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Janna Build Guide by chemicaltiger

AD Carry ADC Janna: The Wind of Bot Lane

AD Carry ADC Janna: The Wind of Bot Lane

Updated on August 22, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chemicaltiger Build Guide By chemicaltiger 11,617 Views 0 Comments
11,617 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chemicaltiger Janna Build Guide By chemicaltiger Updated on August 22, 2015
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Why ADC Janna... No seriously....WHY??

So you see this guide titled ADC Janna and you say to yourself... "Nobody is dumb enough to actually think this works...are they?" Well, it DOES work. Does it work well? Sure it does! Should you pick it over playing Jinx in ranked? Probably not. SO WHY PLAY IT? ADC Janna provides one of the strongest level 2 all-ins, is a great overall champion, and you are playing a support as an ADC!!

Now about me-
My name is Ch3micaltig3r and I am in Silver 3. I've been playing league since the start of season 4. I main the ADC position and my favorite champion is Twitch. The reason I am making this guide is actually an interesting one. After LOVING the nemesis draft, I've gotten a lot of Jannas thrown at me. I took her bot lane one game and went legendary before 15 minutes. I then took Janna out into some normal games and was completely surprised on how well she can do! And come are playing ADC...that just sounds cool.
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A brief rundown of Janna

Janna is a traditional support with amazing peel potential, Janna's Q, W and R all provide self peel and CC. She has a strong level 1 shield that gives bonus AD to whoever the shield is cast on. She will almost ALWAYS be faster then her enemy due to her kit. She will also out trade most ADCs due to her shield and boosted AD
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Your first item on ADC Janna is the Trusted Infinity Edge. The Infinity Edge gives you strong trading potential from +80 damage and +20% critical chance. Along with its passive, which increases critical damage by 50%

Easily the most important item on Janna. Why? Well you gain movement speed, something you can never have too much of. You gain attack speed, allowing you to deal constant damage, and you gain crit. Something every ADC needs.

The Zephyr is your boot replacement. Tenacity is a great addition to your kit because you reduce the time on slows, taunts, and stuns. you also gain movement speed and attack speed.

Botrk is a common item on most hyper carry ADCs like Vayne, Twitch and Kog. Buy it if the enemy team has 3 strong tanks that you need to fight through.

Tri force is bought for a similar idea as it is bought on Corki. Janna benefits from both the AD and AP, along with the Sheen and Phage.

Such a standard ADC item. Should always be bought.
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Pros / Cons

    Insane level 1-3 trading
    Provides self peel
    If a max charge tornado hits, you can get 2-3 free auto attacks in
    You're playing Janna as an ADC
    No damage abilities
    So squishy
    No dash/flash (you will be VERY fast though)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chemicaltiger
chemicaltiger Janna Guide
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ADC Janna: The Wind of Bot Lane

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