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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Shurima's Legacy (PASSIVE)
Azir Passive Ability
- Good farming
- Good harass
- Good entrance/exit in fights with his W
- Highly Mobile
- High Damage Potential
- Highly efficient Passives (bonus attack speed + temporary Shurima tower that acts similar to a normal tower)
- Early game a bit squishy
- Has poor sustainability early/mid game (Mana Problems etc) (Blue buff recommended)
- Prone to ganks early/mid game due to higher cooldowns on W,E.
- Hard to chase kills early/mid game
- Good farming
- Good harass
- Good entrance/exit in fights with his W
- Highly Mobile
- High Damage Potential
- Highly efficient Passives (bonus attack speed + temporary Shurima tower that acts similar to a normal tower)
- Early game a bit squishy
- Has poor sustainability early/mid game (Mana Problems etc) (Blue buff recommended)
- Prone to ganks early/mid game due to higher cooldowns on W,E.
- Hard to chase kills early/mid game
Azir has really farming capabilities. As his soldiers do most of the work for him, Azir can stay afar from enemy harass and farm by last hitting. Due to the chain effect of the soldier's attacks, the soldiers can attack a few minions at a time with reduced damage for every next minion. This allows efficient farming plus good harass to deny farm to enemy champions.
- Azir's W is useful for harass and farming.
- His Q allows efficient farming by moving his soldiers and also benefits in harassing enemy champions. Also good for chasing kills.
- Azir's passive gives him bonus attack speed and his passive also allows the creation of a temporary Shurima tower that is really useful in teamfights so that Azir's team have 'backup' when pushing.
- Azir's R is more of a defensive ability but can also be used for offensive purposes. Highly effective against enemy melee champions as they must go around the row of soldiers whilst Azir's team is able to pass through the soldiers and easily harass.
- His Q allows efficient farming by moving his soldiers and also benefits in harassing enemy champions. Also good for chasing kills.
- Azir's passive gives him bonus attack speed and his passive also allows the creation of a temporary Shurima tower that is really useful in teamfights so that Azir's team have 'backup' when pushing.
- Azir's R is more of a defensive ability but can also be used for offensive purposes. Highly effective against enemy melee champions as they must go around the row of soldiers whilst Azir's team is able to pass through the soldiers and easily harass.
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