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Teemo Build Guide by ScottTheTeemo

Top Best Teemo World

Top Best Teemo World

Updated on September 3, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottTheTeemo Build Guide By ScottTheTeemo 1465 123 2,958,253 Views 23 Comments
1465 123 2,958,253 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottTheTeemo Teemo Build Guide By ScottTheTeemo Updated on September 3, 2022
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Runes: Against Ranged top/counter match up

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Grandmasters s10/11

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S11 Rank 1 Teemo

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Hello peeps , my name is ScottTheTeemo. Come say hi @

Made a very easy guide that everyone can follow and climb with. I'll add more and more details as time flows + update the guide for you guys.

Let's get started.
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Unique Skills ~_~

If they hit a shroom before you start attacking, you need less autos and probably don't have to ignite. (just to be safe, ignite is nice to have for secured kill)

Pick from teemo on an adc at 25min + usually is baron and win. Remember also, you can set up baron/drag with shrooms , make sure you utilize them while you help team mates get objectives.~~
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Tp is viable. After the nerf, however, I suggest Ignite over Tp. BE A LANE BULLY :) EVERYONE's FAVORITE CHAMPION :D

The biggest threat of teemo is the poke. Poke enemy so the enemy calls for a gank.
Trade 1 kill for yourself at the very least when the jungle ganks with flash, ignite, auto, Q .

Some games, you will start realize when you can 2 vs 1 and double kill jungle and top.
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E max will help you farm. Once you hit lvl 11, one shroom should clear the ranged minions. (focus down the cannon, let the melee minions get hit by the other minions) Shrooms can be a great farming tool, as well as mapping.
- - - - - -

Remember, farming well and precise is good, but sometimes you need to save 1 or 2 shrooms to clear wave fast and apply pressure in a lane.
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Creeping / Jungling

You can use shrooms on krugs, chickens for fast farming mid-late game. You can use gromp for life stealing with gunblade. Always watch out for the enemy jg camps, if there are free red/blue buffs available, take them when it is safe to do so.

Another tip for "Jungling" : When you look at the map, and see the enemy jg coming down to get the blue buff or red. Hide in the bush or near it and assasinate the jgler or take the buff and run. Make sure it's not warded before hiding with a vision ward or Oracle lens.

(you can snipe gromp if you have nashors/liandrys over the wall. Shroom Auto Q auto auto)
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Honestly, ban what you want. Riot comes out with a new champion, reworked champion, unbalanced champion, .. etc.etc.etc.... every month.

Everyone's got different bans they like to ban.

However, one good tip will be: CHECK HIGHEST WIN RATES OF TOP LANE <- <- <- If a champion has the highest win rate in top, there's already a good reason to ban that champion.

I personally ban Ryze, Morde and Malphite a lot, because even if I play extremely clean, I never really have a crazy big lead enough to snowball off them.
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Counters Teemo (top lane)

There are few champs that are considered counter picks for teemo. Especially pre-ult. More details on how to deal with every champ coming soon as I develop this guide.

(nunu) <- no counter sorry
1. Ryze
2. Mordekaiser
3. Malphite
4. Jayce
5. Aatrox
6. Yorick
7. Rumble
8. Vladimir
9. Nasus (I know it sounds unusual, I'll explain in detail later)
10. Chogath
11. Urgot
12. Pantheon (not as hard since rework)
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Countered By Teemo (top lane)

Basically, teemo is a lane bully. He is possibly the biggest lane bully in game (after heim/nunu).Here are the many champs that drop the soap pre-6 against teemo Top.

1. Singed
2. Fiora
3. Jax
4. Tryndamere
5. Riven
6. Camille
7. Garen
8. Mundo
9. Poppy
10. Shen
11. Kled
12. Irelia
13. Akali
14. Darius
15. Renekton
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Playing Against Ryze


One of teemo's hardest counters. Ryze is a very well rounded champion in lane. Unless ganks come, do not engage him. Try to focus on farm, max Q with dorans ring and hit only with Q. If you straight trade him, you WILL lose. Farm at turret if possible.

Try to clear waves with shrooms once you hit 6. Don't push the wave if possible, tower farm. Let your jungler know that you will be playing extremely safe. Ask for ganks, if possible.

Key Point: Once you master tower farming, you will need to learn how to watch out for big wave dives. If too much minions collect, watch out for the enemy jungler/midlaner for their tower dive ganks.
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Playing Against Morde

Just trade safe til 6. Once he hits 6. Just clear wave with shrooms.

My personal ban in low elo, and I try to ban ryze in high elo.
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Playing Against Rumble


First of all, get doran's shield + pot. Play defensively, rather than poke with autos. Max Q and Q poke. If you are not 100% certain you can sustain in lane, get tp and tp back to lane pre 6. Go in to poke, or to farm after he uses the "fire of death."

Key note: Use shrooms on the minions close to rumble to dmg him.
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Playing Against Jayce


Max E or Q (personally max Q)

Try to auto + Q him when he's going for minions. Honestly, not the worst to just farm this lane out. He will cheese you at lvl 2-3 , care for that.

