The way you generally play this matchup, u want to look to zone her lvl 1 with e if she starts w then you will have prio first and lvl 2 so look to jump on her while she is lvl 1 otherwise if you can't if u're not too low from trading on the first 3 waves you can keep playing till 900+ gold and recall to buy sheen otherwise reset and buy a mantle. U want to bait her to q most of the lane and make her waste energy after she does you jump on her and waste her smoke and after that you abuse the fact her smoke is down to trade with her. Keep in mind when you q on her u end up behind her so if she doesn't predict your jump and instantly q you will dodge her first q. Trade patters are basically q into auto w e to block the dmg from autos and to stun to walk away. Once you get 1 item + some resistances u just win all the time. I would take Grasp in this lane with Dshield.
This matchup is pretty even for Jax, basically all u do in this lane is abuse his early game by jumping on him and fighting him as much as u can esp when he casts q, in this lane u want to rush tiamat and perma shove waves to get as many demolish procs as possible cose he doesn't rly do much dmg in early game. I advise Grasp with Dshield go tiamat into mantle itemization wise and play for perma demolish procs and proxying and roaming.
One of the hardest matchups for Jax, reason being even though u outscale him the matchup is very difficult without jng attention if he is good at the game, what u want to do lvl 1 is q on him and try to fight him as much as u can so you're both somewhat same hp cose him being lower is scarier than u being low in the first 3-4 levels, if you don't manage to do that the trade patterns are basically if he ever wastes q you can jump on him to short trade cose he can't stun u bcs he doesn't have an ability for the 3rd stack. He wins all in still u get some MR. You need grasp in this lane and mercs rush.
One of the hardest matchups for Jax,
reason being is that it's difficult if he's good to deal with him without jng attention, generally the way you want to play it is lvl 1 if he's smart he won't get near u melee range for u to engage him with e so you will have to just wait for lvl 2/3, once that happens the way u fight him is you only jump on him after he wastes q cose otherwise if u tank it in the engage u will lose the all in, you generally want to use your e on the last split second he is about to auto attack you so you get the most time on your e in order to recast on the moment he pushes u away with hammer. Getting sheen as soon as possible is important in this lane for the trades and lucidity. You also need grasp in this lane.
Matchup is very simple in early game, The way you fight him is you either wait for him to waste q to engage him or you straight up jump on him in and try to dodge the q in the trade. The matchup goes in his favor later in the game more even he is with you the harder it is. You have to put him behind in early game otherwise you lose later on. I advise Conqueror in this lane with Dblade.
This matchup is a bit annoying if the Vayne is good, you win early trade wise the way you want to play is basically lvl 1 you just wait to hit lvl 2 and u want to instantly jump on her and make her waste e to push you away the way you do the trades is you q on her and hold e until she autos, after that u auto her once more and then recast e on the moment she pushes u away and u walk away and repeat the process. Later on if she is not behind she will win 1v1 vs u cose she's rly hard to stick on at 3+ items. I advise Fleet with Dshield start in this lane and rushing Sheen + Lucidity is most optimal.
Pretty annoying lane you can't rly do much if he's not bad, all u can do is try to get close to her and bait her e and if she wastes it you can jump on her and trade or try to dmg her by doing q+w jump on her otherwise it's just farming. I advise going grasp and sheen with boots.
At 2 items u can myb stick on her and kill her but depends on how early went.
The matchup is hard depending how good the Illaoi is, the way u win this matchup, u have to fight her whenever she misses e and when she does u want to jump on her and fight her till she uses w and then e the W so her tentacles can't hit you. You win all ins vs her as long as U DODGE THE E. I advise Conqueror with DBlade. You can also zone lvl 1.
Very simple matchup, whenever he misses q then u jump on him but do not pop e until he starts to auto then while you're running him down try to dodge the e if you do you outtrade him very hard. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.
