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Jinx Build Guide by Akima Haruko



Updated on September 30, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Akima Haruko Build Guide By Akima Haruko 9,162 Views 0 Comments
9,162 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Akima Haruko Jinx Build Guide By Akima Haruko Updated on September 30, 2014
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The concept of this build is to provide rapid sustained rocket fire. Jinx's placement in the fight(s) is going to determine her damage output. By forgoing her "e" until late game, jinx will be more focused on gaining gold and xp from minions and using her "w" to pick off other players from a distance. Early game focus on using jinx's machine gun to kill minions and whittle down other players health bars, briefly switching to her rocket launcher when appropriate to ensure kills. Once mid game starts, her "r" should also be used as a longer ranged "w" to obtain more kills and gold. Finally the fun part where all the mayhem is, late game. At this point jinx's attack speed should near maxed out which means her machine gun's ability is rendered useless due to the attack speed cap. Switch to jinx's rocket launcher for everything except buildings, as now jinx will deal extra damage with a high splash radius, at fast speeds. Use her "e" to keep enemies in range of your endless rocket barrage and feel free to throw in an "r" or "w" to keep those kills coming.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Akima Haruko
Akima Haruko Jinx Guide
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