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Jarvan IV Build Guide by BradBraw

AD Carry AD Jarvan the Sadist

AD Carry AD Jarvan the Sadist

Updated on May 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BradBraw Build Guide By BradBraw 1,701 Views 0 Comments
1,701 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BradBraw Jarvan IV Build Guide By BradBraw Updated on May 14, 2013
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



First Back
First buy Longsword and Beads
BF Sword and then BT
BF Sword and pickaxe first
Giants belt and Ruby Crystal and then Warmog
Zeal and dagger first



Hello my name is BradBraw, and I like to play jarvan since I've bought him. Hes a very OP champion to play with especially with this build.

The first time i searched a build for J4 i couldnt find a good one. I like to get the kills and slice the heads of the enemies off but apparently there are few guids for AD Jarvan. So i made this one for you guys ;). I like to share my stuff in public and i hope you'll get some kills with it.

This build is for toplane Jarvan, you'll laugh your *** off if you are Solo top because then you are very very powerfull.

Continuing, I hope you all take the time to give this guide a good read through and rate it constructively.
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Pros and Cons


He's strong in the beginning of the game when using the runes i marked down.
He can use his E and then his Q to jump over walls.
He's a very good teamfighter especially with his R, ultimate.
If you use his combo's right you'll get alot of kills.
His ultimate can kill enemy champions at your turret
He's fun to play.

Less mana.
If enemies getting stronger you'll get some arrear
If they can stun you cant escape with your E and Q.
His ultimate can trap your teammates when you dont use it right.
Ultimate doesnt deal that much damage.
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Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

Cleanse: Works well when you know for sure that the enemy got stun champions.

Flash: Doesn't even need to be explained. But make sure it's on your "F" key. F for flash, also the distance from the QWER cluster means you're less likely to accidentally press it.

Ignite: Use it to secure kills.

Exhaust: You can switch this with ignite if you want to kill enemies which are very fast like shaco or hecarim.

Everything is useless. Except maybe teleport if you like split pushing.
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Ability combo's

Ability combo's

Standard Pull:

(Hotkey E)
{Hotkey Q)

If you drop your Demacian Standard down, and then use your Dragon Strike towards it, if they connect properly, you will be pulled to the standard, knocking up any enemies in your path.

This combo can let you go through walls to escape or chase. It also pounce enemies in the air for a few seconds.

You need to be fast and accurate for this combo :)

Using your Ultimate:

So your ultimate is pretty powerfull especially when you know how to use it. So. When you are defending in solotop you have to make the enemy greedy. When they try to attack you certain times and the turret hits them you have to use your

{Hotkey R)
So they get trapped at the turret and wil get damaged alot

And immediately use your
{Hotkey E) + {Hotkey Q)
To pounce them in the air.

Also use your {Hotkey E)
To slow them and increasing your Attack Speed.


When you want to escape you simply use your {Hotkey R) and flash out of it or if you dont got flash yet you use your {Hotkey E) and {Hotkey Q).
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Whenever you are in a fight dont fight these enemies:

Nasus, when fed
Katarina, she will ruin your day
Zac, his ultimate will pounce you and you can barely do your skills
Thresh, when he grabbed you, you will get ganked.
Fiora, her crits will kill you in no time.
Malzahar, if he does his ultimate you are screwed.
Ahri, her charm if sooooo anoying.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BradBraw
BradBraw Jarvan IV Guide
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AD Jarvan the Sadist

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