This matchup is a hard skill matchup in the sense it's all about how good you can use your e and how many darius qs can u dodge, the way u want to trade vs him is whenever he casts q you either want to dodge it by walking or qing into him or away if u q into him you auto w him and pop e so when he e you he can't hit you at all but be careful if your both high hp it's always riskier for u cose he is rly strong in all ins so care ab hp diff.
I advise Conqueror with Dblade in this lane.
This matchup is as hard as how good the GP is, the way u play it is you want to look to fight him lvl 1 with e in case he didn't place barrels if he did then try to bait him to waste them, the way u trade with him is if he sits on a barrel u can't rly engage him unless the moment it runs out or if he walks away from it slightly where u can jump on it and last hit it before him. The matchup later he can always win all in if he hits all of his barrels so the key to winning it is last hitting the barrels before him. I advise Conqueror with Dshield and buying ad components.
Very hard to kill in early if he is human, jungle help is needed here to kill him before 6, it's also possible to solo kill him via predicting his w jump and activating the e in the exact moment he does the jump since that allows u to block most of the dmg and outtrade him otherwise it's very unlikely u will kill him and all u can do is just scale, dodge his qs and farm till first item where u beat him in all ins. I advise Fleet with Dshield in this lane.
This matchup is unplayable after 2 items if u don't get ahead in early, usually lvl 1 u should try to avoid tanking her passive if she has grasp up or tank it with e and try to transition it into a fight, the way u play this lane is u want to bait her q and if she misses it try to pressure her by making her think u will jump on her and only look to jump when you're so close to the point it's impossible to react with her w. I advise Grasp with sheen rush and hp components.
This matchup is all about whether you can predict his w with your e and how much u can bluff him that ur gona use E, lvl 1 it's important to push to get lvl advantage and every time he uses q on u you have to trade back vs him so he never gets one sided trades or if you have the chance auto w him or just w. This matchup is all about how many qs you can dodge and trade back. After lvl 6 I advise u never all in him unless u have like a 60% hp advantage, the most optimal way to play this lane is to perma chip him down with short trades and then kill him. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.
Very hard matchup pre first item, he just wins all ins and heals too much, only way u can trade vs him is if you get one sided trades only without him being able to hit u much otherwise even trades always go in his favor. Executioner will help u alot in this lane, I advise Conqueror/Grasp depending on the elo and Sheen rush.
This matchup is mostly skill based but I believe it's Jax favored at the highest level, the way you want to play it is generally lvl 1 push the wave and try to not lose ur e for no reason u should get prio if u don't waste it. If she ever tries to auto u lvl 1 e it and fight her on it, but afterwards be careful that she doesn't all in you bcs her q cooldown is lower than yours, through the lane u want to basically want to bait her w or buffer your w with e on her w to get a one sided draft and play around her cooldowns basically. After 1st item u just deal too much dmg on W and after one short trade u can always all in her. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.
This matchup is pretty Shen favored in early it's all ab how many trades u can do one sided without him dmging u when your e is down, also post lvl 3 u have to block his e with your e otherwise u will lose the trade rly hard. At 1 item u win all ins but before that it's a bit tricky. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.
Very hard to deal with without jungle help, in this matchup before 6 you try to make him use his q on you and then the second it's down u engage him with q e few autos and walk away and just repeat the process otherwise if this isn't the case you just need to farm and pray ur jng comes or team wins. Myb once u get 2-3 items and have resistances u can myb win all ins but depends how behind you are. I advise Conqueror with Dshield. Depending how trades are going myb rush tIamat to just farm up properly.
Very hard to solo kill before 6 because of his strong poke and ability to nullify your e with his flip, your goal is to engage him with e and sidestep his e that's the only way u win trades or try to bait it but a good urgot player won't waste his e ever, if you're not ahead from early against him he just simply wins in all ins as long as he holds e. I advise Conqueror with Dshield.
This matchup is rly hard for Jax currently the champion just doesn't lose any trades and sustains way too much the only way u kill him is if he for some reason tries to fight u with huge hp disadvantage. I advise going Fleet with Dshield and just go tiamat and perma farm and proxy.
