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Rengar Build Guide by riquinhuw

AD Offtank (BR)Rengar Build 2-Demolidor tower

AD Offtank (BR)Rengar Build 2-Demolidor tower

Updated on June 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author riquinhuw Build Guide By riquinhuw 3,946 Views 0 Comments
3,946 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author riquinhuw Rengar Build Guide By riquinhuw Updated on June 15, 2013
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Fiz essa build quando lançou ele , se voces gostarem do meu estilo de build so falar que eu continuo a fazer e de um modo mais organizado
I made this build when it launched, if you guys like my style build only say that I still do and in a more organized
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Skill Sequence

Sempre é bom voce começar a sua sequencia deixando o inimigo Slow com o "E" e logo em seguida usando o "Q" para aumentar o attack speed dele e logo em segudia o "W" para curar vida, e lembre de quando tiver perto de ficar com furia 4/5 use o "Q" e quando ficar no modo furia use o "Q" novamente e logo em seguida o "W" e quando der o "Q" isso pode dar um grande buff de attack speed.Voce tambem pode usar o seu "R" para usar mais uam vez o "Q"
It is always good you start your sequence leaving the enemy with Slow "E" and then immediately using the "Q" to increase his attack speed and soon segudia the "W" to cure life and remember when you are near stick with fury 4/5 use the "Q" and when to stay in rage mode use the "Q" again and soon after the "W" and when I give the "Q" that can make a great attack speed buff.You can also use your "R" to use more uam time the "Q"
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Team Work

Sempre que você for top com rengar lembre de apoiar as outras lanes ajudando o mid com ganks rapidos ou ajudando o jungle a fazer Baron/Dragon rapido,
Whenever you are with top rengar remember to support other lanes helping with ganks mid rapidos or helping the jungle doing Baron / Dragon fast,
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Pros / Cons

O Rengar ele é um bom campeão para se jogar e essa build é feita para quem ataca pelas as costas e foge rapido do campo de batalha,mas se voce quiser um tank aconselho a procurar outra build minha de rengar pos ele nessa build nao possui defesa/defesa magica, mas em troca disso voce possui dano elevado e ataque speed para matar rapido e fugir da TF
The rengar he is a good champion to play and this build is made for those who attack the back and quickly flees the battlefield, but if you want a tank advise looking for another build of my rengar pos that he has not build defense / magic defense, but in exchange for that you have high damage and attack speed to kill fast and get away from the TF
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League of Legends Build Guide Author riquinhuw
riquinhuw Rengar Guide
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(BR)Rengar Build 2-Demolidor tower

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