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Kled Build Guide by Prof Harambe

Jungle Boom Watdup Solo Kled Jungle Only [v12.2]

Jungle Boom Watdup Solo Kled Jungle Only [v12.2]

Updated on July 24, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof Harambe Build Guide By Prof Harambe 7 0 12,281 Views 1 Comments
7 0 12,281 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof Harambe Kled Build Guide By Prof Harambe Updated on July 24, 2022
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Runes: Standard

Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand

Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Boom Watdup Solo Kled Jungle Only [v12.2]

By Prof Harambe
Advanced Kled Jungle Theory
Firstly, how did I come up with this idea? For a long time, I have played a considerable amount of Elise and recently I have felt that the champ is very weak in the current meta. She has a very poor clear, as well as poor scaling. While the champ is good at early game ganks and tower dives, I could not justify playing the champ in the current meta. Not only are there junglers who gank just as well as Elise, they can also farm just as fast. Having good tower dives is not nearly as much as a priority, so Elise is not nearly as viable as a jungler who can both farm fast and gank well.

I identified Kled as having exceptionally good towerdives, on par with Elise, however he does not typically play jungle. I realise that he is actually fairly good in the role, as his clear speed is actually just as good as Elises. You don't typically go for a 5 camp clear, but your clear speed increases dramatically with gold and levels. Here are some pros and cons of the pick.

-Great early game ganks.
-Good carry jungler, bit of everything
-Well rounded.
-Strong Duelist
-Scales well relative to the jungle role (compared to other junglers like Elise who would fall into the same category)
-Better clear than Elise (prove me wrong)
-Unexpected and unpopular champion, people need to flash e1, if they don't you can follow with e2 if they try and flash after.
-Good at dealing with meta/high pickrate champs, Yasuo, Yone, Irelia, due to inbuilt grevious.
-Good objective take (can get skarll back from drake/herald)
-Lots of options (dives, ganks, skirmishes, invades)

-Bad first clear, due to possibility of dismount
-Reliance on pots and runes on first clear
-Falls behind if you can't be proactive
-Get flamed
-CC or enchanters can peel carries from you easily.
-Invades can screw you
-First blood is really nice at accelerating your spike, if you don't get it it's not too bad but definitely not optimal.
-Teammates do not know your limits as well as you do, dives may go badly as a result.
Game Plan:
Kled's first clear is not necessarily slow, but since he has to worry more about getting dismounted than in top he must limit his clear. I would recommend doing a 4 camp clear, into gank, into scuttle. This is more efficient and is what an Elise or Rek'sai may choose to do instead of a standard 5 camp. If you get dismounted, immediately finish your camp and back. Do not try and loiter around with mini-kled, you will not be able to get your mount back in time. Your goal is to get enough gold for a vampiric scepter, utilising future's market for a faster spike. This will allow you to clear without being dismounted and will give you the health to gank more often if you get poked out.

Do not be scared when ganking on this pick, if you land your e in a gank, there is a 90 percent chance you will get a kill by following the target through their dashes. You will drop tower aggro if you dismount, so don't feel pressured to tower dive.

A distinct positive of this pick is the ability to be viable in a variety of situations. Tower dive? Start tanking, deal your burst, then disengage with dismounted Q. Duel in the River? Your Kled, so you win in the majority of cases. Ganking? You have CC on Q and mobility on E, so you bring everything a jungler needs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prof Harambe
Prof Harambe Kled Guide
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Boom Watdup Solo Kled Jungle Only [v12.2]

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