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Ziggs Build Guide by Pembrook

Support Bottom Bully - Ziggs Support Guide

Support Bottom Bully - Ziggs Support Guide

Updated on May 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pembrook Build Guide By Pembrook 84,986 Views 5 Comments
84,986 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pembrook Ziggs Build Guide By Pembrook Updated on May 10, 2014
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Ok so I decided to make this guide because I've never seen anyone play Ziggs support and I honestly think that he is one of the best supports in the game. The few time's I've seen it done it was done wrong and I play it a lot so I want to share my experience. It kills me to let everyone know about all these secrets because soon Ziggs will start raping bottom lane on a wider scale, but I feel as if it's my duty to let the world know. I just hope I never see it when I'm Sona XD

Let me start off by saying this is a very hard support role to pull off. His abilities are great for support if used right but both CC's have a long cooldown and are hard to land. It's easy to lose with a Ziggs support but it's also easy to wreck bottom if you know what your doing.
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So these runes are pretty straight forward. I use these same runes every time. The damage from the AP quints and glyphs is crazy along with the magic penetration. **** anything scaling and **** the hybrids. It's all about getting the advantage early on and doing a **** ton of damage with your poke is how you do it. Also this makes your passive auto attack stronger too. It basically makes you chunk people from level 1.

The armor is essential because your gonna be up against an ADC. They're gonna poke you, especially once they get mad, and that armor really helps.

**** the gold generation runes for Ziggs support. They're good for some support's but not him. He's a bully, you wanna be able to do mad damage and take minimal.
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no defense. Gives you basically everything you need as a support. CDR on abilites and spells, movement speed, sustain (in the spell vamp and lifesteal), mana and health regen, gold.

The other option would be to do pretty much straight Attack mastery's. This will make your bomb's hit way harder throughout the game but makes you less fast, gives you less sustain, less CDR (including on that all important clarity), and less mana and health regen, and less gold. Let me repeath that, LESS GOLD. This is why I chose to use the utility masteries, Ziggs already hits hard enough especially with runes and the items I get but he is a very farm dependent champion. Getting all that extra gold from the support tree (especially 3 gold for every auto attack on champs) makes a BIG difference. Trust me, you already hurt enough. You don't need the attack masteries.
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So one of the big disadvantages to the Ziggs support is that it works too well. Your gonna be doing so much damage early on that your gonna attract their jungler. Happens almost every time. About half my games the jungler just camps bot and it becomes a 2v3.

This is a major problem. You and your ADC are very squishy and if either of you gets stunned it might be certain death (especially you because your the main damage doer and CC early game). I've had games that we were destroying bottom lane, like both of them about to die and both of us full health, and then a proper gank from their jungler and all of a sudden they have the advantage. Two successful ganks and you pretty much are gauranteed to lose bottom turret if your jungler doesn't protect it.

That is why I now think vision is one of the most important things to buy on your first back. vision can save both you and your ADC.
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So I used to pick the Talisman of Ascension but after trying the Frost Queen's Acclaim more I have found that it's the better choice. The amount of health and extra cdr on the talisman aren't worth the amount of hurt and gold you can get from the Frost Queen. What's cool about it is you can still get the 10 gold for champ hits every time while farming with the frostqueen. if you farm with the talisman it becomes escentially useless for gold generation but you can farm while getting more gold from pokes late game with the acclaim. that alone makes it worth it, not to mention that your doing more damage at level 1. Also it gives you more gold from level 1 if your good enough at poking. More gold = better.

The other big thing is that the sustain is pretty much useless with the talisman (the health regen that is). I used to think that since ziggs has such low base health this would all add up to a lot of health, and it does, but is that health really worth the price? if you get bursted on then you die, with our without that health regen. But if you can outburst the enemy because of frost queen's acclaim then you will not die. as long as you play smart and have a few heath potions at all times through the mid game then you shouldn't need that health regen anyway. Normally by the time you reach low health anyway its better to just back. that sustain with the talisman will get you thinking you can stay, and then get ganked. When you have 2000 gold it's better to just go get a needlessly large rod and alacrity on boots then try and sustain any day.
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Skill Sequence

This is what makes Zigg's such a good support. His Q is one of the best pokes in bottom lane once you get good at landing it. It can go over a minion wave and has an extremely long range. Also it's AOE is great and does a ton of damage. If the ADC come's up for a minion kill use Q and an auto attack he'll regret that decision. It has such a short cool down you can normally get in 2 Q's if they decide to stay and poke you. Makes him a super bully. I've been level 5 and seen the enemy at level 2. They're even scared while under their own turret. Really good for securing kills when they run away too. Not a KS if your ADC gets an assist and the enemy would of got away ;)