This matchup is Jax favored, u want to avoid getting hit by his passive lvl 1 and avoid getting hit by more than 1 q, once u get push u want to jump on him and auto him and don't proc your e unless he autos cose then u can jump him again during the lvl 2 timer. This matchup is generally easy for jax after 1st reset, cose the way u play it is you jump on him auto w e auto walk away with fleet speed and chip him down like that slowly. I advise Fleet with Dblade start into Sheen + Boots rush.
This is a skill matchup, It's all ab how well you can space around her vitals and u always want to trade back whenever she uses q on u so it's not one sided trades. Be careful with your e usage cose whenever it's down u can't rly play trades unless she wasted w as well. The matchup is all ab avoiding her predicting your e recast with her w and spacing in a way that makes it difficult for her to hit the vitals. I advise Fleet with Dblade start or Dshield if she has grasp. Sheen rush.
This matchup is Garen favored post 6 so the best u can do is abuse the first 5 levels, lvl 1 you want to fight him in wave with e to stack the dmg of the ability and then get prio if he dares to walk up every time just jump on him auto with e stun disengage, after lvl 6 don't ever all in him unless u legit have 50% hp advantage all u have to do is perma short trade him until u get him low enoughn to be all inned. At 2-3 items he will just one tap u from full hp if you're even. I advise Conqueror with Dblade Start.
This matchup is all ab jumping on him and doing one sided trades with e, every time u jump on him he will jump away and since his jump is way higher cd than urs u should look to fight him after that as well cose when he is mini form he is way weaker than u but don't fight him too deep in the lane cose he can space u and get a lot of free autos after ur jump. Be careful with fighting him in mega since he is way stronger. I advise Fleet with Dblade start and 3 wave crash into Long sword reset in order to prevent him reseting for t2 boots on first reset.
Very easy matchup, zone lvl 1 with e to deny xp if she tries to fight you just short trade her and take the hp advantage trade and play for lvl 2-3 every time she walks too close or wastes q to farm just jump on her and trade her u completely counter her kit. I advise Fleet with Dblade.
This is a skill matchup, it's all about waiting for him to miss q in order to fight him otherwise you just lose the trade if he never throws it you never trade unless u are confident u can dodge it during the jump all in. I advise Conqueror DBlade.
Very hard to kill a good Maokai, the only way u can kill him if he wastes his q and the second he does that just engage him with jump and run him down and repeat process, otherwise I'd advise just going Tiamat, one tapping waves, using demolish on tower and proxying to roam. I advise Grasp into Dshield.
This matchup is pretty even after 1st item in 1v1 but u win early rly hard, the goal is to zone him from as much xp as u possibly can and jump on him whenever u can bcs u just simply win trades bfr 1st item, just be careful when u trade him to not ruin wave cose if the wave is pushing to u try to keep it that way cose he can't farm without e.
I advise Conqueror with Dblade start.
This matchup is all about dodging q and w and whenever he misses one of them u jump on him to trade him otherwise u don't. After lvl 6 just care when fighting him bcs if you're both half hp it's way easier for him to win the all in. I advise Grasp with Dshield in this lane.
This matchup is hard as how good the Rumble is, u can't really do much in early game cose he just stat checks u in all ins whenever he uses q u should try to short trade him at the end of it by jumping on him with auto w e and disengage. You win after 1st item + resistances. I advise Grasp with sheen rush but do 3 wave crash into mantle reset in order to survive till Sheen reset.
This matchup is a perma fighting lane in early, basically lvl 1 unless he is melee range for e don't bother to walk up to him, wait for lvl 2-3 and always engage with q and activate e slightly later so when he uses e + w to stun u you can recast e to get another auto on him while you're stunned it's all about jumping on him and dodging the abilities while walking away from him. I advise Conqueror with Dshield in this lane and rush dmg components.
Impossible lane to kill if the Singed is good, completely counters your kit just rush tiamat and perma one tap waves and roam no point in trying to interact with him. I advise Conqueror Dshield with Tiamat rush.
