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Aurelion Sol Build Guide by zLuxfury

Middle Aurelion Sol Rework Guide [SCALE LIKE THE GOD YOU ARE]

Middle Aurelion Sol Rework Guide [SCALE LIKE THE GOD YOU ARE]

Updated on March 26, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuxfury Build Guide By zLuxfury 5 1 15,567 Views 0 Comments
5 1 15,567 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuxfury Aurelion Sol Build Guide By zLuxfury Updated on March 26, 2023
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Runes: Comet Dragon

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Aurelion Sol Rework Guide [SCALE LIKE THE GOD YOU ARE]

By zLuxfury
If you checked the threat category matchups you probably noticed that a lot of them require you to play safe.
This is literally the whole point of Aurelion Sol's laning phase 98% of games, your early game is really really weak, unless you see a free kill opportunity you should never try to go all in and win a fight VS almost any champion at least until minute 11-12 (unless you are ahead or behind).
Keep in mind you still have to keep good positioning throughout the whole game so you don't get punished.
Even if people don't realise this, the main problem someone might face when playing Asol is that of giving Stardust stacks too much attention in early game.
"BuT LuXfUrY hOw Do I sCaLe iF I pLaY lIkE tHiS aNd dOn'T fOcUs On StAcKs". Don't worry my cosmic dragon child, I'll get there in a sec.
Early Game
As we discussed earlier, Asol's early game is weak, you got that by now.
1v9ing every game IS possible if you follow this rules:
  • Play safe and don't push too much, Midlane is usually the most ganked lane with tons of places to come from.
  • Don't waste your mana randomly.
    Asol's consume of mana is his main weakness, especially in early game, and you don't wanna be an aa bot in lane. Use it wisely and not to get stacks from every wave.
    This is one of the WORST common ways to give free kills as Asol, just cause there's a cannon wave doesn't mean that you have to stack it, in many situations this rule extends to the rest of the game.
Mid Game
This is when things get interesting.
You should have ROA and Boots by now, and at least 70-80 Stardust stacks.
You'll start to see more damage and the reason why I said to don't worry too much about stacks in early game, because now you EASILY stack almost the whole wave.

Try to use your Astral Flight to help your team get Objectives, win teamfights, clear waves exc.
The range will keep on growing and you'll be able to cover every lane with a button very soon.

Same rule as before: Don't be greedy for stacks.
Keep in mind that you are a late game hyper carry mage, that's right, LATE GAME.
You can win 1v1 but don't underestimate enemies, OR overestimate yourself and give free gold. (That doesn't mean that you can't fight).
Late Game
This is where you shine.
Your damage is that of a TRUE GOD, you can get around the map in seconds and keep on stacking the waves of literally EVERY LANE.
The Skies Descend is gonna be an almost GUARANTEED TRUMP CARD.
Don't go on solo missions wasting your contributions to a teamfight, keep on stacking but beware of your team and enemy team position so that you don't mess things up.
In teamfights choose the right target to focus and melt him down in those 2 seconds of Breath of Light and execute the rest of them with your Singularity .
Enjoy the True Power of The Cosmos.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zLuxfury
zLuxfury Aurelion Sol Guide
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Aurelion Sol Rework Guide [SCALE LIKE THE GOD YOU ARE]

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