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Ashe Build Guide by dannylightning

AD Carry Ashe The Squishy Monster

AD Carry Ashe The Squishy Monster

Updated on March 21, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dannylightning Build Guide By dannylightning 3,725 Views 0 Comments
3,725 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dannylightning Ashe Build Guide By dannylightning Updated on March 21, 2016
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What you need to know.

I have been playing Ashe since this game first came out, ashe was the fist champion i found that i did good with and i have loved her ever since. recently i have been trying some of the other peoples builds that are out there just to see if there is anything better than my build and so far i dislike all of the other builds i have tried so i am going to share mine. Ashe has changed a bit over the years but she is still very good if you know how to use here.

early game i find attack speed and life steal to be the key, you will notice my rune choices are a bit different but i would not have it any other way. The tiny bit of armor and magic resist you get from the runs most people run does next to nothing on Ashe, she is still crazy squishy and dies super easy so whey not replace them with what she needs most at the start of the game, attack speed and life steel.. with allot of speed and life steel you can stay in the lane longer if you are getting beat up by the enemy champs and i definitely get more early game kills going this way.

as far as the items go these are the go to items 95% of the time. occasionally i may have to trade one of these items with a items that has allot of magic resist but my build is almost always the same.

why do i sell the boots, i find trinity force to be more beneficial than the boots, on a full build with those items when i sell the boots when i have the money for trinity force i do not notice a reduction in movement speed but i do notice a increase in the amount of damage i do

ashe does die very easily, with enough attack speed, damage, crit and life steal you are very likley to moe other champions down fast. sometimes even multiple champs. they key is to get the fist hit in so you can start steeling their life and healing your self quickly, if the enemy is the one to get the first few hits in late game since you are so squishy well it may not go so well.

back in the day with old ash there were times i have taken down 3-5 champs all at the same time in a matter of seconds and i could destroy baron quickly solo with ashe. a couple blood thirsters, a couple phantom dancers a infinity edge and trinity force and she would just destroy everything in her path, these days those items do not stack together like they used to so my build constantly has changed to find the best ashe build for each season and this is what is working best for me..
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dannylightning
dannylightning Ashe Guide
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