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Azir Build Guide by Lycho

Azir Jungle

Azir Jungle

Updated on June 5, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lycho Build Guide By Lycho 7,171 Views 0 Comments
7,171 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lycho Azir Build Guide By Lycho Updated on June 5, 2017
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Azir Jungle

This is not good

Simply put, this is an obscure pick. Bordering on troll pick.

I'm gonna tell you what you CAN do, with this pick, not what you wanna do.

Oh yeah, and if yer wondering "When should I pick Azir Jungle?", the answer is never homie.

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You can do something similar to Wardhopping when you want to Gank. Put down your W, then E to it, over a wall. Combo this into a Q to your desired enemies. If you manage to get off that slow, try to Ult to finish the gank.

You lack any real form of crowd control, so try to smartly place your Soldiers so you can catch fleeing enemies.

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Your jungling phase is rotton.
It's pretty hard.
Decide yourself depending on your health whether you wanna take down this camp with abilities, or Basic Attacks, due to Hunter's Machete's passive.

After Gunblade, you should be Gucci jungling.
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Stay back a bit, and W up 2 minions. Walk forward, and Q them into the frontline.
The higher yo level, the faster you melt the opponent.
If necessary, E to your minions, and ult the enemies.
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Why do I play this

Y'all think I play this? Nah homie I wanna win thank you very much
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lycho
Lycho Azir Guide
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Azir Jungle

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