Build Guide by sfxshinygod
BEST PANTHEON SUPPORT GUIDE! Challenger Pantheon Guide for Season 14
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Runes: PTA (Take Everytime)
Mandatory. You need KILL PRESSURE
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Skill matchup. A good Camille player would always outscale and outdamage Pantheon. Save your E for her jump and try to play around her shield cooldown. Poke down with Q.
Pantheon excels with high-damage ADCs. You win by outdamaging their botlane and support.
Pantheon excels with high-damage ADCs. You win by outdamaging their botlane and support.
Champion Build Guide
Pantheon support might not be the first choice for many players, but it's a surprisingly effective strategy, especially in the current meta. Here's why you should consider giving it a try:
Unique Playstyle
Aggressive Engage: Pantheon's ultimate, Grand Starfall, allows for aggressive engages onto enemy backlines. This can catch opponents off guard and secure early kills or objectives. This also allows you to roam to mid or top and get back to bot in time.
Crowd Control: His Q, Spear Shot, and W, Shield Vault, provide reliable crowd control, making him a valuable asset in teamfights. It's also a great poke tool that allows him to escape without taking damage.
Sustain: Pantheon's passive, Heartseeker Strike, and W provide him with decent sustain, allowing him to stay in lane longer and trade effectively.
Current Meta Advantages
Tank Meta: The current meta favors tankier champions, and Pantheon's ult passive can provide him with a significant advantage, making him counter them without having the need to build items for them.
Engage Comps: Pantheon's engage potential synergizes well with other engage and high damage champions.
Underrated: Because Pantheon support is often overlooked, opponents might be less prepared to deal with his aggressive playstyle, giving you a strategic advantage.
Tips for Playing Pantheon Support
Utilize Grand Starfall: Use your ultimate wisely to engage onto enemy backlines or to secure kills.
Prioritize Crowd Control: Focus on landing your Q and W to disrupt enemy teamfights.
Play Aggressively: Pantheon is a strong early game champion, so don't be afraid to play aggressively and look for opportunities to engage.
Coordinate with Your ADC: Communicate with your ADC to ensure you both are on the same page in terms of engages and rotations.
Practice Laning Phase: Pantheon's laning phase can be challenging, so practice to learn how to trade effectively and avoid getting poked out.
Roam Potential: I'm very reliant on finding roam opportunities to get ahead. Learn the proper roam timers so you know when it's safe to leave your ADC and give your top/midlaners a big advantage.
Cons of Playing Pantheon Support
While Pantheon support offers a unique and powerful playstyle, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:
High Risk, High Reward: Pantheon's aggressive playstyle can lead to high-risk situations. If your engage fails, you and your team could be punished.
Skill-Intensive: Mastering Pantheon support requires a high level of skill and coordination, especially when using his ultimate to engage onto enemy backlines.
Squishy Early Game: Before building tank items, Pantheon can be quite squishy, making him vulnerable to poke damage.
Reliant on Ultimate: Pantheon's ultimate is a significant part of his kit. If you are unable to land it effectively, your impact will be limited.
Limited Ability to Peel: While Pantheon can engage, he has limited ability to peel for his ADC, making him vulnerable to enemy dives.
Terrible When Behind: Pantheon needs kills in order to thrive late game. Do not be afraid in securing the kills and carrying the game yourself (which happens to most of my games).
Despite these cons, Pantheon support can be a highly rewarding and effective strategy. By understanding the risks and playing with caution, you can maximize his potential and help your team achieve victory.
Unique Playstyle
Aggressive Engage: Pantheon's ultimate, Grand Starfall, allows for aggressive engages onto enemy backlines. This can catch opponents off guard and secure early kills or objectives. This also allows you to roam to mid or top and get back to bot in time.
Crowd Control: His Q, Spear Shot, and W, Shield Vault, provide reliable crowd control, making him a valuable asset in teamfights. It's also a great poke tool that allows him to escape without taking damage.
Sustain: Pantheon's passive, Heartseeker Strike, and W provide him with decent sustain, allowing him to stay in lane longer and trade effectively.
Current Meta Advantages
Tank Meta: The current meta favors tankier champions, and Pantheon's ult passive can provide him with a significant advantage, making him counter them without having the need to build items for them.
Engage Comps: Pantheon's engage potential synergizes well with other engage and high damage champions.
Underrated: Because Pantheon support is often overlooked, opponents might be less prepared to deal with his aggressive playstyle, giving you a strategic advantage.
Tips for Playing Pantheon Support
Utilize Grand Starfall: Use your ultimate wisely to engage onto enemy backlines or to secure kills.
Prioritize Crowd Control: Focus on landing your Q and W to disrupt enemy teamfights.
Play Aggressively: Pantheon is a strong early game champion, so don't be afraid to play aggressively and look for opportunities to engage.
Coordinate with Your ADC: Communicate with your ADC to ensure you both are on the same page in terms of engages and rotations.
Practice Laning Phase: Pantheon's laning phase can be challenging, so practice to learn how to trade effectively and avoid getting poked out.
Roam Potential: I'm very reliant on finding roam opportunities to get ahead. Learn the proper roam timers so you know when it's safe to leave your ADC and give your top/midlaners a big advantage.
Cons of Playing Pantheon Support
While Pantheon support offers a unique and powerful playstyle, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:
High Risk, High Reward: Pantheon's aggressive playstyle can lead to high-risk situations. If your engage fails, you and your team could be punished.
Skill-Intensive: Mastering Pantheon support requires a high level of skill and coordination, especially when using his ultimate to engage onto enemy backlines.
Squishy Early Game: Before building tank items, Pantheon can be quite squishy, making him vulnerable to poke damage.
Reliant on Ultimate: Pantheon's ultimate is a significant part of his kit. If you are unable to land it effectively, your impact will be limited.
Limited Ability to Peel: While Pantheon can engage, he has limited ability to peel for his ADC, making him vulnerable to enemy dives.
Terrible When Behind: Pantheon needs kills in order to thrive late game. Do not be afraid in securing the kills and carrying the game yourself (which happens to most of my games).
Despite these cons, Pantheon support can be a highly rewarding and effective strategy. By understanding the risks and playing with caution, you can maximize his potential and help your team achieve victory.
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