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1. Gank early game as you have a op stun.
2. Even though amumu is tank never go into a 5 v 1 early game.
3. Use your ult wisely as it is a game CHANGER.
4. Amumu can escape away from enemies by using his q.
5. if your in a 5 v 1 with amumu and you want to escape just ult and run off.
6. Amumu is one of the best tanks in the game, he can get over 4000 health, he can carry.
7. Stun enemies if they turret dive, with your q and r.
8. Amumu can solo baron if you have full build.
2. Even though amumu is tank never go into a 5 v 1 early game.
3. Use your ult wisely as it is a game CHANGER.
4. Amumu can escape away from enemies by using his q.
5. if your in a 5 v 1 with amumu and you want to escape just ult and run off.
6. Amumu is one of the best tanks in the game, he can get over 4000 health, he can carry.
7. Stun enemies if they turret dive, with your q and r.
8. Amumu can solo baron if you have full build.
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