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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Lee Sin
Anyone who can invade you really easily and set you back is a counter, be very careful against lee/ivern/shaco/elise and ask for your teammate to ward oposite buff.
This is my first guide and I am looking forward to making more, but less unusual builds.
My main account is on NA and it's named GiltTrace I'm a filthy silver because i never play ranked and focus on TRYING to have fun in this god forsaken game.
Yes, i am mastery 7 riven :^) but i never play her anymore.
-Fun To Play
-High damage
-Great 1v1 potential
-High cc
-Decent clears
-High base armor
-Decent team fighting with ult
-It's Braum.
-Very squishy
-Easy to kill if caught out
-Slow clears on raptors and krugs
-Hard to get back into the game when behind
-Extremely average until you get your recurve/bloodrazor
-Fun To Play
-High damage
-Great 1v1 potential
-High cc
-Decent clears
-High base armor
-Decent team fighting with ult
-It's Braum.
-Very squishy
-Easy to kill if caught out
-Slow clears on raptors and krugs
-Hard to get back into the game when behind
-Extremely average until you get your recurve/bloodrazor
When building this build, prioritize attack speed over anything else, if you are building bloodrazor go for recurve bow, if you are building statikk build daggers first, if you are going for bork build recurve bow, etc.
-This is the one core item you absolutely need, buy it first.
-You can buy stalkers skirmishers or trackers upgrade, it's a personal choice. (i tend to buy stalkers for the extra cc)
Statikk Shiv
-This item offers a lot of damage with the passive and the attack speed/crit helps soooooo much, if you manage to get a crit it will be doing so much more damage.
BORK (Blade Of The Ruined King)
-This offers life steal (which reaaaaaally helps you mid/late game), damage, attack speed, and ontop of all that the slow from the active, the active helps you chase people down and survive. It's an all around great item for AS braum.
Phantom Dancer
-I like to build this after my core because the passive and stats all help you so much as AS braum
Frozen Mallet
-This item is amazing on braum but i tend to like the attack speed a little more
Rageblade/Trinity Force
-Build these if you want to be a split pusher
-This is the one core item you absolutely need, buy it first.
-You can buy stalkers skirmishers or trackers upgrade, it's a personal choice. (i tend to buy stalkers for the extra cc)
Statikk Shiv
-This item offers a lot of damage with the passive and the attack speed/crit helps soooooo much, if you manage to get a crit it will be doing so much more damage.
BORK (Blade Of The Ruined King)
-This offers life steal (which reaaaaaally helps you mid/late game), damage, attack speed, and ontop of all that the slow from the active, the active helps you chase people down and survive. It's an all around great item for AS braum.
Phantom Dancer
-I like to build this after my core because the passive and stats all help you so much as AS braum
Frozen Mallet
-This item is amazing on braum but i tend to like the attack speed a little more
Rageblade/Trinity Force
-Build these if you want to be a split pusher
In team fights you'll mainly just want to stay behind your tanks until you have an opening to get a good ult off, your ult is the reason why your team fights aren't awful.
In this build you mainly just want to look for picks and gank to help your team until the mid game where u have at least your shiv, Once you get your shiv you can just right click and enemy and within 2 seconds you will get your passive stun, after the stun you can just keep autoing while destroying their hopes and dreams.
In this build you mainly just want to look for picks and gank to help your team until the mid game where u have at least your shiv, Once you get your shiv you can just right click and enemy and within 2 seconds you will get your passive stun, after the stun you can just keep autoing while destroying their hopes and dreams.
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