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In my opinion, Katarina is one of the weakest mid-laners this patch. Since there's so many counters to her. Her counters are simply any champion with stun. So if you play Annie, you should have no problem facing Katarina.
Fizz can be hard to face at some times with Annie because of his E/Jump(Because of invulnerability). But if you can bait it out when you get a gank or just trying to kill him, it should be quite easy.
For me personally, the hardest opponent is Brand. Even if the player is bad, he can poke you so much especially after this Mid-Season Mage update.
People say Lux should easily counter Annie because of her longer range. But I say it's wrong, Lux is not that good of a counter. It's still easy to dodge her spells since all of them are skillshots, but never underestimate her. But it also depends how good the player is, of course.
Ahri is a tough opponent because of her mobility. I personally had issues vs Ahri's because she kept dodging my ultimates the whole time with hers. But if you catch her, it shouldn't be that different from the others.
LeBlanc is one of the easiest champions to face with Annie. If you just know how to read her movements and where she will jump, just use your ultimate/W and you should be able to nuke her down instantly even at lower lvls.
Zed used to be so hard to face for me because of his Q damage, but now in the 6.11 patch where they nerfed it he's not that difficult. Ofcourse he still have the damage and mobility but just like LeBlanc, if you can read his movements then he should be no issue.
I don't know if I have faced only good Yasuo players or if Annie have issues vs this guy. His wall is the most annoying thing that I've seen. If you face Yasuo, try to bait his wall out before you use any spells on him.
I never had issues vs a Malzahar after his remake. But if you face this guy, make sure that you take his passive shield out first before you do anything! Since it blocks Crowd Control and 90% of the damage for 1 sec(don't know the late scale).
I forgot to add Xerath to the list. Since he outdamages Annie and has way longer range than her, you should avoid a fight until you get Tibbers. After that try to Flash+Ulti him to reach him or return to him and stun him if he chases you or your friends with his ultimate.
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