He's easy to gank since he's squishy, set up for your jgler well, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Try to dodge every Q+E far shots. If he goes out of vision, he might be trying to snipe you from far. Just stay behind minions and farm as well as you can.
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Playing Against Aatrox

Hell match up. Just farm even 50/50. Don't try to hard to poke or bully. Watch to help jungle and clear wave, don't give free kills to ganks.

Watch out for ult dives, don't let wave collect too much.

Late game, split push bot and give opportunity for Baron for your team.
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Playing Against Yorick

Some teemo otps (my mod (masters) , xblotter (masters) and a few more) , believe this match up is a skill match up.

If your teemo mechanics are perfect, yeah you could probably beat yorick in lane.

Honestly, as someone who's smurfed countless amount of times with so many different champs, this match up is favorable to yorick.

At lvl 1, teemo has advantage, use this wisely, pressure hard. WATCH OUT for level 2 cheese red gank from jg.

Basically, you want to sustain in this lane. Unless enemy yorick is bad, and you can solo kill, wait for ganks.

After lvl 6, he'll kill you even with your jungle ganking if he's decent at the champ. Just clear farm and don't die.

DODGE his W and try to dodge the cage if possible.
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Playing Against Vlad

Vlad can sustain for a long time. Farm safe, catch him when he gets greedy. If we uses pool to disengage against you, ask jgler for help (flash or take kill).

Care for his level 6 all in. If he does this to you at full health, shroom the enemy minion near him to slow him down.

Max Q and trade with Q only.
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Playing Against Chogath

Watch out for his E. Don't trade while he Es.

He will life steal from his passive when he kills a minion.

Try your best to dodge his Q (knock up).

Out-trade/kill him if he misses Q+W ..
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Playing Against Urgot (Ban)


If you didn't ban...

You need to dodge the Q. Once he hits 6, do not fight him. Do not Q him unless he Ws. (the shield + crazy autos)

max E preferred, try to farm 6. (urgot is very easy to gank, bait it )
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Malphite *UPDATED

Currently Favored ban of s11.

Disgusting champion (which is why I played him on my grandmasters account).

If you are not gonna ban, play aggressive as hell and kill him at least once pre level 6. Otherwise he will oneshot you all game...
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Shroom pathways leading to the lane, if the jungle has a good gap close, shroom further in the river or enemy jg for vision.

During baron/drag fights, shroom the paths enemy needs to walk from.

(Honestly watch the stream a bit, and you can learn fast how to shroom well)

During team fights, save 2 shrooms if possible, plant one near you and bounce the other into enemy conclave. Sometimes, you can shroom minions that might activate it and aoe dmg to nearby champions.
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I currently enjoy going nashors -> demonic -> liandrys.

This definitely has some weak points due to not getting mythic early.

However, teemo does stay tanky enough to not get deleted mid game.

Play towards splitting and getting the gold/xp lead with nashors. Teamfight only when very necessary!
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Attack Speed Teemo (alternative build)

Experimental build worked out pretty decently.

Berserker's Greaves

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Wit's End

Blade of the Ruined King

Runaan's Hurricane

Immortal Shieldbow or Kraken
(immortal I enjoy a bit more due to teemo being tanky enough to not get bursted to quickly)

Use Press the attack runes on teemo
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Ad Teemo (onhit)

Press the attack build with

Kraken as your mystic

Berserker Grieves

Blade of ruined king *IMPORTANT for life steal

Guinsoo's Rageblade

You can go zhonyas just for defensive stat, or banshee. (I prefer zhonyas)
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gank timing

usually 2:45 - 3:15 is the first gank timing. be careful of that.

When teemo is level 5 he's still weak to ganks. Watch for that timing. If you can poke the opponent hard enough before the jungle arrives, outplay with shrooms at level 6 for that double kill :)
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Dragon timing

You have to decide if you want to join for dragon or not. First 2 dragons will be tough since you don't have tp. Either set up a timing to walk down after pushing the wave or tell the teammates to give and pressure top hard.

from 3rd dragon + 2nd rift; since there are no plates left, you can lose a wave, roam down earlier and shroom the areas before the fight starts.
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Baron timing

When baron is up you have two choices.

1. You split bot side to bring the enemy champions over, when they come for you the teammates can baron. (This only works if you are stronger than all the enemy champs in 1 vs 1)

2. You group up with teammates and shroom everywhere. Try to assassinate the enemy mid/adc (squishes) to get a pick to get baron started.
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Rift Herald

Be careful of top laners roaming for the herald at the first 14 minutes. If you are playing in higher elo, supports will usually roam up after 1st dragon.

