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Nautilus Build Guide by set435

Top A top guide for Nautilus (Based off OP.GG)

Top A top guide for Nautilus (Based off OP.GG)

Updated on June 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author set435 Build Guide By set435 17,231 Views 2 Comments
17,231 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author set435 Nautilus Build Guide By set435 Updated on June 7, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Nautilus
    Nautlius Top V.1
  • LoL Champion: Nautilus
    Nautlius Top V.2


Glacial Augment
Hextech Flashtraption
Minion Dematerializer
Approach Velocity

Bone Plating


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Who am I? I am a gamer that only plays LOL if I have time, which is only on weekends. Other than that, I play Overwatch, Starcraft, and etc. Honestly, you shouldn't expect too much out of me for this guide.
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Pros / Cons

Nautilus has many pros and cons:
    Super Tanky late game
    Mostly CC
    A under rated champ, so you will most likely get him in ranked
    Good engage,
    Can excel in jungle, top, support, and even mid.
    His Q can help you escape bad situations
    Focuses the carry in late game with ult
    Synergizes well with a lot of champs
    Easy to learn, hard to apply
    Has no life steal whatsoever
    The champions that do counter him counter him hard
    His Q can't go through walls and sometimes doesn't pull you forward when hit terrain
    You get harassed in lane a lot
    Farm isn't great
    Isn't tanky for the first 20 min of game (unless you're fed)
    There are better champs with the same CC and more damage (Malphite, Maokai, Camille, etc.)
    Isn't loved by Rito
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Ranked Play

When you are going for ranked, Nautilus is one of the best champs to use because he isn't picked to be banned or picked to be chosen. In fact, if you become OP with Nautilus, you basically can win all of your ranked games with the right team.
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This guide was made under a limited time, so if you need any clarification on any of Nautilus' skillset, email me at If you notice any errors or if you want to and anything. Comment below.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author set435
set435 Nautilus Guide
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A top guide for Nautilus (Based off OP.GG)

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