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Annie Build Guide by rise

Annie: Tibbers!

Annie: Tibbers!

Updated on January 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rise Build Guide By rise 5 2 21,701 Views 7 Comments
5 2 21,701 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rise Annie Build Guide By rise Updated on January 25, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Annie
  • LoL Champion: Annie


Annie is one of my main ap casters that I play because she was fairly easy to pick up and we usually won when I played Annie so I kept playing her. I'm here to share my build so maybe more people will play Annie. I am not a pro player by any means, but i find that I do well with this build.

Second build is for pure damage, but you are a lot more squishie. I use the second build now except for against Leblanc. Shes too strong early game.
Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
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+ Great nuker
+ Tibbers! (AOE stun)
+ Disintegrate is great for last hitting



- Squishy
- Short range for spells
- Kind of creepy
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Preferred Runes
Optional Runes
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  • Pretty much the standard 9/0/21 set up for casters.
  • You can also go 21/0/9 if you really want more damage, but i prefer the decreased cd in the utility tree.
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Summoner Spells

Flash: Great for initiating (flash Tibbers) and running away, great for all champs
Ignite: Gives you that extra damage to finish off enemies
Exhaust: Some people prefer this over ignite, great for chasing and shutting down carries
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  • Pyromania: Use stun for harassing early game, but save it for Tibbers when you get ult
  • Disintegrate (Q): Use this skill to last hit minions with because it gives back mana when you do
  • Incinerate (W): Use after disintegrate to harass, also good for farming after you have some ap
  • Molten Shield (E): Use to build up stun, also nice to have up if taking damage
  • Summon: Tibbers (R): Use with stun for max damage, try to get more than one person in team fights to ensure a victory, you can control Tibbers by hold down ctrl while clicking
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Skill Sequence

I get two points in Disintegrate to help with last hitting and max Incinerate first because it does more damage (higher ap ratio and base dmg). I get one point in Molten Shield because it helps to build up stun and the extra armor and magic resist can save your life. Then i max Disintegrate and Molten Shield last. Of course always get Summon: Tibbers when available.
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  • : The health potions give great sustain in lane and the boots help with dodge those skill shots ( Brand, Orianna, Lux, Morgana)
  • : It gives you great sustain and scales nicely into late game
  • : Gives you magic pen so your spells hit harder
  • : Pretty much standard on all ap casters, damage ftw
  • : For late game when enemies usually start building magic resistance
  • : Gives nice stats for the price, don't underestimate it, i usually get after ROA
  • : More health and ap are never bad, the passive is nice too
  • : If you find yourself dying a lot to casters, get this for the magic resist
  • : Gives decent ap and armor, the active is very nice (don't forget to use it)
  • : If you need more magic resist and survivalbiliy
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Annie should always get mid because she cant't jungle and needs the farm.
You should focus on last hitting with your q and harass when your stun is up. Try not to harass until lvl 3 or you'll run out of mana. ALWAYS buy wards. Wards win games.

Your role in a team fight is to nuke down the other teams squishy s. Try to go in after your tank/initiator. You combo is flash, tibbers, w, q, and then ignite to finish off.
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I hope you enjoyed my guide. Please let me know what you think. If you down vote, please give a reason why in the comments. I'm open to constructive criticism.

I'll try to add more to the guide when i get more time.

Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
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I hope you enjoyed my guide. Please let me know what you think. If you down vote, please give a reason why in the comments. I'm open to constructive criticism.

I'll try to add more to the guide when i get more time.

Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.
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