to be able to dash around often in fights. PD gives you extra tankiness.
With this build, you can play aggressive all game because you'll be slippery.
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