The Passive also really helps Ziggs support. Use Q then an auto attack and you do a TON of damage early game. Because your not focusing on farming at all basically every auto attack you throw at the enemy is gonna be empowered by the passive. If the minions are close to dying and you don't want to steal the farm from your ADC then you can still poke the enemy hard with this empowered passive because it's not AOE. Wont kill minions and steal farm. Gives them nowhere to hide once you control the bushes

His W is his best support skill, hence why you get it second after the poke. You don't max it second because it only get's two things when maxed, damage and CDR on the ability. The damage doesn't scale that well and the CDR still wont let you spam it even with 40% CDR build. Its awesome because it can knock the opponent backwards and forwards and anyone that is knocked back is temporarily stunned. You can use it to bring an enemy closer to you like blitzcrank and thresh (granted not nearly as far) or to push people away like thresh's knock back. In fact it's better then Thresh's knockback because you can place it, run away, and then activate it later. Use W to bring them closer then E so they can't escape. Then Q and BA's to kill them of course.

This is the best part: sometimes if the enemy is really close to your turret but just outside the range you can you W to knock them into range, thus taking damage XD With exhaust and a minefield follow up that's like a guaranteed kill.

His E is also great for support. If people chase you, you slow them. If people run away, you slow them. Save it, however, for the right time. It is fairly hard to place and very easy to avoid once it's down. It's all about surprise. Place it to where they are forced to walk through it. Cut of escapes routes. You can use W on one half of a lane and then E on the other half right next to each other block off the whole lane temporarily. Between the two abilities it'll literally cover the entire lane. Massive CC.

His ultimate is just awesome. It's great for stealing kills from across the map (if you feel like being a ****). Great for adding to burst damage. Great for securing kills on enemy's behind turret range when they run to back. You can use it to clear minions in another lane without even having to run there (quickest split push in the game). Also it has a relatively short cool down once you max out your CDR.

HERE'S THE BEST WAY TO USE IT: There's 3 bot because their pissed off at the ziggs support. yasuo and a couple other chumps like lux i think. I'm low health and my ADC's backing because he's low health and he sucks. I also am low mana. They're pushing the turret, I have 15 seconds till they get there. Do I back? **** no, that's not support's job. My turret would be destroyed and I don't lose bot without a fight (unlike that ****ty ezreal ADC wanna be me piece of garbage). So what do I do? I use clarity and pop 2 health potions. Those 3 failures get to my turret and I start pelting them with bombs. They see that I'm like half health and alone so they think they can take me. I mean there's 3 of them and they're level 4, and they got a HUGE minion wave. With most champion's I'd be ****ed, not Ziggs. Once they got REALLY close to me I busted my ult, hitting not only all 3 champs but killing every one of their minions. Before they even have the chance to hit me my turret's hitting them. I lay my minefield, knock yasuo back and jump up with my W, throw a bunch of bombs, exhaust their ADC, and get a triple kill. That's why his ult's AWESOME! There were like 20 minions there, i went back with like 4000 gold, wish I had a video of it lol it was crazy.

So yeah Ziggs' abilities are good for controling the flow of things and doing a TON of damage. That's why he's a good support, he's a bully support. Not like one of those healing, passive ******* like Soraka.

Basically he can do everything any other support can do except snare, heal, buff, or debuff your allies. So basically if they don't suck and get hit a lot, Ziggs is good. If the enemy really sucks, Ziggs is really really good. You just need an ADC. Ziggs can do everything else any other support can do: do damage, scare enemy, stun enemy, bring them closer or farther away, slow them, clear minions, and give your allies mana. He's good if your good with him.
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Nowadays I run clarity, heal. I made this change after they put a speed boost on heal. I think that makes that spell OP and hence why I normally use it now. It's better then flash for a support because it get's YOU AND YOUR ADC AWAY, NOT JUST YOU! Flash is all about getting you away, but what if your adc need's a boost too? Heal can also change fights when people think their ahead, then you heal, then your ahead. It's OP considering it affects you and your allie.

This is one of the main reasons I use clarity also: it gives mana to you AND your allie. If you have good teammates you can meet up with mid near dragon with your adc and all 3 of you get the mana boost. Trust me, if you have a xerath on your team he'll GREATLY appreciate the extra mana (especially when your giving it to him at level 2). Also, if you get someone for ADC like Caitlyn or Varus who have those massive pokes it basically gives them an unlimited number of pokes. That's GG if they land theirs and you land yours. The damage is real. You could rush a chalice but that doesn't help the team out as much as giving 3 people mana over and over and over early game and it sacrifices gold you can put towards AP items. Trust me, if your good enough at resource management you'll never run out of mana. By the time the cooldown on clarity is up is right when I need it again.

