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Tristana Build Guide by TristanaIsBae

AD Carry AD Tristana Build Guide S6

AD Carry AD Tristana Build Guide S6

Updated on December 20, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TristanaIsBae Build Guide By TristanaIsBae 29,455 Views 1 Comments
29,455 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TristanaIsBae Tristana Build Guide By TristanaIsBae Updated on December 20, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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I main Tristana and I have seen lots of great players using this monster carry yordle, but some are just, meh.

What makes Tristana truly the best is her late game super long range. With the proper items with her, she can carry games on her own. An ADC with long range, hell of a damage, great pushing with burst and a great escaping ability, what more can you ask for?

This guide is designed to help others. I welcome constructive criticism, help me improve my guide!
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+ Great damage because of burst.
+ Good for pushing lanes and destroying towers (E + Q).
+ Get fullbuild first and it's GG because of high damage and range.
+ Easy to farm because of E.
+ Has an escape route with W.
- Squishy.
- Very important to decide when to use skills. Maybe fatal if used poorly.
- Pushes lane even if you don't want to.
- Be wary of grabs and hooks because even a poorly used W can't avoid them.
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A standard and the best pick for spells? Definitely Flash and Heal.
Flash for engage or disengage, Heal for that extra health to escape death.

Barrier is okay too, eh but just use heal since barrier is only a temporary shield.
Ignite is a nice choice for extra finishing damage but nothing is better than shooting the hell out of the enemy to kill him/her.
Teleport can be a controversial choice, used to get in lane fast.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TristanaIsBae
TristanaIsBae Tristana Guide
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AD Tristana Build Guide S6

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