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Runes: standard set
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order normal thing
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
yes, she s extreme but 95% of akali players are dumb, so it s ok if you see her. In this case Ez rekt
This guy is against global warming.
This guy is against global warming.
Champion Build Guide
I present myself: I'm an EXTREMELY high elo player. (gold 3)
Teemo is cute, while other champions aren't.
Also, he is an astronaut, a smart guy as you see. And since you are a smart guy too you can pick him.
Before being an astronaut, Teemo used to build nukes for the sake of peace... But ONU stopped him, so he decided to mask his bombs: they often seem mushrooms, or other things. But Riot games stopped him again, for balance reasons. Now to make strong bombs he needs to buy lame yellow books and similar trash. He needs your help, and in this guide i will teach you how to do it. So listen.
Shroom,because of evil nerfs,only apply 50% ap ratio... BUT we get arcane comet, so we add 20% ap ratio. ALSO luden adds 10% ap ratio. To make things better liandry BURNS your victims. All of this makes your traps (aka ragequit generators) Extreme Explosives Nukes ready to BOOM
But your traps aren t the only things to help you: your q will make that STUMP sound when casted. So lovely.
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