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Ryze Build Guide by punchaslime

Top A Quick Guide to Top Lane Ryze

Top A Quick Guide to Top Lane Ryze

Updated on October 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author punchaslime Build Guide By punchaslime 7,645 Views 0 Comments
7,645 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author punchaslime Ryze Build Guide By punchaslime Updated on October 22, 2013
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A Quick Introduction to Ryze

Hi! This is my guide to Ryze done for people who picked Ryze and are in the loading screen. To summarize him he is a short ranged, late game, high burst mage.
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How To Play Ryze

Early Game

Try to farm and stack your tear. If you have a range advantage, try to harass the opponent as much as possible. Mostly, try not to die.

Mid Game

Keep farming and stacking up. You have the option of split pushing if you have teleport up. At this point in the game you should be a bit tanky and do a lot of damage.

Late Game

Group with your team or split push. You should be able to duel anybody on their team and still be very tanky.


Because of your extremely short range, you won't be able to assassinate their ad carry easily. Try to stay back and burst the closest high priority target.


Short: Q W E Q
Medium: Q W Q E Q
Ultimate Combo: Q R Q W Q E
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League of Legends Build Guide Author punchaslime
punchaslime Ryze Guide
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A Quick Guide to Top Lane Ryze

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