Exhaust is another viable option. It is game changing if you use it right. Ensure's kills if used right. You can change the heal for exhaust (especially if your adc has heal this'll work) but NEVER GIVE UP THE CLARITY!!!! I think clarity is one of the least appreciated spells in the game and is absolutely necessary for this role. And, like i said, if you give mana to a varus adc and xerath mid it's GG right there. Basically heal is the safe option, exhaust is the aggressive one.
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Throw a Q at the mage minions to "leash" them for your ADC. One Q will bring them down to low enough health for them to one shot them.

Once mid game hits i normally farm like a mid champ to get my items faster and to push lane. SO MANY PEOPLE FOCUS MID ITS ******ED!!! Don't be one of those people. I mean, if a good team fight is brewing then go ahead and help but don't be one of those people just staring at the enemy team under their mid tower. If no one is prepared to dive then go somewhere else. Minion stacks can win games too.
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Team Work

Okay so a lot of people think that ziggs is a bad support because he's bad in a team fight. This is simply not true. His E and his W are great for team fights. If they attack you or your team you can use your W to knock them whereever you want and stun them. Then you follow up with E to damage and slow them. With Lich bane and Q your doing mad damage, they'll regret attacking your team with Ziggs support. If they even get near you just throw a Q and they'll go the other way.

A tank will come in and think he'll get away cause of his magic resistance, but just use Deathfire's grasp and then you and the other mage on your team burst him and no more tank.

If their whole team is chasing your whole team and your all about to die you can use talisman of ascension and lay your W and E, completely blocking of the enemy.

If they are about to attack your turret you can use your ultimate to kill every minion. Then the turret is attacking the champs automatically and you and your team can rush in there (with the talisman) to clean them up. That one works great. They think they're about to get a turret but instead they die...

If one of your allies gets bursted on you can use your W to knock the enemy away from your allie, stunning them, and then use all your other abilities. Save allie, kill enemy. I've done this to save allies that are like one attack away from dying. Support's job is to save allies and help them kill the enemy, mission accomplished.
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Pros / Cons


-TONS of damage
-great CC once your skilled with the moves
-infinite sustain if your good
-fun to play
-strong late game in team fights
-great against squishy people
-pretty much a direct counter for many ADC support combo's
-good in team fights


-VERY squishy
-no way to heal, buff, or debuff ADC
-very mana dependent, if you run out your dead
-hard to lane against people that are tanky or have lots of sustain
-hard to use as a support anyway, very skill shot based (not like sona lol)
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Creeping / Jungling


-TONS of damage
-great CC once your skilled with the moves
-infinite sustain if your good
-fun to play
-strong late game in team fights
-great against squishy people
-pretty much a direct counter for many ADC support combo's
-good in team fights


-VERY squishy
-no way to heal, buff, or debuff ADC
-very mana dependent, if you run out your dead
-hard to lane against people that are tanky or have lots of sustain
-hard to use as a support anyway, very skill shot based (not like sona lol)
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Team Work

Okay so a lot of people think that ziggs is a bad support because he's bad in a team fight. This is simply not true. His E and his W are great for team fights. If they attack you or your team you can use your W to knock them whereever you want and stun them. Then you follow up with E to damage and slow them. With Lich bane and Q your doing mad damage, they'll regret attacking your team with Ziggs support. If they even get near you just throw a Q and they'll go the other way.

A tank will come in and think he'll get away cause of his magic resistance, but just use Deathfire's grasp and then you and the other mage on your team burst him and no more tank.

If their whole team is chasing your whole team and your all about to die you can use talisman of ascension and lay your W and E, completely blocking of the enemy.

If they are about to attack your turret you can use your ultimate to kill every minion. Then the turret is attacking the champs automatically and you and your team can rush in there (with the talisman) to clean them up. That one works great. They think they're about to get a turret but instead they die...

If one of your allies gets bursted on you can use your W to knock the enemy away from your allie, stunning them, and then use all your other abilities. Save allie, kill enemy. I've done this to save allies that are like one attack away from dying. Support's job is to save allies and help them kill the enemy, mission accomplished.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pembrook
Pembrook Ziggs Guide
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Bottom Bully - Ziggs Support Guide

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