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+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
AD kata is just for fun. Not viable in ranked!(but it does work decently in normal)
The build is centered around utilizing the Transcendance rune.
Why ad?
Going ad kata against bruisers is stronger than going ap kata against bruisers. Ap kata would be better against champions like ryze, but if you're up against a jax or renekton, ad is better. Ad Kata is less about burst dmg and more about longer fights and using the early cdr to outplay your lane opponent. It's not even nearly as good in teamfights as going ap but it is better in longer 1 v 1 fights. It's not viable in ranked since your numbers are weak and you're dependant on outplays. (it does work if you're better than your rank)
* It's really, really hard to comeback (like, super(duper) hard)
* Weak numbers
* No burst
* Hard to play
* Weak late game
* Weak numbers
* No burst
* Hard to play
* Weak late game
* Better laning against bruisers
* Better outplay potential (because of the cdr)
* Harder flex
* Better outplay potential (because of the cdr)
* Harder flex
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