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Lissandra Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Middle Best Lissandra Guide MID/TOP ! [14.16]

Middle Best Lissandra Guide MID/TOP ! [14.16]

Updated on August 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 3,908 Views 0 Comments
3,908 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Lissandra Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on August 21, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

Best Lissandra Guide MID/TOP ! [14.16]

By TryMeIfUDare

Level 1:

Use Ice Shard (Q) to start attacking the enemy laner or to farm minions from a safe distance. This will help you last-hit minions when they are grouped up and sometimes even catch the enemy champion in case he positions himself poorly. It helps take lane control early and slowly chip at the health of your opponent.

Level 2:

At level 2, take a point in Ring of Frost (W). This gives you one of your first dependable crowd-control abilities, rooting enemies in place. Combine with your Ice Shard poke to stop them from getting too close, or to keep yourself safe from an early gank. You can secure some really early trades if the enemy tries to engage on you, so don't be afraid to pop the Ring of Frost.

Level 3:

At rank 3, pick Glacial Path. This is the ability that gives you your mobility, which enables you to engage or disengage much better. Now that you have all three abilities, you can start looking for more aggressive plays. With Glacial Path, you will charge rapidly and then combo with Ring of Frost and Ice Shard into a strong trade. If you are pressured hard, Glacial Path may also be used for a defensive way out or reposition.

Why Should I Play Lissandra?
Lissandra is one of the most controlling champions in League of Legends. Having great CC, strong engage, and a very versatile kit, she is perfect for controlling and locking down key targets in a fight and totally turning a battle on its head with a well-placed ultimate. Her ability to take control in a team fight, create opportunity for the team, and outplay her opponents by her ability to maneuver and utilize has made her a dangerous partner in crime: both in mid and top lanes.

So, speaking of good reasons to play Lissandra, this crowd control is simply unbeatable. Going in with her big AoE root, Ring of Frost, she catches multiple enemies in place, setting them up for follow-up damage from her team. It shines bright in team fights, where Lissandra can possibly create unorganized havoc with a dive, rooting the whole enemy team. Additionally, her ultimate, Frozen Tomb, can be used to lock down a high-priority enemy or for self-cast survivability by creating an impassable zone that deals damage and slows enemies. This makes Lissandra a highly disruptive force within fights, capable of turning around the entire fight with crowd control alone.

Another key strength that Lissandra provides is her ability to take fights according to her whim. She has the ability to throw some distance a claw of ice with her Glacial Path (E), and on reactivation of this ability, she teleports to the claw's location. On top of this mobility, the ability serves as a great initiation or disengage. With Glacial Path, Lissandra could super casually catch folks off guard and quickly close the gap to unload that crowd control—a great tool for confirming kills for the team.

Coupled with her crowd control and engage, Lissandra offers solid wave clear and poke, allowing her to be a strong laner. Her Q Ice Shard is a spammable ability that can hit multiple targets in a line quite easily. This not only helps push waves but also helps in harassing enemies from a distance, enabling Lissandra to maintain lane control and be able to pressure effectively before roaming to assist other lanes. She can put enough power and purpose into clearing waves properly—with good speed and efficiency—that she is perfect for creating and stopping sieges efficiently. She can single-handedly prevent the enemy team from pushing forward at her objectives.

Lissandra's kit also provides her with significant self-peeling and survivability. Her ultimate, Frozen Tomb (R), can be cast on herself to make her invulnerable and untargetable while healing over the duration. This makes her very hard to burst down by enemies and provides her with some much-needed durability to survive in the midst of a fight. With her Ring of Frost (W) and Glacial Path (E), Lissandra can effectively disengage and reposition when things are getting rough for her, making her quite a slippery champion to have as the enemy.

Another reason players like Lissandra is due to the thematic that she gives across the board. Lissandra's lore and visual design both easily portray a cold, calculating nature with a dark, mystical character backed up by the power of ice and frost. She will only freeze and immobilize her enemies completely—that befits her very icy nature as the ice witch, aiming for control and dominance. Lissandra's dark, icy design and sinister nature make her gameplay deep and engaging for those who like cruel, imposing champions.

Finally, players who appreciate tactically rich gameplay will certainly enjoy Lissandra. All of this presents so much potential for really outplaying—in using Glacial Path out of an otherwise hopeless scenario, getting the perfect timing on Frozen Tomb to disrupt just the right moment of the enemy team, or setting up a game-winning play through her crowd control. Lissandra's gameplay will reward brain work from the player's side, anticipation of enemy movement, and its execution. If you like to play champions into the lane that bring along with them aggression, control, and survivability at the same time, Lissandra is your kind of champion.

All in all, Lissandra is a dominant and versatile champion who can control and initiate fights, rendering the lives of the opponent champions meaningless using crowd control and swift mobility. Her influence in teamfights, together with thematic belonging as an Ice Witch, is a great choice for a person loving to use their brain in the game actively and in such a way that they are engaged all the time. Be it commanding the mid lane or making game-changing plays in team fights, Lissandra grants an active and rewarding experience in League of Legends.

    Exceptional Crowd Control
    Strong Engage and Disengage
    High Survivability
    Good Wave Clear
    Team Fight Impact
    Lane Control and Harass
    Versatile Build Paths

    Mana Intensive
    Shorter Range
    Low Burst Damage
    Vulnerable to Poke
    Reliant on Team Coordination
    Risky Engage
    Falls Off Late Game
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Lissandra Guide
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