Trynda lvl 1-3 is really powerful so I generally try to not trade with him at all on the first 3 waves, the way u want to trade him is only go for the trade if he can only auto u back once and u have to do auto w on him or when he hits minions jump on him and auto w e auto away so basically u play for trades u have 2-3 autos extra on him to make the trades even after he heals this matchup becomes very jax favored after sheen reset so make sure u don't int before that. I advise Grasp with Dshield start, sheen rush with boots.
Pretty easy matchup for Jax since he just counters the way Volibear trades u basically just want to use your e to block his q every single time and short trade him on that and u will always win trades until eventually u can all in him in that window. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.
In this matchup it's all about how good u are at using your e for the trades, lvl 1 you win with e just don't extend it too much in his wave's side and play for ur lvl 2 and 3. Try not to waste your e to block his q unless u can engage him on that afterwards just walk away. It's generally Jax favored if you don't waste ur e to give him room to play. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.
Pretty easy matchup, you're always stronger than him just try to not lose ur e from his dashing and be sure to not miss it since he can win the trade after that if ur both even in HP. I advise Conqueror Dblade and sheen is very good here bcs of perma jumping on him to do q into auto w.
Yorick is a pretty easy matchup in early game since you counter his q, minion attacks with ur e and u can jump out of his cage however later in the game he will become more annoying cause all he does is perma split push so be sure to put him as behind as possible in early game.
I advise Conqueror + Dblade.
This matchup is skill based it's all about how many e you can make him waste or how many w you can dodge if you can fight him while doing one of those two you will always win the trades. I advise Conqueror with Dblade.
This matchup is Jax favored, whenever she tries to w you jump on her into auto w counterstrike and if she tries to e away u recast it to cancel her dash, just care to not jump on her when she's close to a wall remember u can even use your q to jump on a minion to dodge the w and afterwards jump on her when it's up again. I advise Fleet with Dblade start and Sheen boots rush.
Dr. Mundo
This matchup is unplayable after 2 items for you if he doesn't get behind in early game, the way u need to play it in early is only trade him after he misses q otherwise he can actually win the trade pretty hard. It's all ab how many qs u can dodge when u all in him. I advise going Conqueror DBlade and rushing Bork as first item with executioner.
This matchup is skill based, lvl 1 u want to zone her from minions if she wants to tank it to get the xp perma chunk her on the next 2-3 waves cose u can myb dive otherwise if u can't just reset and walk back to lane and hold the wave, care after lvl 6 to not get hit by e when you use your e cose she can actually win the all in if u don't have a huge hp advantage. I advise Conqueror with Dblade start and dmg components rush.
Very easy matchup in early game, whenever u can jump on him u should do it esp when he wastes q or e cose u just fight him stun him and walk away, care if you don't get him behind in early he can actually beat u later in the game. I advise Conqueror + Dblade with dmg components rush. Also bork 3rd might be a good option depending on his gold state.
This matchup is all about movement around his q basically whenever he qs u need to sidestep it in a wave that lets u walk into him during the cast to auto w him and never jump on him otherwise u lose trade cose he uses w only use it when he can't win the trade after using w, after 1st item he starts to beat u but it depends how well u can poke him down with short trades if u can still kill him or not. I advise Grasp with Dshield and Sheen rush.
This matchup is all about abusing her weak early basically the way u want to play is whenever she has stacks up on q you need to bait her to waste q somehow afterwards jump on her and trade her u should never engage her if her q is fully stacked otherwise u lose the trade badly, u basically just want to chip her down slowly and then all in her when she's lower. I advise Fleet with Dblade start and sheen rush in this lane. Remember if she's not that behind at 1st item she can all in u when u jump on her if u're both full hp.
This matchup is all about fighting her whenever she misses q, it's rly simple if u don't dodge the q u will lose the trade. I advise Conqueror + Dshield start into dmg components.
