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Akshan Build Guide by Svrbi

Middle Akshan sex all over enemy team season 13

Middle Akshan sex all over enemy team season 13

Updated on January 11, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Svrbi Build Guide By Svrbi 17,883 Views 0 Comments
17,883 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Svrbi Akshan Build Guide By Svrbi Updated on January 11, 2023
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Runes: PTA + domination

1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
All in lane
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Akshan sex all over enemy team season 13

By Svrbi
Hi im svrbi/Grle i play league on Eune cause most of my friends play there.
I plan on hitting diamond in season 13.
I started playing akshan a few months ago cause he just looks and feels cool to play, from his character model to his lines and abilities it fits my playstyle perfectly.
Here i will share a few things i learned from playing him so that you can also sex all over the enemy team.
Akshan is a marksman who can also be classified as a kind of an assassin.
He has great poke burst and execute potentian throughout the whole game

+Strong lane
+Great Scaling
+Pick potential
+Extremely fun
-Requires good spacing
-Requires great game knowledge
-Hard to master

Dirty Fighting

Akshan's passive has 2 parts.
The first part is a three hit passive whis is applied both by his attacks and abilities whick deals damage and gives him a shield.

The second part of his passive is that he autoattacks twice and can cancel his second attack to gain a burst of movement speed

Akshan can use the passive to poke in lane and under tower because of his shield.
His passive becomes very deadly as the game goes on.
His canceled auto movespeed scales with his bonus attack speed and makes it easy to run people down.
The two hit part also enables huge burst damage paired with his other abilities.


Akshan throws his boomerang extending his range as it goes thought targets while revealing hit enemies,
It deals damage both ways and gains him a burst of movement speed.

The ability is great for poking in lane and checking unwarded teritory
It one shots caster creeps later in the game

Going Rogue

Passive: Akshan marks enemies which recently killed your allies as scoundrels. When you kill them you revive the dead allies and gain bonus gold.

Active: Akshan goes in camouflage for a short time or forever while near tearrain revealing the location of scoundredls and gaining a burst of movement speed and mana regen while moving towards them

This ability can change the tempo of the whole game and it only gets more impactful as the game goes on.
at max rank the ability only has a 2 second coldown.

Heroic Swing

Akshan fires a grappling hook into terrain and swings around it while firing at enemies prioritising enemies affected by Dirty Fighting
The ability can be cancelled manually or when colliding with terrain or champions.
It resets on kill

If placed well you can go around most terrain with it.


Akshan locks onto an enemy champion and starts storing bullets. When released, he fires all bullets, dealing damage based on missing health to the first champion, minion, or structure hit.

Akshan can cast Heroic Swing while using this ability.

Early game

Akshan has one of the best laning phases imo and it should be abused to the max leading to lv2 solokils every other game
His Avengerang -> AA combo wins him almost every trade and gives him the movespeed to back off.
Avengerang also allows him to shove in lanes so he can roam and look for picks with the jungler.

Mid game

After the laning phase you either group with your team to play for objectives or splitpush.

Late game

Use Going Rogue to look for picks or splitpush
Akshan streamers
This is yet to be finished
ty for viewing this
the guide isn't yet done I'll update it as time goes on
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Svrbi
Svrbi Akshan Guide
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Akshan sex all over enemy team season 13

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