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black shield and the damage as a support is stupid. A definite ban.
Any champion that can dodge your hook without moving away is a problem. I wouldn't recommend banning him right now because he is really weak but if he gets picked try hooking the support or bating his e.
A skill matchup
He is super strong right now so playing passively should win you the laning phase. Don't hook him
Same as ezreal but with a bit easier to hook and you will see her more often
He doesn't counter you, you don't counter him
He can push you back when you hook the adc or him.He is more useful in teamfights because of his combo so watch out for that. Recommend to bully him in landing phase
Blocks the damage of your Q+E combo and some damage from the adc when you hook him and can make you always hook him.Playing passively can make you win the lane
I think all of you have seen how trundle can block the hooks. Dodge if you are in high elo. If not, just play aggressive and he will forget to save him or his adc
You will win if you know how to hook and if your add isn't trash
She will one shot the adc and you can't do shit about that. Hook her when you can and hopefully you will kill her before the stun
Pretty annoying but not hard at all to beat him
Stay out of AA range and you will win since he can't do the flash+taunt combo that he used to do
I do not like this champion. Way too much damage and he can hide behind his turrets.
Pretty much a free lane if you hook her then the adc
Pretty annoying but apart from that she's beatable. All of her abilities are skillshots so try to dodge them
her E has less range then her.Abuse that. Also I do not recommend hooking her. Instant loss if you do that
make sure she doesn't polymorph the adc and you. He will do more damage and if you hooked her the adc will get the kill
Annoying as fuck. Way too much damage, but if you bully her out in the laning phase you will be alright she is pretty easy to hook
before lvl6 try to kill him. When lvl 6 comes play more passively
her bubble is pretty easy to dodge in my opinion. If she hits the bubble tho you are probably going to die
She sucks late game so if you play passively you will be alright
Easy lane. Just do what biltz does best. Hook
Too strong right now and there is nothing much that you can do about that. Hook the add if possible
I fucking hate this champion. Good luck in the laning phase
you will win if you are better
the ulti is the only thing that can kill you in her kit. Try to dodge it
Hook her and not the adc because then she can heal the adc but can't heal herself
Tahm Kench
just beat him if you arent stupid
Stun annoying as he'll. Pretty winnable laning phase
hook the adc because you will miss her
You don't counter him, he doesn't counter you.
Too much poke. Glad I don't see her that often.
Hope he isn't a smurf
Draven likes early game agression. So do you.
Aphelios can hit his root after or before your hook for more cc and for more time to kill the enemy laner.
Works pretty good even though there is not a reason to have that bot lane fail or win.I dont know why.
I dont like this bot lane when i play blitz. For some reason, I feel like i always make caitlyn fail or caitlyn fails me.
Agressive early game adc that can ešarpe from assasins. Awesome combo with blitz.
I love this botlane. Play passive pre 6 but when you hit 6 go all in.
She hyperscales with 3 items so you are helping her get those items quciker.
Dont. You just dont work
Draven likes early game agression. So do you.
Aphelios can hit his root after or before your hook for more cc and for more time to kill the enemy laner.
Works pretty good even though there is not a reason to have that bot lane fail or win.I dont know why.
I dont like this bot lane when i play blitz. For some reason, I feel like i always make caitlyn fail or caitlyn fails me.
Agressive early game adc that can ešarpe from assasins. Awesome combo with blitz.
I love this botlane. Play passive pre 6 but when you hit 6 go all in.
She hyperscales with 3 items so you are helping her get those items quciker.
In my opinion, blitzcrank is one of the best support to carry your adc and i think no other champion can do it like him
AP Blitzcrank or tank blitzcrank?
In my opinion, tank blitz can do much more then AP blitz because AP blitz is pretty squishy and anything can one shot you.While with tank blitzcrank you can soak a lot of dmg and still be as useful as AP blitz.
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