Call your support to come up for 4 vs 4 fight at top side before this happens.
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Against Gwen

She's relatively very easy, just poke her as she gets cs. At 6 just keep one shroom on you, so when she comes in put a shroom on a nearby minion and slow her down.
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After building your first core, I strongly suggest building the orb. Don't finish the whole morello; just the orb for anti healing during the fights!
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Best Offence is Best Defence

I see a lot of teemos get ganked and die to junglers. This makes people scared to play aggressive on teemo.

Play aggressive, keep practicing fighting 1 vs 2 against the enemies. Eventually you'll get good enough to double kill and destroy the game with top gap.
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Lee Sin Top

Lee sin top became the most notable pick in the last few months. Do not ever try to all in him unless you have a perfect kill angle. Poke and ask for jungle help.

If you poke him a lot, enemy jungle will need to help lee sin from getting dived. That's when you 2 vs 2 with your jungle.
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Many players think that teemo counters nasus; this is simply not true.

You can just poke, farm this guy out. Don't fight him after 6. Q him as he tries to Q stack a minion.

If he goes AP nasus with E max, he will out-trade you. Don't fight him, play him like vlad. 50/50 farm.
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Have the blind ready at all times. At 6 he beats you for sure. Never fight him straight on. Kite, poke and shroom behind you while you cs to slow him down
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People ask about darius a lot.. Just Poke the darius and you should be fine. If darius has ghost, never ever extend to push.

Rush Boots early for movement speed.
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Teemo season 11

Teemo really isn't in a good spot at the moment. I would use him to counter pick trynd, singed, jax, fiora, but I wouldn't use him as your 1 trick.

Lets hope riot makes him a bit better again :)
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Neeko Top

Ap Neeko top is not beatable without gank. The only time you can beat is when you push wave and stealth with shrooms. If she steps on a shroom, in auto distance, all in and take the kill.

Farm safe either than that.
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Talon top

Think of this as a farm lane. At 6 he can kill you if you don't have ninja tabi or seekers. (steel boots)
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Kennen Buffed

Normally kennen was easy pre 6. Now that his Q got buffed, he's near impossible. SLAP THAT BAN.
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Cassio Top

This is absolute hell. Literally just farm until jungle comes. DO NOT try to trade and to solo kill her.
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NIdalee top

if he's ap dodge spears , if he's ad blind him as he comes in. play for cs.
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Soraka Top

Surprisingly annoying. Stealth in lane, and full combo her after 1st core.
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Bully her at turret until 6. Play passive after 6. Stealth and kill her in lane.
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Poke aggressive but dodge his E. Blind him before his Q stun comes in.
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Tahm Kench

This is very strong, I actually don't mind banning this at the moment.

Dodge his Tongue and move around when he goes into a bush.
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One of the hardest match up if you get camped. Rush seekers. Freeze on him. Shroom minion as he Es in
blind him for autos and kite.
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Rush Seekers and max Q first.
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This one is tough. He trades just as well as you do, while healing on oranges as well.

You can either take grasp + corrupting and trade him as a beefy mo or go FULL damage and beat him at first core.

Utilize Bushes for the passive increase attack speed over and over. If you can get auto Q auto for one Q, you win the lane.

If you trade auto + Q for 1 Q you go even

If you only trade 1 thing, you lose.
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Anivia Top

This is one of the hardest match ups. Thankfully there are not many anivia tops. Play for farm and jungle ganks.
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Qiyana Top

This is a weird pick I'm seeing alot. Honestly just trade auto Q abd run.
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Veigar Top

Cancer lane 2.0. Play similar to anivia top; farm and stealth cheese.
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If 3-4 AP

If enemy gets 3 ap comp (top/mid/jg) build merc + witsend
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Yone Top

Very difficult to beat. Poke him out (rush oblivion orb) and dive with jungle under turret.
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Vayne Top

Have the Blind Ready at all times. If she comes at your range blind first and then auto back off. Sometimes, blind alone is fine. Once you have blind maxed you can blind first and auto ignite her to death.
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Poke him over cs. Try to get the full auto Q auto trade since he will Q you over and over. If ap jungle as well, take witsend instead of nashor.
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This yordle is annoying. I call it rock teemo. Gotta dodge his Qs in laning phase.

Play to poke and play for ganks/dives with the jungle.

You will outscale in damage after 1st core.
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This one's annoying af. You can Max Q and only poke with Q. If jungle's nearby you can full trade.

Keep trying to track enemy jungle. If enemy jungle plays topside, do not trade too much.

Kite with Q range.
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This is surprisingly hard until 1 core. Ask jungle's help if swain doesn't bring tp.
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Cancer lane. All you can do is just poke the easy stuff. Don't go too ham on pokes; last hit minions.
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Viktor Top

Very Tough. Wits end or banshee not bad.

1v1 you can't beat him until 1 core and you also need to snipe him by stealthing.
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CS > Solo Kill

Solo killing your opponent is good; however, prioritising is more important.

Punish opponents for misstepping with pokes. Avoid all ins, unless it's 100% there.
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Impossible to win 1 vs 1. Try to farm the best you can, wait for ganks.

Especially because he gets a shield now...
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