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Malphite Build Guide by MorganJary

Top Big Thanos' Malphite

Top Big Thanos' Malphite

Updated on December 8, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MorganJary Build Guide By MorganJary 11,545 Views 0 Comments
11,545 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MorganJary Malphite Build Guide By MorganJary Updated on December 8, 2020
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Runes: Armor Scaling

Shield Bash

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


Toplane, duh
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Big Thanos' Malphite

By MorganJary
Why Aftershock?
This build is oriented into the AD heavy meta that the game is currently in.
With this you will trade most of your poke for Armor, but without losing any of the damage of a traditional build.

Aftershock grants you brief, yet massive increase on Armor and MR, which will in turn increase you damage output from W, E and Thornmail.
This will also increase your size to tank more for your team!
Stacking Armor
This is a niche build/pick that you should use if the enemy has 3-4 AD damage sources.
The final goal of the build is to stack as much armor as possible from Runes and Abilities Maxing, before even considering the items.
You capitalize in any kind of damage that scales from Tankyness.
Frostfire instead of Sunfire
The answer is simple. Malphite gets big, Frostfire makes you bigger.
Actual answer: Frostfire grants more armor than Sunfire, additionally makes your auto-attacks slow consistently and also gives a fair bit of tenacity.
It also makes you Tower-level big.
W Max
Instead of the usual Q max for poke, this build maxes W first because of this reasons:
- W Armor scaling: The higher the level of this ability, the more bonus armor you get.
- Armor Damage Scaling: Your abilities and Items that deal damage based on armor get significant boost from maxing this.
- Damage Reduction: You get tons of armor to tank more. It's an ability that grants you both tankyness and damage, whats not to love?
- No mana Increase: This ability cost is always the same, so you don't run out of mana.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MorganJary
MorganJary Malphite Guide
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Big Thanos' Malphite

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