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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Paul Petta

Support Blitz Supp Pioneer

Support Blitz Supp Pioneer

Updated on September 17, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Paul Petta Build Guide By Paul Petta 1,893 Views 0 Comments
1,893 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Paul Petta Blitzcrank Build Guide By Paul Petta Updated on September 17, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Blitzcrank
    Dynamo Blitz
  • LoL Champion: Blitzcrank
    San Gennaro's build
  • LoL Champion: Blitzcrank
    The empowered Iron Fist

Dynamo Blitz

La Dynamo Blitz fa parte delle APB(Approved Pioneering Builds):un gruppo di builds i cui valori sono borderline fra il troll e l'illuminismo pionieristico.
Nelle Dynamo emerge il desiderio di un cambiamento sociale in risposta alla immutabile mentalita' del giocatore ed alla sua inclinazione per quanto concerne il criticare,rinnegare tutto ciò che identifica come "troll",non capendone la potenzialità e rifiutando l'atteggiamento pionieristico che ne deriva.

"La Dynamo Blitz è la build giusta per chi guarda al futuro,al progresso rinnovandosi"-Tom Inamovibile
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San Gennaro's

Nella San Gennaro's(la seconda APB) notiamo una presenza sostanziale del pensiero ontologico popolare volto alla coesistenza tra l'io e dio,o meglio il divino che in questo caso si mostra con con la veste del famoso santo campano.
Questa build basa la sua esistenza nella passiva di Blitz che,sfruttando l'ingente quantitĂ  di mana presente,dona al giocatore una seconda possibilitĂ .
Sta al giocatore stesso decidere sul da farsi che sia prendere a boffe o porgere l'altra guancia.
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The empowered iron fist

Bho,nulla da dire...mena come un fabbro.
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Dynamo Blitz ENG

Dynamo Blitz is part of Approved Pioneering Builds (APB): a group of builds whose values ​​are borderline between the troll and pioneering enlightenment.
In Dynamo emerges the desire for social change in response to the immutable mentality of the player and his inclination to criticize, deny everything he identifies as "trolls", not understanding its potentiality and refusing the pioneering attitude that stems from it .

"Dynamo Blitz is the right build for those who look to the future, progress is renewed" -Tom Inamovibile
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San Gennaro's ENG

In San Gennaro's (the second APB) we notice a substantial presence of popular ontological thinking aimed at the coexistence between the ego and god, or rather the divine who in this case is shown with the robe of the famous saint campan.
This build builds its existence into the Blitz passive, which, taking advantage of the huge amount of mana present, gives the player a second chance.
It is up to the player himself to decide what to do with booming or putting the other cheek.
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The empowered Iron Fist ENG

Bho, nothing to say. . . like a blacksmith*

*this is an italian unpolished expression
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