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Udyr Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Jungle Best Udyr Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

Jungle Best Udyr Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

Updated on August 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 3 3 15,844 Views 0 Comments
3 3 15,844 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Udyr Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on August 19, 2024
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Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Best Udyr Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

By TryMeIfUDare


Why Should I Play Udyr?
This individual is called the Spirit Walker, and there's quite a good reason for it. He is considered one of the most unique champions of all in the game League of Legends; diverse and very flexible in the jungle. Again, Udyr is quite different since most champions use their ultimates, representing his ancestral animal spirits with the four stances. Here are some reasons why you should consider Udyr as your champion.

His versatility is one of the biggest reasons why Udyr is played. Udyr possesses a kit that is able to fluidly swap between four different stances, each imbued with specific useful benefits: Tiger, Turtle, Bear, and Phoenix. It is what lends him a team fight and makes him situational with regard to how a game is progressing. Whether it means to deal damage, soak enemy attacks, chase down opponents, or clear jungle camps, there is always a stance for Udyr in every situation. This flexibility allows for a change of role as the game progresses, making Udyr a potent and highly unpredictable presence on the map.

Another reason why most players are attracted to using Udyr is because of his powerful early game. Udyr is one of the fastest power clear junglers, with his Tiger Stance being good for single-target damage and Phoenix Stance good for area-of-effect damage. This effort in rapid clearing re-establishes Udyr in the jungle, resulting in pan-ganks and objective control for objectives like Dragons and Rift Heralds. His Bear Stance can speed-burst and stun, making ganking quite easy. With proper placement and timing, maybe, Udyr can exert weighty pressure onto an enemy team from very early on, and his ability to do so will control the vehicle for the rest of the tether.

Sustain and great durability are definitely Udyr's strengths. With the acquired shield in the Turtle Stance and lifesteal, Udyr can usually take the damage and heal the lost health at the same time. This makes him incredibly resilient in extended fights, whether he's dueling an opponent or soaking damage on his team's behalf. What this does is make Udyr a champion who is very good at maintaining fights or skirmishes to cause unrelenting damage. Further increasing his tanky builds allows him to be very resilient, making it quite hard for the opposing team to take him down.

Udyr really showcases strength in being able to disrupt and control the battlefield during team fights. Bear Stance on Udyr will enable him to close on a high-priority target, stun them, and ensure that they remain crowd controlled so that they cannot damage or escape him. He was ever present, moving with a speed that made him a constant threat and one the enemies feared. As such, Phoenix Stance can help Udyr to maintain consistent area-of-effect damage, which is good towards chunking down the enemy team for the overall damage output. The mix of crowd control, damage, and tankiness really makes him any team fight very valuable, especially when it comes to urine engages or peels for his teammates.

Aesthetic and thematic appeal is also the other major reason players are drawn towards Udyr. Udyr is a champion who, through some means, has tapped into the primal forces of nature and the world of spirits. Being able to channel the power of different animal spirits is why Udyr has a unique identity in the game, and visually and audibly, this fact is thrust upon the player. There is a lot for players with a liking for champions that have some sort of a connection to nature and spiritualism, and Udyr really does himself justice.

He has a rewarding learning curve; though his kit might appear easy, knowledge and understanding of the exact timings for the transfer from stance to stance are essential for perfect adaptation in loco. Strategic thinkers and those who like to be hands-on during combat will enjoy running Udyr in League. He always offers something new in terms of challenge and development, being heavily reliant on positioning, timing, and stance management.

In general terms, Udyr is a very resilient, multitasking champion—great in the jungle. Be it his flexibility in adapting to any situation, random early-game pressuring, or team fight utility, he fits the bill for a lot of value to players who want to create ample room with a flexible, hands-on play style. Disrupting their carries, cleaning jungle camps with the swiftness of lightning, or tanking damage for your team, Udyr is a uniquely satisfying champion that can help bring your team to victory.

    Strong Early-Game Presence
    High Sustain and Durability
    Great Mobility and Chase Potential
    Effective in Team Fights
    No Mana Dependency
    Thematic Appeal

    No Gap Closers
    Reliant on Melee Range
    Skill-Dependent on Stance Management
    Falls Off Late Game
    Limited Crowd Control
    Predictable Playstyle
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Udyr Guide
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