This matchup is mostly a farming matchup, lvl 1 he will probably start e so u start w and be prepared for his belly slam by buffering your w into it so u can always go even in the trades on the first wave u should get prio if u do it right, this lane is all about spacing around his barrel and body slam and farming up. After u get mercs u can use e when u engage him cose the tenacity unstuns u fast enough to jump on him to stun him. I advise Grasp with Mercs rush into Sheen into Tiamat. Play for demolish procs and punish him whenever he tries to move for his team.
This matchup is pretty easy for Jax, lvl 1 u want to zone him from xp with your e cose he can't rly do much vs u if he chooses to trade u to get the xp just take the short trade and play for lvl 2, every time he uses his w and doesn't hit u with it jump on him and fight him cose he can't rly win the all in remember to walk into him when u fight him so when he uses e to dodge your e u are still in range to recast stun. I advise Conqueror + Dblade.
This matchup is not rly hard for Jax, It's literally all about jumping on him on CD and trying to chip him down in order to kill him. I advise Fleet with Dshield and sheen rush with boots.
This matchup is all about not getting hit by his w for free when he farms and stepping on his blobs so he doesn't heal from them, it's all ab trading when he misses q or w and remember to rush executioners vs him. I advise Fleet with Dblade.
This matchup is quite difficult for Jax since he quite literally wins all ins till ur first item, the only window u have to kill him is if u take ignite and try to get both of u low and then try to all in him on that but it's generally risky I'd just advise playing slow and safe till 1st item where u win most of the time. I advise Conqueror + Dblade + Ignite.
Twisted Fate
This matchup is pretty free for Jax, u just want to jump on him without using e till he decides to throw the yellow card and u just chip him down slowly like that. I advise you go Fleet with Dshield Sheen boots rush.
Hi there, my name is Raider, I've been playing League since Season 3.
I'm a multi seasonal Challenger player who is widely known for my 1v9 and consistent playstyle along with being known as one of the best laners on EUW.
I am widely known for my Darius & Jax with whom I've reached Challenger for many seasons in a row and I was one of the only people who got High Korean Challenger playing these two champs exclusively going as high as 1.4k LP KR in S14 Split 2.
In the present, I'm focusing on mostly content creation and coaching along with providing my viewers with the best gameplay possible.
•First off is the early game.
Jax is one of the strongest 1v1 champions in the game, but that doesn't mean his early games are free, which of course that means that this champion is very matchup knowledge dependant and you have to be very careful on when you trade and what you trade for.
In early game, generally this is the weakest part of your game but it's also not that weak but it's abusable from the enemy's side so you have to be careful to never trade too much to the point you're always a gank magnet for the enemy jungler but don't let that refrain you from playing forward since your kit is also very good at dodging ganks because of your ward jump which is basically like a flash.
As for trading in early game,
In most matchups you will look to just chip down your laner with short trades and afterwards just to look to all in them while other matchups will require you to all in them every time you trade with them and the more u play the champion the better you will see these windows for that. Also be careful with trading on slowpushes when it comes to this champion he has an ability that blocks autos which allows u to fight them on a bigger wave but don't make it too long of a fight otherwise you can still lose the fight.
•Second off is the mid/late game.
Generally, on this champion you just want to spend most of your time on the side lane pushing waves and looking to entire hit towers or use the time gained from pushing the waves first to roam, get vision or take enemy or ally camps to further get yourself ahead. The reason behind my success on the champion is because this part is really important to execute properly and the more u play him the better u will use the time gained from the split pushing.
For the team-fights, you can play the fights in two ways:
You can either be fighting them with your team from the front and look to engage and disengage constantly with your low cooldoowns on jump and e or you can play it from a flank in order to mess with their backline since it's quite difficult to kill you if they don't have the right champions hitting you.
I really hope I managed to help you all out with at least some useful information. I would appreciate any feedback regarding this guide since I'm planning to make more for my other champions.
If you really enjoy talking about Jax and/or got further questions I'll be happy to answer them on my Twitch stream.
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