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Vladimir Build Guide by fatman1337

ap vlad/off tank

ap vlad/off tank

Updated on October 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fatman1337 Build Guide By fatman1337 5,640 Views 0 Comments
5,640 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author fatman1337 Vladimir Build Guide By fatman1337 Updated on October 6, 2012
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this guide is all about . this is actualy my first own guide here.
i want to show u guys how good vlad realy and thats why i made this guide.
i love this champ couse hes strong laner and can stay in the lane pretty long
without going enjoy the guide and have fun.
i have played vladimir for like 4weeks now and i love the way he can stay ina a lane
so long without going back.
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ok the runes are simply. il explain u why.

Greater Quintessence of Spell Vamp is good for the early game before u got ure hextech revolver. ul get more life back from ure Transfusion while ure able to stay for longer at the lane

Greater Mark of Ability Power realy helps u to do the amount of damage u want in early game ure harras will be harder and they will have to go back to base more often.

Greater Seal of Cooldown Reductionthe cooldown is gonne give u a hand on harrasing the more cooldown the more u can cast ure Transfusion

the greater glyph of vigor is also to hold u on the lane for longer time without going to ure own base

so what u want is
3 Greater Quintessence of Spell Vamp
9 Greater Mark of Ability Power
9 Greater Seal of Cooldown Reduction
9 greater glyph of vigor
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summoner spells

ok the summoner spells are importent for vlad.
u will know why.

is realy good if ure going for a kill ore when ure gonne escape.
i use it this way:(under turret) Transfusion--> Tides of Blood--> Sanguine Poolthen after the pool
i repeat Transfusion and Tides of Blood and if needed Hemoplague then i flash away from the turret that gets u an easy kill. and dont think u can do this at lvl 6 wait until ure lvl 11 ore 13 that will make it way easier.

this summoner spell is gonne save u alot when ure playing vladimir and even grant u kills. i simply use it when im in my Sanguine Pool to slow the enemy down.
but u can also use it when ure trying to escape ore save a teamate by simply going in Sanguine Pool
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playing vlad

playing Vladimir is that easy as evryone says hes actualy not easy at all.
i play Vladimir verry safly and only grab a kill when i know i get the kill and survive.
i play vlad as a mid /top ap carry/of tank so u dont play to agresivly on ure lane without having wards. so i always but Boots and and 3 Health Potion to escape incoming ganks and the potions are for when i get catched and need some hp back after i buy Hextech Revolver then il buy Giant's Belt to not be squischy and u also get ability powere from ure passiv wich is Crimson Pact so the Rylai's Crystal Scepter is just to get hp ,not so squischy and get ap so that makes the perfect items for Vladimir
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fatman1337
fatman1337 Vladimir Guide
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ap vlad/off tank

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